A foreboding Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has ordered Federation military forces to cross Turkish President Recep Erdogan’s “red line” by assisting Syrian Kurds in defeating ISIS, and has further authorized the immediate sinking of the NATO warships that have just entered the Black Sea should they near the nation’s territorial boundaries.

According to this report, President Erdogan’s “red line” regarding the Kurdish peoples in Syria was drawn by him this past February when he stated: “We will never allow the establishment of a [Kurdish] state in Syria’s north and our south. We will continue our fight in this regard no matter what it costs.”

Erdogan’s greatest fear, this report explains, is the link up of the three majority Kurdish cantons of northern Syria (Jazira, Kobane and Afrin) which would eliminate the territory now held by Turkish armed Islamic terrorists providing his terroristic criminal cartel with$800 million of profit earned this year alone from the smuggling of illegal Islamic State oil being funneled through this area to the port of Ceyhan in the Adana Province in southern Turkey.

With Federation Aerospace Forces, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) forces and Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPGsmashing Turkey’s “game in Syria in order to seal the Turkey-Syria border away from Islamic State oil being smuggled through it, this report continues, Erdogan carried through with his threat the “Turkish Army will strike” by his downing of a Federation bomber aircraft as these Russian allied forces moved westward—and as G. Murphy Donovan, a former US intelligence officer, writing for the American Thinker, likewise stated about: “How Russian airstrikes in Syria threaten Turkey is not really much of a mystery. Russians were known to be bombing terrorist oil targets south of the Turk border – too effectively it seems.”

Russian military intelligence analysts in this report have further expounded on this crisis by noting that the priority of Turkey all along was to allow the CIA – in the shadows – to run a “rat line” weaponizing a gaggle of invisible “moderate rebels” in Syria.

Now the CIA is on a mission from God, this report continues, frantically trying to prevent their “rat line” from being definitely smashed by the Syrian Arab Army and YPG on the ground and Russia in the air as the advanced arm of the “4+1” alliance – Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, plus Hezbollah – is taking no prisoners trying to re-conquer the key corridors Erdogan has been using to smuggle illegal Syrian and Iraqi through with the help of Islamic State terrorists.

As Turkey confronts Russia, World War III looms ever closer as many are now warning that the West cannot afford the luxury of being principled, as the military bases and aerodromes are far more precious than any proof of Turkey’s involvement in the Islamic State oil business—and with Russia’s deployment of its sophisticated S-400 air defence system in Syria, and the presence of Turkish submarines near the Russian cruiser Moskva, this crisis has now put the world one step away from a full-scale war.

Likewise issuing a World War III warning on this crisis, this report notes, is Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer, who recently stated that the chances that President Putin will unleash a nuclear war over Turkey is now “very likely”.

And to fully understand President Putin’s “thoughts/mindset” on this crisis as the world stands on the brink of war, this report says, one only need read the words he spoke yesterday when in mentioning President Erdogan he said: “Apparently Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey by taking their sanity.”

With Erdogan’s push to create a new Ottoman Empire with Islamic State terrorists “blowing up in its own face”, MoD intelligence analysts in this report further note, President Putin’s staggering retaliations against Turkey now include today’s cancelling of the massive Turkish Stream pipeline project along with a planned total shutdown of all Federation natural gas supplies—and with Turkey being dependent on Russia for 70% of its gas, and only having left a 14-day supply, Erdogan, nevertheless, arrogantly replied: “We have not lived with natural gas all our lives… this nation is accustomed to hardship.”

To fully understand what is really “Behind the Curtain” regarding the Middle East, ISIS, Turkey, and the US strategic attempt to reduce Russia’s control over energy to Europe, this report explains, one must start back in 2009 when Qatar proposed a pipeline plan to Syrian leader Assad to send its natural gas to Europe via Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan.

Assad refused it and this has been the entire pretend reason why the Obama regime wanted to invade Syria. The reason for the refusal was to protect the interests of Assad’s long-time ally, Russia, which is Europe’s biggest natural gas supplier based upon all the data.

It was just one year after Qatar’s proposal, that Assad began negotiations for another pipeline plan with Iran, which would carry Iranian gas to Europe across Iraq and Syria.

Russia endorsed this project since it would clearly have more control over gas flow rather than US linked Qatar. This agreement would strategically place control of the gas flow to Europe in Russia’s hands.

Consequently, the Iranian pipeline became a priority for Russia, and since Syria and Russia are working together to block the Qatar pipeline and create the alternative Iranian pipeline, this created the seeds for World War III we are seeing now looming on the horizon.

So clearly, Obama and his EU-Islamic allies have targeted Russia from the outset. In fact, there was a meeting between Obama and Putin at the United Nations where Putin tried to get Obama on side with Syria against the Islamic State—but Obama rejected the proposal.

So when Russian forces entered Syria on 30 September against the Islamic State, this was a ominous event. Russia was not only backing the Assad regime, it was also backing the Iranian pipeline.

So as President Putin battles against a unified team of bandits and Turkish elites who operate in this region to steal oil from their neighbours Iraq and Syria, this report concludes, and as feared Russian air defense systems now are being sent to Iran too, the “murder and mayhem” unleashed by the Obama regime against all of its enemies (Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Syria) so it can control the world now has the Federation in its sights—but who, unlike those now devastated nations, is not only able, but is now fully prepared to fight back lest Russia too becomes a wasteland too.

… Continue reading Putin Orders Military To Cross Turkey “Red Line”, Prepare To Sink NATO Warships

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  • No , war ain't  nice , that's for sure.

    USrahell have murdered a few millions now.- in what paper can you read about that?

    The difference between Russia and USrahell is that Russia wants to stop the westfunded/trained ISIS , and they have done more the first two weeks of bombing versus what USrahell did in two years.

    Isn't that something you should ponder about?

    Maybe they don't want to hit the terrorists?

    Why do you Think that Turkey shot down the Russian jet?

    And why doesn't USrahell bomb the trucks that transport the stolen oil.


  • And also , the US and it's allies warfare in Syria are ILLEGAL.

    The've not been invited by the Syrian government who by the Syrian people (87% vote) chosed Al Assad.

    Israel has also bombed in Syria on it's own.


    How would you Amerikkans react if Canada flew by with some bombs and dropped over you , because they felt for it?

    Please Watch this to know the bigger Picture:


    • Andronover, this is indeed the crux of the current matter in Syria....The US and it's allies are all breaking international law, in spite of strong arming at the UN....Including my own country of GB....

      In contrast, those nations that are operating with the full permission of the sovereign nation state and legitimate government in Damascus, are Russia, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran.....

      Note that the Turks have been completely imperialistic in their entire approach to Syrian sovereignty.....They are, of course, working with ISIL and the PROOF of oil trading has been gleaned by Russian aerial recon.....

      Again, all known about in Washington......How could they not know this trade...??? Obviously, ISIL is a western created "business" using Turkish logistics and Saudi religious extremist ideology.....The mask is slipping, however...

      The real work of dealing with ISIL is being completed by Russia and it's allies, not the US, who pretend, as ever...and cannot deny the piling evidence for much longer....

      Thanks, Drekx

  • Andromedan and AO , where have you been?

    Putin evil???

    Come on , you know better - don't you?

    Russia is standing against the establishment of New World Order , and their ultimate goal  - THE GREATER ISRAEL.

    If you havn't Heard it , you can google it and educate yourselves.

    And AO - you make it sounds as if you don't have a clue of who is funding and training ISIS?

    Are you guys serious?

    Or do you know??


    Educate yourselves here:


    False flag attacks are used to get to these votes through:


    And this is part of ISOIS funding , with the west standing with Eyes wide shut :


    Where Does ISIS Get Its Funding? Maybe We Should Ask Our Allies
    What if Putin is right?
  • @Andromedan
    "Gonna have to disagree with your 90% claim. Perhaps 30%."

    The latest maps that show where Russia is bombing and where IS is, tell a different story.

    "We all know you are seriously opposed to russians though only someone with their head in the sand can claims Putin is not the LESSER of 2 evils."

    We'll see about that. If Russia gets a Power Base in Syria when all opposed to Assad has been bombed to death, I bet that it won't be as tolerant for homo's and non-christians as it used to be. Syria may utimately be turned into Chechnya in notime there.

    "Ultimately Putin is playing chess."

    And he's WINNING, thanks to the Turkey TREASON on NATO's integrity. It kind of makes me suspect that Erdogan and Putin have met in secret in order to decapitate NATO in the area.

    "Putin is a greedy vindictive man who has commited atrosities across the globe. But when the scales of justice weigh in. Who will be the heavy side. So far its still the UN and USA"

    Yep, that's true.
    Personally, I am just appalled by the fact that so many people of today favour Putin just because he's against the USA, but where he in reality, is just the same...

    Putin, Obama and even ISIS are from the SAME sect. Why can't people understand that?

    • Apparently, the word h@mos isn't applicable on this site either (Ben, WTF!!!!!! Now you've crossed the line m8)

      I meant to say: "I bet that it won't be as tolerant for homosexuals and non-christians as it used to be".

  • War News : 

    Benjamin Fulford

    The Illuminati, through their “grandmaster” Alexander Romanov, promised a surprise for Thanksgiving this year and even gave us a hint of what it would be by showing a map of Turkey on his website. Now Pentagon sources are saying that Turkey is going to pay for its funding of ISIS and its aggression in the Middle East by having large areas of its territory confiscated. The same is going to happen to Israel, both Illuminati and Pentagon sources say. Saudi Arabia, for its part, will cease to exist as a Saudi family private property playground, they say.

    This take-down of the Khazarian mafia is happening as world leaders gather in Paris to talk about using global warming pseudo-science to promote a very real economic campaign to stop environmental destruction and end reliance on fossil fuels. More about that later.

    For now, the main action is concentrated on Turkey where Germany has joined France, Russia, Iran, Egypt and the Pentagon in fighting against the Turkish, Israeli, Saudi and Khazarian mercenary army known as ISIS.

    The Pentagon prepared the ground for this campaign months ago by withdrawing all patriot missile defenses from Turkey and Israel. This paved the way for the Russian air-force to set up a no-fly zone throughout the Middle East, including Israel and now most of soon to be former NATO ally Turkey, Pentagon sources say.

    Turkey is expected to imminently lose territory on several different fronts, Pentagon and Russian sources say. France, the former colonial master of Syria, is supporting a Syrian demand that Turkey return the Arabic majority province of Hatay


    that was taken from them in 1937.

    Meanwhile, the Russians and the Pentagon are now also supporting removing another huge chunk of Turkey to create a Kurdish state, the sources say. Finally, the nation of Armenia may also be about to get some historical payback, they say. Russian troops have poured into Armenia for the purpose of

    confiscating chunks land in North East Turkey near the Armenian border and returning them to Armenia, Pentagon and Russian sources say. The Russians have already installed anti-aircraft batteries in Armenia and created a no-fly zone in preparation for the seizure of this territory, they say. As a Pentagon official put it “It looks like Putin will be carving up a turkey for Christmas.”

    The question of course is why did Turkish President Recep Erdogan trigger this massive attack on his country by shooting down a Russian bomber? The best guess is that Erdogan fell into a clever trap. Somebody must have told him that if he ordered the downing of a Russian bomber then NATO would come to his rescue and support his bid to recreate the Ottoman Empire.

    The other thing that several sources are saying is that Erdogan, along with Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel, the Bush/Clinton crime family and the Saudi royal family are all members of the Khazarian mafia who believe it is their destiny to create a New World Order. They are all descendants of the ancient Satan worshipping Hyksos tribe of human slavers and their NWO plan was to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. Instead, the NWO is blowing up in their faces.

    An analysis of Middle Eastern oil trade connected to ISIS made it very clear that oil was being stolen from Iraq and Syria by mercenary armies financed by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf oil monarchies. Furthermore, the stolen oil was all being sold by either Turkey or Israel. Not only that but multiple media reports confirm this weekly’s assertions the European Rothschild family, another Khazarian Satanic bloodline, have been deeply involved in massive oil theft.

    The Illuminati and the Pentagon sources both say that many of the Rothshcilds, Benyamin Netanyahu and the Erdogan family are now “high value targets.”

    According to Sorcha Faal, an information/disinformation site set up by US Naval Intelligence, Erdogan’s son Bilal is now on the run because he raped, tortured and murdered British and American female journalists who were reporting on Turkey’s support of ISIS. In this case, the report has a strong ring of truth to it.


    In any case, once Turkey is finished with, the Russians and Syrians are expected to carry out a joint military campaign to wrest the Golan Heights from Israel. Following that, Israel will be forced to make a permanent peace with its neighbors in exchange for the return of stolen land.

    Saudi Arabia is also being increasingly exposed as one of the most tyrannical regimes on the planet. The latest example of what sort of regime this is can be seen in reports that a Sri Lankan woman is about to be stoned to death by a mob as punishment for adultery.


    Inside the US as well, a purge of the Khazarian mafia is continuing. Jeb Bush for example, is now widely reviled as part of the traitorous gangster family that was complicit in 911 and countless other crimes. As a result, he has virtually vanished from the corporate media where, until recently, he was talked about as if he were an anointed Presidential candidate. Neo-con traitor John McCain for his part is showing signs of mental instability, CIA sources say. The rest of the Khazarian mob in the US is also terrified because the sources of their power, the Federal Reserve Board and the corporate government of the United States are bankrupt. Major European allies like France, Germany, Italy, England, Switzerland etc. have already abandoned them.

    Now a Canadian group is now trying to negotiate a friendly take-over bid of the United States Corporate government. The Canadians are offering good government, friendly foreign policy and a fair economic playing field for all Americans if their bid succeeds. The Pentagon, the Chinese, the Europeans and others have shown an initial positive reaction when asked to support this bid. This is all very preliminary though, sources close to the bid offer say.

    In Japan as well, signs are that that Khazarian mob rule is going to finally be taken down. Members of the Japan independence party and this writer showed up at a CSIS conference in Tokyo where Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell were giving lectures. These people were forced to scuttle away from their conference pursued by protesters. After this, Japan Independence Party head Richard Koshimizu and this writer went to the nearby Marunouchi Police Station to present evidence the above individuals were criminals. The Japanese police showed an interest in making prosecutions but requested more evidence, which is being provided.

    Benjamin Fulford



  • Putin is doing the right thing ...getting rid of ISIS terrorists whatever the cost and he is speeding the operation. 

    In simpler words ...Getting rid of the bastards from Planet Earth.

    A lot of people have had enough of these terrorists and the biggest terrorists of all Obama in the White House 

    • 90% of the bombs that Putin drops, aren't aimed at ISIS. They're aimed at destroying ANYONE who oppose assad, and since IS are only one amongst many groups that are opposed to Assad, Putin also happens to drop bombs on people who oppose ISIS.

      What does that make him?

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