Questions to Valiant Thor about Reptilians and His Reponses
The following photo is in the book “Alien who Met President” published by Tama Shuppan (Original title: “Stranger at the Pentagon” by Frank E. Stranges). This is a photo of three Venusians. Since the three were students of my celestial school, they should know me very well. The rightmost man is Valiant Thor. What is written in this book is the truth. I do recommend you to read the book if you are interested in it.
I introduced a communication with Valiant Thor on Shanti Phula’s blog dated May 18 last year. I have asked Mrs. Seiko Nakanishi to play an intermediary role to communicate with him this time again. I have edited my questions and his responses for easier reading. The words in parentheses are my expositions.
I’d like to post them in twice because there are many questions. Tomorrow I’d like to introduce a “message to earthlings” from him.
Masatoshi Takeshita
July 21, 2014
Dear Mr. Valiant Thor,
Now Earth is flooded with mixed information on aliens and others. So I’d like to ask you about a couple of things which I consider the most fundamental and important. I hope you will answer many questions I have.
1. I think you were a Venusian in the past but with the progress of Reformation of Heavenly World since 2007, you have evolved into deity. Would you give me your current name?
Response: You are quite right. My current name is Kagayakiwataru-mikoto.
2. I think you actively work as Pleiades System Earthly Deity 3rd Level member in thePleiadian Council. Am I right in saying that you reside on the 5th planet of Star Alpha (Procyon) in the constellation of Canis Minor?
Response: You are quite right.
(The 1st System is sometimes called the Sirius System, the 2nd System the Pleiades System and the 3rd System the Ursa Major System.)
3. Thanks to information from Mr. AlexCollier and books by Mr. David Icke, the concept of reptilians has become known to the public. It is my understanding that reptilians had Linga Sarira or spirit body looking like a lizard but didn’t have the physical body of a lizard. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
(As is clear from this Q and A, reptilians do not exist on a corporeal level. It is often thought that reptilians live as physical body in the underground bases of Earth and control people of Earth. It is wrong.)
4. I think that reptilians have taken the shape of ordinary people in Linga Sarira or spirit body by using sorcery. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
5. I think that reptilians were originally humans on Earth but they changed the shape into lizards by genetically manipulating their Linga Sarira or spirit body and cutting off their feelings in 333 B.C. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
6. I think that Cain , a son of Adam and Eve, Circe in Greek myth, and Krishna, Rama and Gautama Buddha in India are representative of people who became first reptilians on Earth. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
(Almost all deities worshipped on Earth are reptilians or their comrades. Jesus, the central character of the New Testament, is also a reptilian. There are very few exceptions, of course.)
7. Those mentioned in the above staged a coup d’etat in heavenly world in 332 B.C. and wrested control of Earthly Deity 2nd to 5th levels in the Sirius System by force. I think that the Spiritual Hierarchy came into existence at that time. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
(Reptilians and Spiritual Hierarchy date back to at most 2340 years, a very short period of time. According to channeling information, their origin dates back to hundreds of thousands years. They purposely spread erroneous information because there are some people who have a misconception that the older times the origin dates back, the more true.)
8. I think that since those in Spiritual Hierarchy led by these reptilians rose to power, reptilians and their comrades were scattered all over various planets and made Draco, Big Dipper or Orion their bases, as claimed by David Ike and others. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
9. I think that all spaceships that have come to Earth from outside the solar system belong to true deities or true “Galactic Federation”) and no spaceship belonging to the SpiritualHierarchy has come to Earth. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
(Mr. Benjamin Creme claims that spaceships that have come to Earth are from our Solar System planets. Half of his claim is correct. With regard of the spacecraft belonging to the Spiritual Hierarchy, it is true. However, some of the spacecraft belonging to true deities and their line troops come from outside the solar system.)
10. Since they were originally people of Earth, they are reincarnated on Earth in some cases. Although Mr. Alex Collier claims that reptilians came to Earth on board spacecraft from Darco, Big Dipper or Orion and settled on Earth, I feel it is wrong. It is right in thinking that they were reincarnatedon Earth from the planets (precisely, satellites) of these stars. What do you think?
Response: You are quite right.
(Reptilians and their comrades are so negative that they cannot live on planets and instead they live on satellites.)
Jul 30, 2014 to Valiant Thor and His Responses (2) – Content of Communication Dispelling False UFO Information and Message to Earthlings
Questions to Valiant Thor and His Responses (2) – Content of Communication Dispelling False UFO Information and Message to Earthlings
This is the latter half of the communication with Valiant Thor posted yesterday.
The content of this communication would dispel false information about UFOs flooded with on Earth and help roughly capture the entire picture of UFO information. Those who have partial knowledge about it through channeling information would draw a clear outline to some extent, while those who have no knowledge about theosophy would find it a little difficult to understand it. Taking this into consideration, I’d like to give careful explanations on it in Shanti Phula’s blog from now on.
Now is the Internet age. I hope such accurate information will spread out all over the world. A group of Darkness including Reptilians has completely perished and only small fry who have acted as directed by them are doing wrong on Earth now.
As proved in the incident of Malaysian Airways aircraft shot down in Ukraine, those who have lost their boss are extremely dumb. They are on the verge of extinction. The time has come that people must rise up courageously.
The words in parentheses are my expositions.
Masatoshi Takeshita
July 22, 2014
11. The Hierarchy of Earthly Deity 5th Level in the Sirius System is divided into superior and subordinateorganizations. It appears that the superior organization and subordinate organization are called the Solar Hierarchy and the Earthly Hierarchy, respectively by Theosophy. I think that these Hierarchies reside in the 3.1st dimension on spiritual level and in the 3rd dimension on physical level. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
(According to channeling information, Agartha reside in the 5th dimension. In fact, however, it is inside the third-dimensional earth. Supposing that the 5th dimension is justified, it would be not the dimension where their physical body exist but the dimension where consciousness is taken into account. It would follow that average earthlings have already lived in the 4th and higher dimension.)
12. The Solar Hierarchy on spiritual level is called the “Great Shambhala” and it is said that it was above the Gobi Desert, while the Hierarchy on physical level is called “Agartha” and it is said that it was inside the earth. Shambhala is the capital of “Agartha” and it is called “Little Shambhala” when distinguished from the Great Shambhala. This is my understanding. Am I right?
Response: Everything you said is true.
(Agartha is an underground dwelling for those who belong to the Solar Hierarchy. There also existed an underground dwelling-place for those who belong to the Earthly Hierarchy -- for example, it is said that their dwelling-place was under Mt. Shasta.)
13. Those belonging to the Solar Hierarchy are reincarnated as humans as they have not reached liberation. I think that they have been reincarnated as Agarthians. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
(Among the members of the Solar Hierarchy, the Master Morya and the Master Jesus were reincarnated as people of Earth. It appears that the Master Morya made Iran his base and the Master Jesus made Rome his base.)
14. When the concept of the Earthly Hierarchy in Earthly Deity 5th Level is expanded to the Earthly Deity 2nd to 5th Levels, it is called the Great White Brotherhood and [their activities] were centered on Sirius, I think. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
(As for detailed information on the Hierarchy, please refer to books written by Mr. Benjamin Creme, which are published by Share International Foundation.)
15. Would you tell me the name when the concept of the Solar Hierarchy in Earthly Deity 5th Level is expanded to the Earthly Deity 2nd to 5th Levels?
Response: It is called “White Brotherhood.”
16. According to UFO information available on Earth, there are beings called Greys. In my opinion, Greys called TallWhite are a hybrid of Martian and sheep produced by cross-breeding their genes, and a soul residing on the planet of Star Zeta in the constellation Reticulum has been reincarnated as this physical body. Therefore, they do not come to Earth from these planets on board UFOs. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
(This is important; Greys are not space aliens. I picked up an article on July21. It read that “Dracos and Android Greys that Dracos produced completely deceive humans.” This suggests that Greys are artificially made, which has an overlap with what I argue.)
17. I suppose that it is a group of aliens including Asket that manipulated Greys repeatedly revamped by use of genetic engineering to have the U.S. government sign a secret agreement and indirectly controlled the government. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
18. I suppose that Reptilians, Greys and Agarthianshave been completely eliminated and no one has survived. Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
(Although Agarthian PI was an only survivor, he subsequently disappeared.)
19. I suppose that the “Galactic Federation of Light” and (fake) “Galactic Federation,” which were subordinate organizations of the Great White Brotherhood, do not exist and neither does the “Hierarchy.” Am I right?
Response: You are quite right.
20. Would you tell us if there is any knowledge about aliens you do want people of Earth to have?
Response: I’d like to convey the following to people of earth.
Please don’t be deceived by false information on aliens and others.
All evil organizations have perished.
However, a small number of channelers, their subordinates, have sent false information.
I do advise you to closely and accurately examine such information and discard it if in doubt.
At this point, there is only one source of correct information.
Correct information has been released through Mr. Masatoshi Takeshita in Shanti Phula’s blog.
Please keep away from dangerous channelers.
They are spiritually in the dark and most of them have lost souls.
Please always pay heed to make a wise choice.
21. Lastly, I would appreciate if you could send a message to earthlings.
<Message to Earthlings>
<Message to Earthlings>
“It is a great pleasure to see very beautiful Earth!
However, Earth will fall into a swirl of chaos.
The scale of chaos is yet to be determined.
Because it depends on the awakening of many people in terms of consciousness.
But please don’t despair at any time in life.
A storm is sure to blow over.
Earth will become a duplicate of spirit world where peace and prosperity can be seen!
The time is just around the corner.
Please spend every day living sincerely and positively, believing in the power of prayer with total surrender to God.
Please firmly believe that we always watch over you.
Serving you,
Just came across this video:
My own experience with people who may have been "reptilian" involves two types:
(1) Observing their eye pupils take the form of "coin slots" (when their eye pupils were circular shape in previous observations) when these individuals were emotionally aroused in some way (either sexually or involving property) and also confronted at a close distance of a few feet away. I think this may be people carrying DNA strongly related to the reptilian alien entities that Credo Mutwa calls the chetauri. These people were also noted professionals and very good at their professions.
(2) Observing people transform (and the appearance of these people being a sight of one that was "into and out of" the non-human sight (repeatedly) that I saw) of something that "somewhat" took the form of something reptilian-like (and all four times it was blurry) with a "blob-like" appearance and large eyes (with coin slots pupils) and was not close up, at a distance of about 10-20 feet away. I have seen this phenomena with people at work twice and twice while I was briefly the resident astrologer with Eulis Lodge, which was an organization directly affiliated with Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis organization. I suspect that this phenomena may be related to people who were involved with dark areas of the occult and may be "carrying" something from another dimension (similar to what David Icke talked about) per intense ceremony magic involvement (or ceremony magic that involves rituals that murder people) and possibly involvement with pedophilia.
I think the people I observed with this reptilian phenomena may have a common denominator of carrying the "reptilian program" via DNA that allows inter-dimension beings to act as a host with these individuals in some way, possibly feeding off of energy that the individual harvests for these entities via questionable activities.
Have you ever seen anyone shapeshift outside of the video-screen? (i.e have you ever seen it in person?) :)
ACUTE OBSERVER: please note how I start my posting: "My own experiences with people..."
Did you actually read what I wrote above, or are you interpreting my post by the way that you BELIEVE the subject matter is presented according to your own beliefs about people, regardless of how their material is presented???
"ACUTE OBSERVER: please note how I start my posting: "My own experiences with people...""
Yes I know but the last time you and I talked about this subject you mentioned nothing about having personal experiences but rather kept a ridiculous argument about videos going instead as the only support for the phenomenons existence.
If you had personal experiences you could have just mentioned that instead of going on a rampage about your dysknowledge about data-handling. ;)
When I read your post, I could not tell if you were talking about things you've observed on video or if the observations came from real life.
YOU ARE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER, AND YOU APPEAR TO BE ATTEMPTING TO START A CONFLICT. My posting on this site has no mention or inference of video whatsoever in the contents. You are making a hasty generalization about me based on a previous blog I posted, which featured two videos and some photos related to the subject of reptilians.
Are you sure you're forty years old??
There's nothing I hate more, than Lightworkers who always get amnesia every time they're getting caught being duplicitous...
Start reading from here, and you'll know why I doubt you NOW.
And don't even think about deleting your comments. I have them all saved. ;)
Did you save all my comments to posters (at more than one different blog posting) where I admit I was wrong about making an inference or generalization of the person posting a discussion?
Admitting when you're wrong is the sign of an adult.
They say Venusians are beautiful people - that sure appears to be the case.
Another beautiful person claiming to be from Venus: