Putin BLOWS UP Over Obama Blaming Him For Emails, Releases Proof Obama Is Head Of ISIS

Putin, Fearing For His Country, Declares WWIII Is Coming If Obama Makes One More Wrong Move
Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama are the founders of ISIS.
When Donald Trump made that statement several months ago, liberal media pundits lost their mind. They could not believe Trump abandoned political correctness and called out criminals for their libelous acts.
Clinton and Obama did not just create ISIS, they micro-managed them for years. This was part of their master plan in 2012, and they are now being exposed for it.
In a WikiLeaks email, a memo was created by Obama’s top military advisers that made its way to all of our federal agencies, including Hillary Clinton at the State Department
Their Hidden Agenda Is Now Being Exposed
Hillary and Obama were well aware that ISIS was forming and they knew exactly where they wanted to take control–so why did they not eliminate this terrorist group right then and there?
Obama and Hillary are both globalists that dream of a hemispheric common market, with open borders and open trade. In order to accomplish their goal of doing so, they needed a major player to do the dirty work for them. That is why they allowed ISIS to form, metastasize, grow, and take control of the Middle East.
Obama and Hillary’s Globalist Dictatorship Revealed
On top of allowing ISIS to wreck havoc, they needed someone very wealthy to finance the operation and push the agenda in a way that could not be traced back to either of them and the United States government. That is where George Soros comes into play.
Soros, a wealthy crony, has long financed open borders, global agendas, silencing the people, and dictators. This master-plan plays perfectly into what he has been wanting to do for years
Obama has made mistakes all his life so one more mistake he can easily make...who choose him as president will regret to the dust .