The mystery swirling around Vladimir Putin has just gotten stranger.
According to Putin’s ex wife, former First Lady of Russia Lyudmila Putina, Putin has been long dead and she refused to cooperate with Power Elite in this ruse.
She claims that Putin’s assassination had been in the works for some time and was a well plotted out plan.
Putina also claims her and her daughter were threatened with death if they didn’t play along.
Translation of German article:
A german newspaper ie Welt published a sensational interview with former First Lady of Russia Lyudmila Putina.
My husband, unfortunately, have long been dead. I have to admit it publicly, because I could no longer see what is happening on his behalf. It’s terrible people.
They did not stop at nothing. I am afraid that now they will kill me and daughters as well as killed him.
Our family was not exactly perfect. When I got married, I was in love with intelligence officers. But the reality was quite different.
Putin was a vile, cruel man, a tyrant. He never considered me, simply did not notice my existence.
I needed it only for reference and the composition of the family as a mother for his children.
I find it hard to talk about it, but Putin beat me, humiliated, made fun of me. Life with him was torture.
I tried to fight, not just going to file for divorce. But this man did not have anything sacred. To silence me, he handed me over to a psychiatric clinic.
I went through all the circles of hell … narcotics, psychotropic substances, bullying.
For a long time I was locked up in prison for a long time and I never saw sunlight never seen people. I still remember it with horror.
From young and self-confident woman, I became a shadow, my will was broken, I sogalsilas all conditions, only to come out.
But that began after his death, all is beyond description.
He was then a difficult period. I’m sure he did not tell, I became even more withdrawn.
A month before the death of the night, without warning brought daughters – I do not even know where.
And then he was gone completely.
At night we came home, some people – some of them I knew, someone saw the first time. Break everything upside down, we reviewed all the papers, all the walls in the house rattled.
They told me only one thing: “If you want to live – be silent.”
All questions about her husband briefly replied that he would soon come that he important retreat and in the interest of national security is not worth it to me with anybody to discuss. A few days later came his first … understudy.
Later I learned that the murder of Vladimir prepared ahead of time, it eliminated when the first twin was almost ready to take his place. Outwardly, he was of course very much like Putin – I was impressed.
But it was a completely different person.
They somehow managed to track down the girls. And I issued an ultimatum – or I play the role of devoted wife or me or daughters no longer live. I had no choice. I first tried to avoid public events.
Corrosive media attention, intrigue and gossip – all this sickens me. But I pretend to be the wife of another man was even worse.
So they prepared a double for me – when I say that something does not go as planned scenario, wipe out embarrassments. If they had time to bring my double to more or less successful similarities would have killed me long ago.
Miraculously, we managed to escape.
For obvious reasons, I can not call the people who have helped us to stop this terrible dramatization and escape. “Divorce” was my deliverance.
Now I live abroad, I’m fine.
But I’m afraid to see what is happening with Russia.
People come to your senses!
You live like beggars, barely making ends meet, because you mercilessly obovorovyvayut and deceive. And now there is a question of the survival of the indigenous people of Russia.
If you do not stop a coward and ignore what is happening in the country – you do not live.
So could this account by Putina be true?
Is Vladimir dead and been dead for some time now?
The conspiracy surrounding the question of body doubles and fake Putins is confirmed by his ex wife.
Another possible ocnfirmation to this is last year WorldTruth.Tv published an article titled ‘NWO Attempted Assassination of Vladimir Putin, But Got the Wrong Plane‘ and I got a lot of slack for publishing the truth.
Now the elite have completed their agenda, they actually got to Vladimir Putin and he was killed and replaced with a body double.
The German newspaper Die Welt published a sensational interview with former First Lady of Russia Lyudmila Putina.
My husband, unfortunately, have long been dead.
I have to admit it publicly, because I could no longer see what is happening on his behalf. It’s terrible people.
They did not stop at nothing. I am afraid that now they will kill me and daughters as well as killed him.
Our family was not exactly perfect. When I got married, I was in love with intelligence officers. But the reality was quite different. Putin was a vile, cruel man, a tyrant.
He never considered me, simply did not notice my existence. I needed it only for reference and the composition of the family as a mother for his children.
I find it hard to talk about it, but Putin beat me, humiliated, made fun of me. Life with him was torture.
Always used to like Putin, thought he was HOT, now my opinion has changed about him.
well, one thing is for sure - it is not impossible....
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