I am new to these forums and discussions, so first off, "Hello" everyone! Secondly, I apologize in advance if these questions or ideas have been recently discussed. But here's my take, and I will cut to the chase...
I believe, both logically and intuitively, that a great event is about to happen. Logically, I would assume this because of all the hype, both of which is not talked about and that which is, concerning the end of one cycle and entrance into the next (12-21-2012).
After reading the New Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ, I can see how and why, in order to eliminate the negative state from creation; the negative state has to come to it's culmination. I can also see how this has to happen in the outer-most world, and outer-most dimension, here on planet Earth physically; and in the 'space' around. I do believe in the salvation of EVERY SINGLE sentient entity as well. Because, we are all part of the ONE, regardless of what role we chose to participate in at the current phase.
My question however, regards whether or not, if anything happening here, is new and fresh, or has it already happened before on some level of creation. Seriously consider this, because every time I consider the topic of "time", or someone else talks to me about the topic of "time", I feel 'deja vu' to the extreme and know I've been here before and know almost as if what is to come.
For me personally, the ONLY thing I know for 100% certainty as I write this, is that We-Are-One (metaphorically AND literally), and that we are not even in the true creation; the best is yet to come so to speak.
Eternity is real, this I know. Why then, does the activation of the negative state still exist then? Wouldn't it have been eliminated eternities ago? Sometimes I feel this is the "University-of-it-All", and that the life I am living has already happened, and I am experiencing it to remind myself about something about my 'current life'; the life that is not this one, but is in some way connected to it.
I over-analyze so I apologize. But I believe open discussion of this topic can bring many things to light about ourselves and our world.
Peace and Love to you all, hope to hear from ya ;-)
It may sound shock to you but this 3D world is an illusion. We come here to experience what we want to experience and repeat the cycle until we have enough, i.e. end of reincarnation. You normally come here with your own agenda. When you die, you will be given a choice to comeback or continue with another life. Some people want to start a life as new and some people want to repeat the life they have just finished again, hence experience 'deja vu' and . It appears that this is a case for you. You had something you did not accomplish in the previous life and you are repeating the same life. Bashar talks about Life after Death at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DLSyU7y97M and Neal Donald Walsh also talked about this in his 'Home with God'.
Personally? I believe we are here on a journey of creation, we have manifested ourselves as matter and came to Earth upon our own wishes. We are here to experience limitations, to learn to overcome detachment and find inner peace through-out the chaos to experience and expand ALL THAT IS in order for THE ONES purpose to be achieved,
Soul Blueprint-
The Over Soul
All That Is
The One.
There is no such thing as time and space, only here and now.
The four laws of the universe..
You Exist.
All is One and One is All.
What you put out is what you get back.
The only constant is Change, everything Changes except the First Three Laws!
p.s Gotta love Bashar :P
and what he would always say and this is true for you in your world,--- reality,---- playing field.--- for you.
Time only exists because we choose to measure it.
if you go for a walk and do not measure it do you not move? time passes no matter how you divide it up or if you choose to ignore it. if we turned off all the clocks for 1 year, our earth will still have gone around the sun once and "time" still happens.
Consciousness plays a key role in time as well though. If you have the whole of the Earth's population living without time, it could and would drastically alter the atmosphere and the energy of the planet. Think about it. Time stresses people out in western society.
We are the "masters of limitation" after all :P
time was invented to hide from staying in the eternity of now. and boardom.
OR it was decided to be measured so that we could plan and catalogue things.
its already full of that stuff, how many times do you think we've blown this planet up. Atlantis ring any bells they were more advance than this boo hoo show going on now. how fare back can you go in eterinity, cha for ever.----- been there done that. trillion on trillions of eons before, and still doing it into vanity and beyond with out end, where do you think all this physical stuff came from to form the physical stuff we stand on. a clue? eternity ------ add's to eternity of stuff and were all standing on it, we made it. you can talk for all of eternity and not catch up with what you just said. its all VAIN.