by Zen Gardner
Oddly enough the light we see about us is not real light. It’s a lower level energetically illuminated projection called “visible light”. We call it light, but like so many things, there are real versions and layers of imposter or incomplete versions. It’s not just semantics. We see in just a very thin slice of the big energy picture.
The perfect analogy to locked-in, stringently limited perception versus true conscious awareness.
It appears to be a metaphysical discussion but this is very applicable to everyday living. In fact it’s essential. Which is why it’s so discouraged. And this analogy with the light spectrum is a perfect one. Conscious understanding is the real, yet non-physical light. If that’s the True light, what is this other one we so readily use to measure and supposedly understand the world around us?
When people say they “see” or understand something, within what wavelength are they operating? It would be interesting if people were calibrated for their capability level so we’d know who sees the real world and who just sees the highly limited and confined visible world. They used to be called seers, shamans, visionaries, mystics, elders or the like.
Fact is, we’re all each of those things…we just need to wake up to it and exercise these innate gifts. And again, that’s what they fear and try to suppress.
Visible Light and Visible Truths – All Severely Limited
So many people take what they see at face value and according to accepted interpretation. They operate as if what they’ve basically been taught to understand or perceive is true and base their lives on it, before they even have a chance to question anything. The parameters are set within a highly contained, meticulously designed society, so by the time they have the impetus to question the fundamentals they’ve been given they’re already well on their way to total serfdom.
And to question all this is anathema to this carefully constructed society.
This is why when a deeper or more realistic mega-model is exposed to people it is very hard for them to accept. A lot of social issues are also at play, but basically we’re seeing hardly anything of what’s really going on around us. Predictably that viewpoint is discouraged. Instead we’re told we make our own destiny…within their framework of course.
Whatta joy.
Similarly, within this limited “visible” band of light or energy, what is manifested or projected within this realm is but the tip of the iceberg of related fields of energy and information that everything resonates with and is intrinsically attached to. To not grasp this inter-connectivity is to miss the big picture, real perception, and people are left to draw conclusions or be told conclusions based on a very limited and untrue narrow band of a contained reality.
Same as this visible light spectrum. It’s absurdly short-sighted, so to speak. (Note: Never mind considering other dimensions..I mean, c’mon…)
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