Internal and Eternal energies of self are directly related to our dualistic nature. In this section I simply want to explain the meaning of internal from a self-awareness standpoint and external from an interactive standpoint. Internal, described as self feelings, is affected by the state we are existing in in the moment. To exist in denials or self-defeating behaviors are Dark states of existence and create Dark self feelings. External described as how we project our feelings or "taking action" is dependent on what (internal) frame we have put around our state of being. A frame is constructed by the qualities we use most consistently to develop our own principles. A frame contains the blue print of how we will perceive and then conceive (externalize) our self, thus the expression frame of mind. A frame that is made of forgiveness, acceptance, letting go and faith in a higher power always helps to project positive energy even when being faced with challenge. This is not to say that others will respond to you positively at all times but regardless of how they respond you will find a peace in this frame and be able to accept all occurrence. The frame is held together in strength by your positive principles and will remain strong if one embraces their motives and intentions and modes of behavior in a positive manner. It is important to realize that growing into positive self you will learn in time how to see yourself first through your actions with others and then retool the frame.