IN THE AGE OF KALI FALSEHOOD IS THE CHARIOTEER ...applying also to LightWorkers that will pretend to be LightWorkers but will deceive and cheat people. Very few are the genuine LightWorkers.True LightWorkers are those that follow certain Spiritual Disciplines:They do not eat animal fleshThey do not smoke ..cigarettes, drugs or any harmful toxic substancesThey do not drink AlcoholThey do not use abusive languageThey are not violent naturedLightWorkers work on a donation policy only and you know that the false ones are trying to mint money with their so called Workshops. Lectures and meet-ups.LightWorkers follow 3 Main Principles :They do not cause any harm to nature in anyway.They do not cause harm to any living entitiesAndThey lead a Spritually tuned life.These are the main characteristic of True LightWorkers.Members should specify if the are vegetarians or not, if they are smokers or not and if they drink alcohol or not. Knowing this information you know what Members need to heal themselves in these area before trying to heal others.Most rubbish and useless info will come from those who are pretending to be LightWorkers but need treatment themselves.Take for example if a person goes to a doctor or a spiritual healer under the influence of alcohol and drugs the doctor or the spiritual worker cannot help the person much till he/she gives up the addictions.My suggestion is for Members to give more info about themselves...IT IS THE QUALITY OF THE MEMBERS THAT MATTERS NOT THE QUANTITY as some Ning operaters boast they have thousands of members. Welcome all but give more info about yourself.One Spiritual master initiated many disciples and most of them turned out to to rotton apples.Then you look at a post you will know if the person is a True LightWorker or still a novice.Then again some LightWorkers are at times misled by false info as there is so many sites on the World Wide Web...especially false channelling messages.I am not saying that I am perfect as I am on the learning path as well but at least I do not eat animal flesh, I do not Drink Alchocol, I do not smoke, I do no harm to Nature, I do no harm to living entities and I am on a learning spiritual path.Now supposing members join and state their addictions then True LightWorkers can offer them advice on the disadvantages of animal flesh, smoke and drink.When you change your consciousness and get in the mode of Goodness then you can be eligible to create heaven on earth but if you do not Change then you are creating hell on Earth for yourself and others.REMEMBER YOUR BODY IS A SACRED TEMPLE AND WHAT YOU PUT IN THAT IS WHAT YOU WILL GET OUT other simple words put rubbish in you and you will get rubbish come out of you...hence the abusive violent nature beings And there are too many of these on the Planet.Ok AN AURA READING ON A PERSON WHO DRINKS ALCHOCOL, SMOKES AND EATS ANIMAL FLESH AND WHAT WILL YOU GET? ...THE PERSONS TRUE COLOURS other words the person needs urgent treatment before the person gets worse.A good description of LightWorkers is @ can only spread real love and light if you are healthy in Mind, Body and Soul otherwise you need healing yourself first before trying to heal others.

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  • and now I am ready to take a walk through that heartless world to my local park, to spend some time with nature covered with snow, to reflect on my self, to meditate on love that we all need so much, to gaze upon that little creek and puff a little pipe of sacred plant ......................................anyone telling me that that small puff of ganja hampers my effort to help my self and humanity speaks of judgment and lack of understanding that we all walk a different path leading to the same garden.

  • Some of the comments are absolute nonsense... Coming from false LightWorkers
  • How many channelling messages have actually come many people have they fooled yet they claim to be LightWorkers.
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      • There are always multiple conversations occurring in any channeling. the conversation to the logical mind, the information. And the conversation with the unconscious, the heart. spoken in what is know as the third language.  This where discernment occurs.

        If to are finding the information doesn't agree with you, and you continue listening to it, don't blame the channeler.

        they never promised to change what they do for you your benefit.

    • Lots have come true Krishna. 

      and lots are in the process of coming true.

      And some haven't.

      Thats not being false.

      Thats life.

  • thanks for sharing Peter.

    i.m.h.o. you state many truths of explainting WHAT life is this earth, and how our instincts of survival will afects us , and the d.n.a. programing, and lets not get into the brainwashing of beliefs and customs of each race thu the ages.

    blessings to all of us for we are all one
  • IN THE AGE OF KALI FALSEHOOD IS THE CHARIOTEER ...this also applies to so called LightWorkers that will under false pretentious deceive, mislead, cheat and fool the people....very few are the true genuine LightWorkers that have pure motives to genuinely help people.
    • Krishna, 

      what you refer to as light workers may do all these things. eat meat, smoke, indulge in the pleasures of the flesh. And they can still hold their light in the dark. And work to raise their vibration over time.

      do not mistake light workers with saints,

      they are no the same. though they can be.

      And even when it comes to saints, was not the apostle Paul in prison when he wrote some of the books of the new testament??

      And if someone helps make your day better, if they help you find a bit more light in  your life, do their motives really matter? if you have to pay to get a healing because no one else can offer you the healing you need. would you begrudge then their service to to you?

      If you don't want to make use  of someones service, fine. But do not drop your vibration and negatively impact on Gaia's vibration  by passing judgment on people who are on their own search for their God. Because ultimately, it is their God that will pass judgment on them. It is their God that will look into their akash and know if they have been true to their purpose,or not. just as your God does for you.

      Stay focused on that which is the only thing that you have any influence over. Your own light work. And shine so bright that everyone has no choice other than to follow your example. 

      It is the way of it krishna.

  • 625660_10151479451706211_776061214_n.jpg

  • You said it Kat.

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