Temperature is not only understood as to be related to giggling balls, it is thought that this giggling is random and aimless. Such a dance cannot possibly be coherent. If a thing vibrating in an ordely way happen to pass through a soup of such particles, then it will constantly experience irregular bombardments from every side. This destroys the ordely vibration of the particle in question, making it too to vibrate in a disorderly way. So it is the particle's version of a kind of 'when in Rome do what Romans do'.This is how quantum particles turn into classic particles when observer. The 'observer' is full of gazillions of particles giggling here and there in an apparently aimlessly. So it is realy not observer. Rather, it is observerS. So that is our 'Romans' doing what they are doing. The quantum particle(S) on the other hand, before observed, is coherent. It simply begines to be shy when it comes near to 'Romans'. When it then begine to imitate the 'Romans', we say it has 'collapsed' and is now, for all relevant purposes behave like classical particles in an encemble of gazzillions of them. It too become an 'observer'!You are now ready to understand why it is surprising to find quantum coherent states in biological systems such as photosynthesis. To maintain quantum coherence in the midist of classic particles, physicists often have to freez the substance to near absolute zero (take superconductivity or Bose Einstein Condensate for example). So our quantum guy experiences no much 'peer preasure' from the cheering 'Romans'.So it is not a surprise that quantum photosynthesis is a surprise. But it is a fact.:)HAMEROFF PENROSE THEORY OF MINDLong before anyone could even entertain quantum mechanics in biology, two scientists were already suggesting that consciousness is only explicable through quantum coherence in the brain!HOW MIGHT BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS CIRCUMVENT DICOHERENCEAccording to me, biologists are seeking help from QM when perharps they should be overing them. Lets hear from the horse's mouth:"May be it is save to say that no one can understand QM" FeynmanSo? When a biologist goes to a physicist to seek (mis)understanding, it is save to say that a blind man is going to another blind man for guidance.Or in short, it is QM that we must understand with the light of photosynthesis, not vise-versa! What prevents a leaving system from vibrating coherently? NOTHING! How does it achieve that? It simply knows how to do it. Or in other words, the random giggling balls model of temperature is not true for proteins or DNAs. These things are tiny, leaving things and they just not giggle aimlessly. They giggle like anths and not billiard balls.

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Task Force Diving Into The JFK Files, RFK Files, MLK Files, The Epstein Client List, The Origins Of Covid, The 911 Files, And UFOs/UAPs
"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJGQv7qvIcE"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades. https://youtu.be/qJGQv7qvIcE?si=7hhIWYoy04_sneuk"
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"The clot shots are an attempt at global genocide."
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