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"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
"Just gets crazier by the minute. Name a gov bill after a murderer.""
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Chapter XIX
Then with such a high receding speed, approching the speed of light, one would espect that the quasars must exibit some huge time dillation. Time should appear almost not to pass. However, quasars have been found to show no time dillation. Of course thus quasars are realy a can of worms to scientists. It seems to defy logics on several grounds.
Also four quasars have been found to surround a galaxy. The galaxy show low redshift while all the four quasars show equal but very high redshift. For such four objects should lie far behind a galaxy requires unbeleivable coincidence. So the mainstream opt to say that all the quasars are infact a mirage due to a single quasar far behind the galaxy! It still requres unbeleivable coincidence for such to happen. The arrangement is termed 'the Einstein's Cross'.
Doesn't seem like too much is known about quazars besides the fact that they are VERY energetic, produce radio signals and seem to moving at incredible speeds. I can't say i recall what the highest red-shift for a quazar is off the top of my head; but I think the red-shift for a couple of them indicate that they could moving at speeds close to the speed of light.
It is such comments like yours that drives me to put a topic under spirituality and science and not any other topic. Your comment is almost 100% irrelevant to the topic. It is more of about an opinion about EPISTEMOLOGY than QUASARS. Sot of like teaching me what to do!
" time you will begine to feel light which is information..."
It is YOU not ME who will receive your own irrelevant information. (irrelevant to the question of quasars)
"...It won't be so much about mind and research but intuition and wisdom..."
What will this info then have to do with the issue I am interested with, which must be researched on? It seem to be something that only concern YOU but not ME. How will this info help me to understand quasars??
"...understanding will replace knowledge..."
Understanding what??
"The difference between me and you is that your store information to acheive understanding..."
Again understanding WHAT?? If we understood vacume, then perharps you can begine to tickle some sense. Perharps you sought to understand why you wear such and such pants and you can FEEL it. But what does that one got to do with quasars, which are not on your butt??
"..I donnot need to know that which I can feel..."
Irelevant!! This topic is not about YOU and what you need or donnot need . It is about quasars. And quasars are not pants to be felt. They are realy realy realy HOT stuffs. they will burn your ass if you sit on it and FEEL it.
Perharps you thought I am interested with some vague things you know of when I sought to know about quasars, YOU ARE WRONG!!! But if you were right, indead I would be cropping in darkness. But I am not. You might be able to feel xyz without trying to know of quasars. Nothing is wrong with that. Where you went wrong is to assume that I seek to feel xyz, especially when I seek knowledge about the cosmos. So everywhere you wrote 'YOU', replace it with 'I' and reread your comment.:)
Humankind theorises information for that beyond their reach. As any race on the brink of fall.
In time you'll start to feel the light, which is information. It won't be as much a work of mind and research, but of intuition and wisdom instead. Everchanging inspiration in form of experience and self discovery. Understanding will replace knowledge.
Religious thinking and wishful hope will fade from united consciousness.
Rules and laws, by which your logic defines a frame of study, will simply disappear. And you'll find yourself on places beyond the portal of imagination. Which some have described as paradise.
A playground for experience and playful gods.
The difference between you and me, or a human and an indigo child, is that you store information to achieve understanding. While I don't need to know that which I can feel.