Now we must try to see ourselves honestly. Past our Dark Illusions.
Here is an exercise designed for self-honesty that would seemingly be quite easy. But as you are about to find out, Darkness makes (for some) quite difficult.
Mirroring Exercise
1. Sit comfortably in front of a mirror approximately 3 feet away.
2. Estabish eye contact with yourself. Avoid blinking as much as possible and try looking through the centre of your eyes.
3.Allow yourself to relax (Let your muscles go) and breathe deeply and evenly and keep eye contact throughout the entire exercise.
4. Say "I , (your full name),"am going to speak my truth....hear me."
5. Begin stating how you feel talking to yourself in the mirror. I feel silly, good, humble, rediculous, but do not think or state why.
6. Now start listing the traits you do not like about yourself as completely as possible but do not get lost in regret. Just hear yourself (personal truth).
7. Now start listing situations or people you did or do not like but do not state or think or why (to avoid irrational or justifying distraction). For example I dislike being broke or I dislike when my mate complains or I dislike my mate. Avoid the word hate for it will distract you by stirring up distractive impulses.
8. Now start listing contrary (negative) reactions you have had and tell yourself how you behaved. List times that you were aware that your reaction was uncalled for as well. Such as when I yelled at my son it was because I did not get a raise at work. Or when my boss yelled at me I told him he was a jerk. Or when my boss yelled at me I wanted to slap him.
Consider recording or writing these words down that you have spoken of the above personal situational and reactional truths. (If writing wait until you have finished the entire exercise.)
9. Now state "I", (your name),"have heard and witnessed in my eyes my truths. They are contrary to who I truly am.....I will forgive myself."
If you found this exercise easy take it another level by applying testimony - bear witness techniques. This means try this with someone you trust in the room and really make Darkness uncomfortable. This witness can read the steps to you so you can keep eye contact with yourself. They are not to offer an opinion during the exercise or say anything else.