Flow cont'd...
Creativity fascinates me because it can be ignited from any feeling or emotion and what we produce can representative of those states. Therefore we can in affect create a new language or an altered representation of state of mind. This gift called creativity combined with our imagination allows us to truly feel different from others around us and allows us to show how. This is what makes different cultures or countries so fascinating. They all have created different ways of being which tickles our imagination. Our ability to imagine allows us to feel the universe and express our universal selves through creativity, which truly makes us unique in any given moment. More importantly our imagination allows us to travel beyond ourselves to anywhere we desire thus making us truly free beings.
Here is an exercise. Sit quietly in a comfortable place and relax all your muscles while breathing deeply. Close your eyes and as you become more relaxed picture a triangular opening centred above your eyes that is a direct window to deep space. See yourself travelling through that window into space and for a time allow yourself to float on through. When you are ready to stop, picture looking back at your peaceful self and pass through the window back to your body. This is feeling total freedom!!!