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Scientists confirmed a multi-coloured snowfall – ranging from light purple to brown – had landed in Russia's Stavropol Region.
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Havinganalysed the samples, climatologists ruled that the snow is perfectlysafe. However, eating purple snow is still not recommended asscientists say it is full of dust from Africa.
A massive dust cyclone rose to upper atmosphere layers and then mixed with regular snow clouds in Russia's South.
So,as a matter of fact, purple snow was an expeditious shipping of Africansand beaches to Stavropol region. If it was not for negativetemperatures, its residents could already be having sand-bathes.
A similar incident took place some years ago in Russia's Far East.
Logictells you, no way dust turns snow purple what a load ofbollocks...there is no chemical action in snow to react and turn normaldust into purple, logical law is intellectual spiritual in science andthis tells you neutral water mixed with dust does not equalpurple snow. it's not the logical law of natural science.
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