"You EACH must learn to go within and make your OWN connections - and learn to trust your own Guidance.
Hear me well: This endeavor is fundamental to your forward progress in the physical at this time!
I shall tell you now that unless and until you learn to connect FOR YOURSELF, WITHIN, you will never be satisfied with what you are doing, or where you are doing it, or with whom you are doing whatever it is that you are doing. The strength (and thus satisfaction) of your convictions - whether they are in response to seemingly trivial matters like clothing choices, or serious ones like adopting a child - stem from your level of certainty, and that certainty derives from the strength of your connection within to Source.
There is not one Lighted entity of God alive on your planet who could not have their lives overflowing with abundance at this time. Rather, it is due to past fears, beliefs, and habits of thought that ones disconnect from The Abundance and thus lack results. There is no exception!" - Esu "Jesus" Sananda
Read the entire message here (page 17): http://www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com/970909.pdf
Gratitude to you Lightworker... thank you very much for this timely message.. yes we all have to go within.. no more seeking answers from the outside .. when all the answers are within.. and THATS taking responsibility :) brilliant - I have to say.. I got shivers of excitement reading this link.. what great benifit I feel.. thank you again .o)
Love and appreaciateion -
Dear Pan, glad to be of service (to you and all our relations). Peace.