
  • Hi Cederic,

    My guess is that its vially important. If the soul in question knows that we are one, then it would have to be a very very deep reason to jack it all in. I feel its very important because of the countless others who are wandering around the planet who have the urge to commit suicide and dont fully realise that all are one - and if the soul in question (he or she) can help others instead of topping themselves, then yeah, its really important, especially if they can steer others away from exiting the planet.
    Suicide dosent work anyway, its the first thing anyone who ends their own life realises.
    The ironic thing here is that we all commit suicide and we always have done lifetime after lifetime . seeing as we all choose everything that happens to us.. even the death bit.
  • There is value in service to others on earth. It would be lost opportunity to pull oneself prematurely. Yes we are one, and the loss would be felt on earth (family/friends) and spirit (missed opportunities). But there will be chances to be reborn to complete the path if spirit choses. There is no loss of life from spiritual view, but a loss of service and the seeking of wisdom on earth, which offers unique opportunities that spirit cannot offer due to the veil of forgetfulness. As one dies on earth, one is born in the spirit realms and the baggage from earth life will be retained. The lesson is to chose wisely and to choose love and the passage will be perfect for each.
  • Dear friend - I am new to this site and am intrigued by such a question. I enjoyed pondering this paradox. I am slightly confused, though by your choice of words...specifically ”is it important?”. Do you mean, “does it matter?” Indeed, in my mind, we are ‘one’. If the thumb (or the hand, or the arm...) is cut from the body is it 'important'? (i.e. does it matter – seeing that I can still jump and run without my thumb...?) This is a question of ‘value’, is it not? Is any aspect of the human body 'less important’ than any other? Is any aspect of universal intelligence 'less important’ than another? If so, how so? I understand the universe to be holographic – meaning our entire selv(es) is reflected and present in the smallest part of our being(s) – the whole tree is present in the leaf – the entire body is mirrored in each cell – the entire cosmos in each human imprint.
    Perhaps the question is not one of “value” or “importance” at all as the hologram never loses any aspect/image of itself just because it is no longer present in physical form – and surely no part of any picture or image is more or less valuable than another. And on this planet all that ever was is still imprinted here. Perhaps the real question is “can a life truly be ‘taken away’ given that we are one?” Can a life thereby be ‘excluded’ from the essence of the one whole universal being? Surely any aspect which is ‘removed’ or ‘separate from’ the ‘one’, is and never was part of the ‘one’ (i.e. no-one). When a life is removed from material form – yes, it does “matter” (less, that is....given it is no longer in existence as material matter) but its essence remains vital in the infinite potential of the ‘one’s’ continual expression of self.
    My short answer: no, no-thing really ‘matters’...and yes, each-one is ‘important’. Thank you for posting a most interesting question – I hope it was purely from a point of intrigue, though.
  • All life is important, and everything we do changes the world more than we know....

    We are all precious, beyond words!


  • If you ask their friends and family you will probably get the right answer. The parents and children of such ones will say yes it is important. Is sad when people slip though the cracks and feel so lost and alone and without hope that they do such a thing. Ultimately its probably seen as a wasted opportunity.

    I cant really imagine anyone seriously saying that no its not important in some way. You know it is. It gets you thinking though doesnt it?
    • Graduation is important!! ....

      I think there is infinite compassion out there, more than we assume, but I do think that staying in this for the long haul makes a huge difference in the person that we will "become" in the future.

      Everything probably matters alot more than we think!
      • I aggree Delilah, we are all just only really re-learning and remembering.. I figure we are all only scratching the surface.. I would think even the Ascended masters are aswell... because this thing (us/ conciousness/ God/ Love/ all that is ) is infinite and completely mind blowingly incomprehensible !
  • ... important to whom??? the cosmic plan???.... personally i don't think its important for the cosmos....
    ...but to our own self...i believe its important...
    • Thats interesting Vagellis, but if the cosmos and the self are one ..then how can it be important for the self and not for the cosmos ?

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