Are you aware that ascension is the most natural process for graduation from your present dimension? it has been many millennia since the gentle, loving resonance shift of ascension has been widespread and normal. Fear, survival and amnesia have taken humanity in a very different direction indeed, and in this new direction, most have completely lost the knowledge that the death process is not the inevitable culmination you have come to expect.Discussion of ascension is becoming much more common as the new energies of your post-shift world begin accelerating beyond previous experience. Many of you have been asking what the benefits of ascension are, beyond the most obvious result of being able to complete your present life without old age, pain, disease and suffering. Most understand that after death the soul lives on and remembers its true divinity. And joyfully, after ascension, the amnesia that settles into the brains of most humans at the time of their birth is never repeated again. imagine never forgetting your divinity! imagine never living with fear, pain or illness. imagine never doubting the divinity of all the others you meet from day to day!So how do you welcome ascension into your experience? We suggest you begin by opening a dialogue with your own body. every cell of your body holds a consciousness; why not dialogue with them and invite them to become your conscious partners in life? inform your body that not only do you love and appreciate it but you want your present beloved, magnificent, physical vehicle to be the one to join you in ascension and partner with you through eternity.Once you have affirmed all of that, don't simply drop it and go back to old habits of thought, continue the conversation. Do so silently, in the loving flow of your meditations, or out loud to add the outer flows and vibrations to the mix.Imagine what life is like for one who is consciously ascending. Depending on the age they are when they awaken, they will begin to adjust to their ideal age. A child (yes, children are consciously claiming enlightenment, too!) will likely continue aging normally until the desired maturity is attained.Have Patience And Begin HealingBodies that have been hosting disease experience a resonance shift that seems to repel the frequencies of illness. In actuality, the body's resonance rises to align with health, and all alignments discordant with health dissolve. There are often temporary side effects from the new frequencies as your cells adjust; symptoms like tiredness, headaches, thirst, sleepiness or insomnia. Please remember that these effects are temporary and are only a part of the adjustment process. Be patient with your body as it works to ascend. Rest, clean water, clean food and time in nature will all help to ease your transition.As your enlightenment evolves, your new resonance will begin to open doorways or energy flows that have long been inaccessible. You will also be able to enjoy easier access to your sacred heart center, which in turn grants you access to the fullness of your spiritual life. There is a huge physical benefit with this; you find access to your own DNA and the ability to revitalize and heal it across all timelines, dimensions and realities. This healing will also spread through your genes, thus affecting members of your same genetic family.Your body was brilliantly designed for immortality. Medical science knows that each cell regenerates completely within every seven-year span. This occurs whether or not you exercise, eat organically, sleep eight hours each night or meditate into the void. Ascension is one of the key modifiers that encourages your cells to regenerate with health, vitality and youth.What trips up most humans are their beliefs and habits. Most of you believe in the aging process, most of you believe in disease. Since energy follows thought 100 percent of the time, your beliefs, which are made from repeated thoughts, in disease open the doorway to allow it into your experience, and that same repetition of thought holds the cells to the disease pattern when they regenerate. To stop the regeneration of disease, these thoughts and their associated emotions must change.Open Yourself to Soul ConsciousnessSo how does one stop thinking fearful thoughts about illness and aging? It takes persistent effort; it requires that poorly directed thoughts be redirected to loving happy thoughts of health and self-love. There is great joy in creating a true conscious relationship with your own soul-that part of you that is infinite, eternal, ageless and in divine health always. The more you consort with your soul, the more you open the opportunity to blend with it. And eventually, sometimes sooner and sometimes later, you become your soul consciousness first and primarily and your ego/personality consciousness second. From this loving perspective, health, inner peace and ascension become your choice.If you wonder at the amount of knowledge needed to accomplish all this, relax and contemplate the wisdom of your own higher self. And we do mean contemplate-think and cogitate about your higher self's own unique and glorious energies. This contemplation aligns you for clear communication with the high self-in both directions! This communication is not only energetically exquisite but also filled with wisdom for you to access and use.Your higher self knows what to do and when to do it. Your job is to grant your higher self the opportunity by practicing your alignment with your own inner being; i.e., meditate!A Glorious TransitionIn partnership with your soul, your higher self will inspire your genes and your DNA to align with the resonance of your own ascension as well as the frequencies required by your body to participate. Please, do not think that we are implying that what you call "death" as it is experienced by the overwhelming majority of humans is a failure, for it is not. Nor are the rituals called "mourning" or "grief" wrong or inappropriate; they are simply wonderful tools for healing and coping used by many people quite powerfully.We do, however, wish you to begin to understand that death is a birth-a graduation-a juicy, glorious and ecstatic transition, and unbeknownst to most of you, a choice. If you are intrigued by the idea of ascension, a good place to begin your preparation is in dialogue with your physical self. Your body and the cells of your body will inform you what they are wanting in order to rise with and live at the ascension frequencies. Some of the communications you will hear will be the expected requests for clean, healthy food and water, time for meditation and exercise-the usual and very logical needs for health in your 3D and 4D reality.And some of the requests will be suggestions such as to bless your body often with unconditional love, even when it is ill, scarred, heavy, thin, old or young, to bless your food so well before you eat it that its resonance shifts to the energy of unconditional love even as you raise your fork to your lips, and on those days when exercise is not possible, to imagine exercising since your body cannot tell the difference between the actual and the visualized. And a good concept worth contemplating might be whether or not there is a difference!Your physical being has a great deal of wisdom to share and supports you in every moment of your life with unconditional love, even to the point of being willing to age and die if you are unaware of or unwilling to choose the option of ascension.Love is the frequency of ascension. Giving and receiving love is the process and the most direct path to the ascended state. Is it the only way to ascension? No, but it is certainly one of the most sacred. We bless you on your path and in your choices. Namasté!Daniel Devoe

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Gary commented on rev.joshua skirvin's blog post Collective of Ascended Masters: The Solar Flash and Three Days of Darkness, Are They Coming?; Channel: Daniel Scranton | Source.
"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"When we hear about Epstein we think of politicians and celebs who were involved with him, but it does make sense that individuals on Wall Street would also be involved as talked about here. The Deep State swamp is definitely all over the place.…"
5 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yes, we always welcome members to post here and freely share their thoughts and ideas...Anything and everything, is fine..."
5 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Good to see that even more people are starting to post on here now :)"
5 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"General Flynn comes on to the Benny show to talk about James Comey's corruption. James Comey could be the key that leads to the even bigger names being exposed."
5 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yes, an interesting vid on physiognomies, Roberto........I will also suggest that the reference to the clay feet of the statue, is as follows..Daniel's dream and prophecy...
The golden head was Babylon, the silver arms and chest were Persia, the…"
5 hours ago
Roberto Durante left a comment on Comment Wall
"very interesting analyse on the physiognomy"
6 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Actually, the thought of ape-man Zelensky meeting the King, makes my flesh crawl...He hasn't changed that shirt he wears, for the last Month, by the looks of things...What a pong he will bring to the palace..💩 Yuk...!!
Moreover, this street thug is…"
6 hours ago