Yesterday I listened to several people discussing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. First of all do not believe what the media is telling you. The truth is that the Ukraine is headquarters for the Deep State. Zelensky is Deep State and must be removed. Hopefully Russia will destroy the DUMBs. One of the things that has been going on underground is the development of a “cyber” pandemic. Taking them out was planned some time ago. It would have transpired differently because Trump would still have been President of the United States. Do you think the players are not aware that a Deep State group (O’Biden) is running the White House? They, too, have nowhere to go and will be captured. Keep your eyes open. When something happens in front of you, look to the side of you. The traps are being set all around them. Listen to Pastor David Scarlett and through him all the Generals around the world. Listen to Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter. Listen to Michael Jaco X NavySEAL & CIA operative. Listen to MonkeyWerx and you will be shown cyber alerts.A
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Putin is NOT the bad guy. Many are still asleep and don’t know the CABAL’s HQ is in Ukraine alone with the biden family $$$$$$$ and others. US taxpayers money that was intended for Ukraine and is given back to the politicians in the way of corruption. My reading says Putin was given the green light by the white hats to arrest the CABAL members and the mafia, and protect the nuke reactors so the CABAL can’t use them for something deadly. Remember when Putin gave Trump the soccer ball and said it was in his court? Have any of you paid attention to the relationship Trump and Putin have by gestures on video? These 2 highly respect each other.
Also many military/medical facilities were taken out that were paid for or supported by our DoD with tax payer money. This includes child sex trafficking and adrenochrome manufacture. There is much more going on that the average person knows. Trudeau, Klaus Schwab are of the same mold along with Soros and his group. These scumbags will eventually be taken out. Feel free to comment with facts as I have only scratched the surface. Know that biden and his communist CABAL supporters in Congress are on their way to hell!