venusmain.png?width=180Channeler: Celia Fenn

Friday, 1 June, 2012

I think by now most people will have become aware that we are passing through a very powerful series of Energy Adjustments and Recalibrations. These commenced with the Equinox in March and have been ongoing, building towards the Venus Transit on the 6th of June. Archangel Michael did say in the January transmission that the Venus Transit would be one of the two power points in this year, and it is surely proving to be just so.

It is the first part of the major Realignment that will take us through the 2012 portal and into the New Earth Reality beyond. And the key word is Realignment. We are all being realigned and recalibrated on the Light Body level so that we can raise our consciousness and our personal frequencies to the levels that will allow us to be comfortable and happy in the New Earth. So, what this means, in "real" terms, is that many of us are facing major challenges with regards to money, homes, relationships and work, all those very basic things in our lives in the 21st century.

This is because things are realigning for the New, and whatever is not in alignment with the new is feeling great stress, as it crumbles and drops away. If we are wise, we will realize that it is best to allow this process and to flow with it rather than trying to fight against it. Just know that in the place of what is being released, something far better and more in alignment with you and your life in the New Earth will arise to take its place.

These changes and challenges may be very intense, as this is more or less the last adjustment before the big whooosh as we move through the 2012 portal. I call it Radical, because at this point your Higher Self may be giving you that last push that says that this is not working for you, you need to let go and create something new. Of course, if you have been allowing the shifts and changes, then you may find that your life is opening up wonderfully into new levels of Creativity, Partnership, Relationship and Joy. You may be following your passions in your life and work and finding that flow of Abundance that is the energy of the New Earth. If not, this period of Radical Shift will bring you into closer alignment with what you need.

Venus is the Solar System level of Consciousness that resonates with the Goddess Energy, with Love and Relationship, with Money and with Passion and Beauty. At this time, all these issues are being highlighted and transformed. On a Planetary scale we can see how the Economic system is crumbling, especially in the "First World" of the USA and Europe, and how it is making space for the "New Economy" that will take us into a sustainable and co-operative way of living. On the personal level, many people are finding that they are making radical shifts in their attitude towards money, and that the desire for conspicuous consumption has been replaced by the desire to live in an balanced way and in harmony with the Earth. Money is simply a means of achieving a balanced lifestyle, where the focus is on living in the energy of beauty and harmony with all beings and with the Earth.

In close connection with this is finding work that ignites your Passion for life and is harmony with your soul purpose and brings you Joy. Many of you will be feeling the urge to let go of past ways of work and reaching out for work that is an expression of your Soul and your Passion.

As far as Personal Relationships are concerned, there will also be tension in partnerships whose basis is no longer in alignment with the purpose of your Soul and the energy of the New Earth. At this point, you will be guided to reconsider your contract in your relationship, or to simply move on to a new partnership that is more aligned with what you are becoming and what you wish to create in your life.

These energies and challenges will build towards the transit on the 6th, and you may find around that time that there will be some very deep and fundamental changes in your life. Don't panic! This is all leading you towards something better and deeper, and more suited to where you are heading in the time after the 2012 portal!

You may also be feeling quite intense physical symptoms as your Light Body makes its final adjustments for the Transit and for the later Portal transit. As you bring your Soul Star and Earth Star chakras "online", you may experience pains and discomfort in the legs, or dizziness and nausea and disorientation, or bouts of flu and colds. These are all part of the process as the DNA activates and the Light Body surges energy through the system to bring everything into harmony and activation. This also activates the Template for Human Divine Perfection in the DNA and activates the ability to go the "next step" in this ongoing process of Spiritual and Physical Evolution.

© 2006-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global - You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.


Join us in focusing on the true reality and releasing the illusions of separation.

World Gathering 2012

Join us. United we can move through the Venus Transit portal, doing our part to open the heart of the world.
It is our choice.

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  • thank you for posting this infomation it has confirmed alot for us as we r experiencing this at this time lots of love to you

  • Thank you so much for this message. i was really in need of undersdanting why things are happening at this particular time, still am (so long text to read, but i'll read it)

    i had a bad cold for the last 5-6 days... still have some left but ill handle it :)

  • thanks for this info; very useful! :D

  • Omg a true understanding towards all of us!

    Thank you sister!

    Love love love!!

    Joy joy joy!! :)


  • I can totally relate to your feelings. I, too, am 'normally' a very upbeat person. However, for the last month or so, I've been literally dragging myself out of bed, I'm soooo tired all the time, and very sad/depressed for no obvious reason. It's a bit difficult to communicate with anyone either. I just don't feel like it... very strange indeed...

  • Thank you for  telling us this true reality we are going trough. Painful really to pass all the changes in our bodys. But Love is not only transforming, but also protecting us. So I think love and give love to all my problems coming ub. Then I wait and see what happens working out more of my calmness in this lifetime.

    Love to everyone

    from Alina

  • Thank you for these positive thoughts, Celia. We can never hear too many times words of encouragement and support in these uncertain times. Currently my Higher Self is bursting out and this helps to explain a little about what's happening - not only to me but to so many others. Namaste!

  • thank  you so much for this wonderful sharing..symptoms are all happening to me now..all the ups and downs of life are there in which i cant  fight over any more.. i feel i can't do anything of downs in my life especially at seems they cannot comprehend i feel releasing them..i can't fight over any more..i have to see my true home and looking forward to the new world.. joy and light..

  • Thank you, for the post.  This explains, everything I am going through!  My instinct tells me to accomplish the things mentioned in this channel yo shared.  However the pains, are so intense!  Yet I am so happy, and  I am the most free I have ever been, and I know my chakras are open.  I actually said a final farewell to someone formerly considered a potential soul mate, and I recently got drawn to a another, one who freed my soul as if from a cage...I don't know where we will go, but I am flying!

This reply was deleted.

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