
I make this question not because i do not know but....earthquakes,famine...and others feeling sorry helping taking care?...Why...if we are not the body? Do we have to keep on playing the game? A lot of people talk here about ascention and other stuff but every time something happens on this planet, we forget and keep bussy? Or not? If we are not the body...and i do know this for a fact...why do we keep on doing this?

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  • I understand your point on getting better , but this getting better comes with a price that gets stuck into your subcounsious. From when i was a 7 year old untill 16 I was punished fysicaly and mentaly every single day, at home and in school those were the old days where teachers and parents stuck together (this is in Belgium) i would have to sit in the classroom on my knees on top of a wooden stick, or they would hit me with al kinds of instruments,same at home.Once the punishment was a 1 year no playing with friends or get outside the house,no tv no music,my trip to school was monitored every minute. Only because a Aunt of mine came talk to my parents did they lift the punishment ...6 month had passed. So i can better myself but in my subcouncious it is still stored and it does afect my life al the time.Yes it did change my daughters life i never abuse or punish her i talk and try to understand why she does things then i re-direct her if i see any need to..Now you could say that i had to get through al this so i could be a better father...i do not buy it. For me the lesson theory is the same as saying 'it is up to God'...' It is up to the lesson'...
  • I am saying that learning from mistakes is a slower way of learning. Also learning in a negative atmosphere is for most part something people seem to underestimate. Let's say you are learning to use the multiplication tables at school and your teacher is screaming all the time and telling you how stupid you are. And another teacher does it the normal nice and helpfull way, witch teacher would you prefer? The one who is going to load you up with a negative feeling about mathematics or the other one? This also takes me to the part where a lot of people say you have a choise to take his class or not. I do not agree when one is a kid and teachers and parents alike presure you 24/7 you have no say in anything , this does not fall into my belief in re-incarnating to learn lessons on how to be bullied. After all this negative stuff ofcourse you make the same negative mistakes you learned under presure, like this perpetuating the same negative behavior not for learning but by default.
  • This is the thing i do not believe one learns anything from negativity or wrongdoing. I am a firm believer that we learn faster when it is teached the right way...but in this 3D there is no sutch thing...all seems to go first bad and then if lucky it will Seem to change for the better, but at the end it is still the same...less than good.
    • We chose to experience the physical, and it is hard and unpleasant at times, but there is a reason you keep coming back to this experience.

      Imagine living in a perfect state, 100% love & peace & beauty at all times. Can you grow and learn in that environment. I really don't know. Perhaps. But then, maybe we chose to experience hardship because of the learning, the evolvement of our souls that can take place. Maybe paradise gets boring after awhile and we need to mix it up at times:)

      When I look at others who have hard lives, I see souls of great courage. I can love and respect them for what they have chosen - what we all have chosen.

      Most of us on this board realize there is something better out there, and that can cause longing and homesickness. But it is at this point it is helpful to remember you chose this for a reason. It's my guess that most of our reasons are to bring the better parts of our souls here to help others, to prove that love can and does exist here too, in the physical realm. And to learn to see others through these filters of love, and not scorn and dislike. That is the greatest challenge of all.
  • maybe dying increased your awareness. greater awareness = greater vibration. everywhere you go you are raising frequency. If we are all one, and all parts are not resonating at the same level, then perhaps a heightened frequency in a 3D body will most greatly affect the whole then we can all go higher. I like to think of the body as the altar for spirit to interact in the 3D. Honor it as a vessel for spirit and the more instantaneously you can manifest.
  • I think you are confusing the body and world events.
    As far as I see it they are not actually related in any way other than, our body allows us to interact with events.
    Ascention is not about leaving your body behind.

    When we say "we are not the body" its true. I am far more than my body. But my body is still a part of me.
    • True the body is part of us here...and only we have no freedom to choose if we want this body or lesson or burden? Do not get me wrong...i am just wondering because of the stuff i have gone through. my wondering is becouse we are more than why would a all knowing eternall soul or other names you want to give it...voluntarely choose to come here for ...whatever...if we are all that is,living on this planet can never be ass incredible as being able to do anything you want whenever and however for eternity...?
      • This reply was deleted.
        • Bit hard to do when one is a Chef and restaurant owner,
  • I think, even though we know that 'life' lives on after death the method pf passing that these people are suffering is what moves us so.
    You're right, we are not the body, but the body is what we need in this lifetime, on this planet to survive. For that reason alone the body is still a beautiful work of art in all it's shapes, colours and sizes. Seeing any art destroyed in violence and turmoil is saddening.
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