Questions about dimensions

I had 2 questions about dimensions.

1. Is there a possibility that if you are a 5th dimensional being you can travel to 3rd dimensional planets?

2. Can a planet has different kind of civilizations on the different dimensions? Like a 4d mars with a 'bad' civilization, and a 5d mars with a kind civilization.

Thankyou :D

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  • Hi,

    The best source for this discussion as I feel will be "The Third Eye" by Lobsang Rampa ..... A very beautiful book and will describe the various discussions going here ................

    Let Love, Light And divinity fill us ALL ............................

  • It would be really fucked up if really nothing has happend at that date. Or before.

    • You can also just start shifting your conciousness one has to Waite. Especially if you have started to shift already...I started my awakening in 2008 and it has been a gradual process with many different experiences and a bunch of spiritual maturing.......having all of the shift happen at once could be too much...
    • So there will happen something, this something means that whatever we think what will happen, will happen? Slowly, so it wont happen in one day?

  • Hmm, and people are going to ascend individually after that date, beceause the gate is open? Drake and Tolec are saying other stuff, i guess i have to wait. I do know im in a higher 3d, i expieriene everything as not real, so if you can ascend from the 21st of december, i might gonna ascend right then!

  • That is interesting....I had a dream where I believe I was on Jupiter and the environment was rocky terrain(not appealing to live) but there where people on it and so I thought that they could inhabit the planet but from a different dimension. Or also maybe they traveled to Jupiter as well...And also the dream was short and lucid and I did not get to look around. I would think that u could travel anywhere by Leaving your body. Also that is how other beings travel to our planet by descending into an angel watching could descend into 3d. Ascension and descension...Also I think anything is possible...we have a planet with different dimensions with other worldly fairy folk, timelines, realities, and we have messed up stuff that goes on here that could apply to other worlds as well.....
    • I believe we are waking up in waves and since we are all energetically connected we are awakening each other.
    • Yes. But i mean apparently 'desecending' with your 5d body. I think if we ascend in to the 5th we will still have a body. I read a few months ago that in a normal ascension your body will die, and your soul will ascend. But here on earth we will ascend with our body.

      • Yes your physical body fills up with light and you become physically less dense.....

        • Im wondering if it will happen at the 21st of december. This date might be the beginning of the big changes.

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