Princess Diana 'was killed for planning to expose senior Brits involved in
the land mine trade'

By _Daily Mail Reporter_
Last updated at 5:31 PM on 31st May 2010

Princess Diana was preparing to unmask those involved in British
manufacturing of land mines, it has been claimed
Diana, Princess of Wales was killed because she planned to expose senior
members of the British arms trade involved with land mines, a leading lawyer
claimed today.
Michael Mansfield QC, who represented Mohamed al-Fayed in the inquest into
the death of his son Dodi and the former royal, said Diana claimed she had
an 'exposure diary' in which she was going to unmask the people most
closely involved with the British manufacturing of land mines.
He told the Hay Festival in mid Wales: 'I think everyone remembers she
raised the profile of the land mines.
'Everybody is aware that the British involvement in the arms trade,
particularly land mines, is and was a huge vested interest.
'It seems to me she had planned various visits. She had already been to
Angola, she was going to Cambodia later in the year.
'She was going to set up an institute for the victims of the land mines
that had been exploded.'
He added: 'A large number of land mines had been manufactured by the
British and I think, and a witness who knew her well claimed, that she had an
exposure diary in which she was going to expose the people most closely
involved in the British arms trade. It seems to me that is not unrelated (to her
Mr Mansfield said there is a missing box of papers which could contain
crucial information.
He said: 'Nobody really knows what was in it. The box exists but when it
was opened there was nothing in it and everybody has forgotten what was in
'I don't know what was in it. It is said there were papers in there, it may
have been the diary or notebook she was keeping in relation to the arms
trade or it may be other correspondence between the royal family and herself.'

British lawyer Michael Mansfield believes the crash that killed Princess
Diana was 'more than a mere accident'
Mr Mansfield said he believed the car crash in Paris in 1997 was 'more than
a mere accident' when he first heard about it.
He said: 'Two people so vilified suddenly end up in a crash. I started to
ask questions about who does this benefit, how did this come about?
'I got asked to do the case from a different channel and they didn't know I
was already very interested in the opportunity, which very few of us ever
get, to get senior security service chiefs and senior politicians in a
witness box.
'I felt very strongly there was more to this case than a mere accident.'
He added: 'The verdict of the jury was not accidental death. The jury had
that option and chose not to take it, they came back to unlawful killing
contributed to by the paparazzi and following vehicles.
'The interesting thing is most immediate vehicles were driven not by
paparazzi but people they have never managed to trace.'
When asked how he distanced himself from conspiracy theorists, Mr Mansfield
said: 'I think most people think I'm a lunatic and that's fine.
'I'm not a conspiracy theorist about everything and there is cock-up as
opposed to conspiracy but it's a very healthy analysis. It gets you to ask
questions you wouldn't otherwise ask.'

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  • kahlili no i do not subscribe i search the net up and down the electronic super highway for stories i feel either relates to us or has been esponged or have not been thought of in a while or something breathing taking for people to see.

    Sometimes a friend out of the blue sends me something i wanted to know about as i have been pondering a thought and out of the blue it is in my email so i read it and post it along on this website.
    • ~synchronicity!~ ;0) keep up the good works!
  • ~wow JASON!~ crazy you brought this post in... i was just researching the heck outta the Princes Diana thing yesterday! (i wonder if you subscribe to the same podcast as me, as it was the topic of discussion this week there.. lol..) anyhoo, there's a woman named Dr. Joye ..(?) who claims Princess Diana was only married into the Royal Family due to her bloodlines being from the House of Windsor (back thru Hanover/ Red Dragon/Reptilian Bloodline), that she was mind~controlled from childhood to fulfill her unsavory destiny & that her womb was used only to house the cloned DNA of noneother than Jesus Christ himself taken from the Shroud of Turin, & this lady claims (not me) that Prince William is an exact replica of JC, &, the Antichrist!! (da, da, da, dahnnn!) Well.. it was an interesting interview & got me wondering again about the 13 Bloodlines, The Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians.. etc. & the British Royal Family (British Aristocracy) etc. i won't say much for the plethora of so~called "conspiracy thories" (possible truths) regarding this topic (& that's my disclaimer for anyone who wants to tell me where to stick my perspectives! lol..) however, i will say, there is, has been, & will be more than a little something having to do with bloodlines/ lineage that comes into play in the unfolding drama of the human species story (i think our human past is very relevant & cannot/should not be dismissed despite our spiritual evolution!) ... I believe Princes Diana knew she was just a pawn on a very large, cosmicly situated chessboard from the very get go... (Queen Elizabeth II even has Bloodt~ties all the way back to Mohammed!) ... dunno.. it's def. worth pondering.. :0) ~cheers good people!~
  • commander light speed i already know that too, i already know she was pregnanat, but like my mommy always says, there are more than three sides to a story. I also know she made it back to her 7th dimensional state of consciousness and i also know she holds no remorse or resentment.

    I also know there was no papparazzi in that tunnel and i also know that two witnesses saw who killed them, and i also dreamed i think rather was shown what had happened, but i also know the royals was invovled in the killing of innocents due to landmone explosions.......

    They will be held accountable as some of the royals are in the weapons industry for atleast 150 yrs prior to her death. I also know that Princess diana's death was mentioned in the bible code so this lead me to believe before the prinecessess incarnation into this life life it was her chosen ordained path to do this......
    • Hi Jason, I'm just seeing this due to searching for it on the site.  

      Have any channels who've contacted her obtained info on the cause of her death, directly from her?  

      I just watched a slew of videos about this on Youtube (unfortunate use of my time, I know).  It seems that the only person claiming she was pregnant is Dodi Fayed.  If you watch his body language when he discusses it, I don't think he's being truthful.  Something just doesn't feel right about him when I watch it.  Her girl friend also stated that Diana had her cycle 2 weeks before on a joint vacation.  I know she could be part of the conspiracy, but is there any evidence other than Dodi's word that she was pregnant?  

      Something definitely seems amiss here.  I hope the real truth comes out someday.

      Thanks for posting this, Jason! 

  • The Biggest Secret
    by David Icke

    - the book that will change the world -

    "As a kid I always wondered how a few islands which you can hardly see on the globe couldhave an Empire that spanned the world. Now the reason is obvious. It was not the Great British Empire at all. It was the empire of the Babylonian Brotherhood."

    "They took the esoteric knowledge. memories and understanding of true history out of general circulation... Ancient accounts...were largely destroyed or withdrawn to secret Brotherhood libraries, not least beneath the Vatican."

    "Overt control...always has a finite life, because in the end there will be a challenge and rebellion against it. Covert control...can go on forever, because you don't rebel against something you don't know exists. A person who thinks he is free will not complain that he is not."

    "The truth of what is going on is so bizarre that most people will not believe it and so you have the perfect situation for ongoing, unchallenged control."

    David Icke (author).

    "David Icke's most powerful and explosive book to date includes the astonishing background to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Every man, woman and child on the planet is affected by the stunning information that Icke exposes. He reveals in documented, sourced detail, how the same interconnecting bloodlines have controlled the planet for thousands of years. How they created all the major religions and suppressed the spiritual and esoteric knowledge that will set humanity free from its mental and emotional prisons.

    It includes a devastating exposé of the true origins of Christianity and the other major religions and documents the suppressed science which explains why the world is facing a time of incredible change and transformation.

    The Biggest Secret is a unique book and is quite rightly dubbed "The book that will change the world". No-one who reads it will ever be the same again."

    Excerpts from the new book
    "The Biggest Secret"
    by David Icke

    Page 478....

    The Brotherhood have technology to mess with the weather and they use it, no doubt about that. We have seen nothing yet. Enormous changes in climate patterns and extremes of weather are likely in this period, along with geological effects as the Earth restructures herself and prepares her body for the shift in the same way that humans are having to do. We and the Earth are being challenged to synchronise our consciousness and its physical expression with the rapidly accelerating frequencies now bathing the planet. The Brotherhood are seeking desperately
    to hide these facts by blaming the weather changes on the 'Greenhouse Effect' or 'EI Nino'. They know: that once people realise that something very different is happening the dominoes will fall and the game will be up. It was the Brotherhood who created the New Age Movement to divert the awakening. The term New Age is the name of a Freemasonic magazine. A mind controlled slave of the American Government, now recovering, confirmed to me that the New Age was launched covertly by the brotherhood and others. Whenever I have made these points, New Agers have dismissed the idea because, they say, the Brotherhood would not want the people to encompass a different view of life. No, not in an ideal world they wouldn't, but this is not an ideal world for them because the energy changes are waking people up. The Brotherhood knew this was coming and what its affect would be. They couldn't jump in a spacecraft and fiddle with the Sun or go into the centre of the galaxy to switch off the new vibration. Their only alternative was to hijack the awakening consciousness and lead it into another cul-de-sac, another rules-and-regulations-religion, where it would be no threat to the Brotherhood Agenda. This they have done with the New Age Movement.

    There are some very sensible and aware people within the New Age doing some great work, but so many others are in denial of what is going on in the world. They are being misled by other dimensional entities, Brotherhood transmissions on the psychic frequencies and channelled communications from the lower fourth dimension. They sit around their candles or wait for an extraterrestrial Ashtar Command to come and whisk them off the planet in a spaceship. Ashtar is a Brotherhood concoction and a play on words with ancient deities like Ashteroth and Ishtar, another name for Queen Semiramis. Much of the New Age mentality will not even talk about the Brotherhood manipulation because 'it's negative'. Yes it is and it will stay that way until we acknowledge it and change it.

    We are clearly being prepared for revelations about these entities, because the highly charged, higher frequency energies will increase dramatically the number of people who see these
    entities of the lower fourth dimension. They need the microchipped control in place before they are seen openly as the vibrational changes advance. The changes are taking away their vibrational cover and the truth has to come out. In preparation for this there is a very long list of movies and television programmes for adults and children about humanoids, friendly and otherwise. I have mentioned The Arrival and V.. The Final Battle, but there are many more.
    In Stargate, the story of time-travelling to an ancient Egypt controlled by extraterrestrials, the possible nature of the 'alien' is revealed when his skin is ripped away at the end. Stargate:
    SG-1 continues the theme of entities occupying human form; Steven Speilberg's Jurassic Park and Lost World bring dinosaurs back.

    For a long time the Brotherhood has been preparing to stop humanity making
    the consciousness shift.

    BOOK 517 pages. Code BSS. $48.00
    This domain may be for sale!
    • ~wow Sim L. & Jason!~ this Icke stuff is interesting. i am familiar with some of Icke's work/messages. i don't ascribe entirely to anyones point of view, but i do collect perspectives. :0) i find this bit to be a bit disconcerting though, & will ponder further on it..: :0/

      They sit around their candles or wait for an extraterrestrial Ashtar Command to come and whisk them off the planet in a spaceship. Ashtar is a Brotherhood concoction and a play on words with ancient deities like Ashteroth and Ishtar, another name for Queen Semiramis.

      also, i had a feeling about this BP oil disaster, from day one, & it's very similar to the feeling i had regarding the 911 incident the morning i heard, & that feeling is that we are being misled & that this "oil spill" is (along with many other seemingly environmental/political disasters) a designed catastrophe to partcicipate in ushering in a "new order" of things.. history repeats itself, & one of the best ways to control history, is to erase & re~write it to make the villian out to be hero, & the hero to be the devil..

      what if... BP is trying to get themself in a corporately startegic place to be one of the major shareholders/ "leaders" in an alternatives to fossil fuels future (our species~inevitable direction) by playing such a front & center role in this current disaster, they could easily come in under a different guise, at a future time, as the leaders in alternative energy solutions... hmm.. :0/ it wouldn't be the first time we all took wooden nickels for gold.. & to all those who say, "this post should be in 'conspiracy theories!'.." well, i say, it's time we all started opening up our minds eyes & looking at every angle of a thing without the need to categorize/dismiss it as a "theory", because that only limits your ability to see the multi~layered/ multi~dimentional aspect of what is going on, has gone on, & will occur... i live in the onion layers of life... i never had a choice to see the microcosm for the macro! ~yours in perseverance, diligence & loves!~
    • Thank you Sim L. david Icke's book is the best of the subject of Diana's death and anyne wanting to learn more i would definitely recommend this.
  • Camilla
  • Interesting perspective. May or may not hold water but we will see. I do not dispute the idea. I believe in a time soon we will know that answer. I am letting her rest in peace and sending her love what ever happened to her, and she chose her time to die as we all do, and also the method, it was her souls choice. I believe wholeheartedly that there was foul play involved. Beyond that is only my speculation. I think she was marked on many levels. I do believe the royal family was involved by way of the Illuminati and that her pregnancy would have not been a wanted thing by the royal family or the illuminati. I think there is something to what Captain L. said. Also she was marked for her knowledge about the land mines situation and the British Arms traders, which is I am sure Illuminati linked and controlled and that she was so willing to speak out about it. Could be a combination of all facts involved.

    Thank you for this very interesting article Jason. You always post the most interesting stuff and give me lots to think about.
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