President Putin Claims Queen Elizabeth Is Not Human
Putin has told senior staff and close associates that he believes Queen Elizabeth II shapeshifted while greeting him as a show of strength and a warning to not to mess with the dominant reptilian-Illuminati bloodline.
As your news wire has reported, remember now that World Source Media is not stating that this is true, but we are only sharing what has been said.
Brave Vladimir Putin has told senior staff and associates that Queen Elizabeth II is not human but is a ‘reptilian that shapeshifts between human and reptile form’ and, according to sources close to the President, he has witnessed her shapeshift ‘in the flesh before his very eyes and, in his opinion, as a warning to him personally.’
I visited it last night, the dark sea.
The other side of earth, that which you can't see.
Deep beneath, a formless eye with overwhelming hunger. Old gods, a massive entity, a parasitic world on its own. A miriad of entities flying, thin like an spermatozoid and round shaped like ovuli.
Our roots, swarming with them. The other side is filled with diseace and corruption, product from humankind's degenerative residual thought.
I saw it for a bit, a shape of light. Beautiful, naked manifestation. His words "It swallowed us whole, we have done so ourselves"
The system has adjusted your consciousness to conflict, for feeding purpose. Information and behavioural patterns, most likely those related with sexuality, have been stripped off consciousness. Which makes them likely to be rejected and discarded, to be gathered soon after their generation. Hunger.
Violence is sold in disguise. Turning disease into a sickening mascarade, which final goal is our degenerative perception.
Sounds awful, really.
The reflection, the reflection IS... a pathetic creation, beggin for my attention.
Despite the worldwide goverment dramas we're provided with. Which is much appreciated, like any other form theatric in Creation. What does it mean to be human or not? What is Love?
And more importantly, is it conditioned by shape, ideology, race, good and evil, etc?
It's outsanding how easy is to customize human consciousness. Set it into believing what is "REAL" and what "NOT"
Close your eyes to those begging for your attention. That which the gaze doesn't bestow attention upon, soon dissapears.
Any form, any shape, any race and ideology, good and evil. Dissapears
He sort of has a sickly look on his face while standing next to the queen (I believe this story to be true).
Princess Diana also said that they were reptiles.
Hillary Clinton is a reptile? That doesn't surprise me.
Did you know that the name Elizabeth means "a lizard's birth"?
DARKSTAR: Hillary Clinton was witnessed by Arizona Wilder to be with attendees that participated in occult ceremonies with the royal families of Europe; she states she did not see her shapeshift.
GFL explains all about "royalty" on Earth and where it originates...
if she was human , at least she,d have a heart and ask their brit subjects to stop worshing her like a demagod she is.......lizard ? .funny you ask ......there is an interesting painting of past some "quenn whatever har name is " after brush work revealed a lizzy sitting on the throne.........time is up for quenns and kings. .....power is shifting to tha people and for the people. ..............
MICHAEL: here's a portrait of Queen Elizabeth I, with aging paint revealing an interesting relationship. Direct relative Vlad The Impaler (a.k.a. Dracula) would be proud to hear that the Order of The Dragon still lives on, even at age 90.
Also see David Icke video @