Psychic Attacks
Okay first, the basic definition of a psychic attack, sending negative energy atanother person. This is supposed to be the realm of witches, voodoo,and black magicians yet it's really quite common in most people'severyday lives. In fact, every time you judge another person, everytime you get angry at another person, every time you hate another,it's a psychic attack against that person. Aren't these things allsending negative thoughts at another person? Psychic attacks aresupposed to be something done secretly, but how much worse is it whenyou actually tell another person things like they're worthless or youhate them? In abusive and controlling relationships, there's anenergy exchange just as destructive, if not more destructive, thanwhat's usually considered a psychic attack.
In so many jobs the manager tries to dominate the employees and the employees resentthe manager for it. It's psychic warfare in every sense of the word,and both parties succeed in dragging each other down. People areoften concerned with some negative entities or demons going afterthem, yet they barely acknowledge the wars raging within their“normal” lives that are far more damaging, and real. A preachermay give his fears away to his followers, and yet the people blameSatan for making them afraid. The most effective psychic attack is tospread your fears to another person, and yet when a parent does thisto a child, as nearly every parent does, it's not considered apsychic attack at all.
There's a war raging in the collective unconsciousness just as bad as the physicalwars. In fact, the physical wars are just a manifestation of thispsychic warfare. How could there be any wars between countries ifthere wasn't fear and hatred running rampant behind the scenes? Thepsychic warfare may not kill people physically, but it certainlykills them spiritually. It kills their love of Life and without thatpeople might as well be physically dead, they aren't really Living.
Yet there are no victims here. Everything you do to another, you do to yourself aswell. You can't hate another without having that same hate presentwithin yourself. So the victimizers are really the victims as well,which means neither really exists, except the Being within. The hurtpeople cause each other is only within you if you accept it. When yousee there are no victims, you stop being a victim, and you see thatnothing outside of yourself can harm you. When you're Present withinyourself, you're Conscious of what's moving around your energy fieldand then why would you make another's negativity your own?
Will, Mother & Father God
I read my poem 'UFO'
the painting is an early painting 'främmande galax'
For many years I truly hated my abductors and felt that they had ruined my life and I bore great malace and fear and resentment and had a very large chip on my shoulder and soul. It took me a very long time to forgive all that had happened to me and accept it, and to truly forgive my abductors for what they did to me, and to forgive MYSELF if indeed I chose to experience all that I did (the verdict is still out on that thought still). Once I truly forgave it ALL then I finally found peace in my life. I stopped feeling that I must have done something truly heinous and horrific in the past to have had to have the karma which I must have been playing out and feeling bad about myself and feeling dirty not even knowing what it was I could have possibly done. So now I forgive ME AND all the people who passed judgement on me because I felt I was a victim, and forgive my abductors and it feels wonderful. Forgiveness is the most wonderful medicine of all, you are right. And I am finally at peace.
I feel you understand, and its soooo easy to miss the small memes
Please dont judge fear, and remember that which is opposed is focused upon and grows stronger. Also "negative"(if such a thing exists) energy is just as natural as any other energy, what I feel is important is comprehension and acceptance rather than reaction, and blindness. But even ignorance is bliss.
Its soo difficult to address this topic without falling prey to the very things we are trying not to express.
Ok- sorry if this comes across a little condecending but I dont know how else to express this stuff..
For some. ignorance of what is below will be bliss, if you feel you fall into this group please skip past this reply. Author cannot be held responsible for the contents of your reality and any changes you decide or do not decide to make as a result.
**The main course**
Tell a vision is just that, what works in one persons reality is not necessarily going to be benefitial to the being of another. But thats a problem of introducing technology beyond enlightened understanding to a society unprepared for the impact. We should have learnt that one when we introduced fire, but then what would we have learnt.
Should? *Cough* (surely a judgement being made there too) Why SHOULD people be happy. I think people have a right to be, no matter who they are or what they are being. I have met some genuinely happy being unhappy people. - The ignorance of their choice further makes them happy, they chose to forget they were doing it, so who am I to impose my vision on their reality of themselves?
All this talk of wars, reminds me of wizard wars, and while I accept that there are a lot of interesting information particles being passed and projected around, I dont see a focused assault by any invidividual, except those who are already themselves hurt/twisted by experience or state of being, and then you could only consider it a miscommunication.
Though this could be because I have been on the "front line" and there is non among you who have any remote chance of matching me in a "War over Psychic Territory". ( joke ... maybe :D )(Maybe Im the evil one :)
The physical wars can all be broken down into arguments over judgements about which reality is "Right", there being no such thing I believe that eventually many will see this/ or they will wipe eachother out (natural selection/the culmination of their chosen experience this life). Regardless of if the agression is physical or psychic/emotional etc.. I believe that its part expected behavior(i.e. society programmed responses), or reaction(society programmed and genetic instinctual responses), or miscommunication(expressing hurt though your hurt).
Everyone has the right to be Angry, and it is a natural response to being hurt, whats important I believe, is to respond rather than react. Anger focused is a powerful source of determination and if used appropriately can create amazing and benefitial changes. I also like to look at why I am angry and that usually - when expressed as "I feel hurt(angry) because I feel/think --- Reason" usually solves any miscommunication. Most often I get Angry becuase of the silly games we decide that we have to play and the systems of idiocy, but these are not people, they are structures and frameworks of established behavior and reality which are due for alteration/deletion.
Fear keeps us safe while also sometimes over limiting our experience, but again, allowing us to then have faith and step out of our safe zone and find courage. Even the courage to express our Anger as an expression of what we are frightend of.
As for why would I willingly accept energies that are harmful to me? Why do I choose to get ill every now and again, I have an amazing immune system as a result. In energy terms this not only allows me to understand what people go through, but also help them to identify antidotes to those energies, soothe souls and do my bit of heartsharing. We are all one, we are in it together, when another is hurt, and I am there for them, I am here for myself.
I am very tired of the "enlightened" community falling back on the simple Good/Bad, +ve/-ve diametric models of reality and really wish that instead of black and white they could see colour. But I am in no position to dictate, only inspire, and maybe balck and white is the way it needs to be for some people.
Those who hear will.
For some ignorance of the above will be bliss.
If ignorance is bliss then ignorant people would be blissful. It's simply the logical conclusion of what you stated, perhaps the judgment is on your part...
Are ignorant people blissful? Not that I've seen, distracted yes, hysterical sometimes, but not blissful. True Bliss requires one to be aware of Where Bliss Comes From, you can't get that from being ignorant.
I am very tired of the "enlightened" community falling back on the simple "we create our own reality". People create their personal illusion, REALITY IS THIS PLACE WE'RE ALL SHARING TOGETHER. If I created my own reality, ignoring something would make it go away. That's not how it works, ignoring ones attachments makes them fester under the surface. They get more and more obnoxious until a person has no choice but to face them.
In fact, you put an excellent refutation of people creating their own reality in what you wrote: "We are all one, we are in it together, when another is hurt, and I am there for them, I am here for myself."
And fear doesn't keep us safe, fear draws closer the very things we're trying to ignore.
That being said, there's a whole lot more than a simple semantic discussion in what I wrote as a reply...