"For those who are focusing upon the Light of God, the times shall be considered transmuting. For those focusing instead upon the great darkness, their days shall be numbered as tribulation.
In the hours of apparent darkness, you ones will need to focus upon the Light and stand in the Strength of your convictions.
Since the systems of all living creatures upon your planet are attuned to the natural magnetic pulses and frequencies of the planet itself, all living creatures are also experiencing the same roller-coaster ride.
These fluctuations of biological frequencies are causing all sorts of odd behavior, discomforting aches and pains (especially in areas of the back, base of the skull, and shoulders, where there are denser complexes of nerve-muscle function), mental confusion and simple inability to focus mentally, plus a myriad of other odd maladies. So, do not despair in thinking you are falling apart. Rather, these are only your physical body's reactions to Mother Earth's tremendous growing pains of sorts." - Germain
Read the entire message here (page 18): http://www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com/970916.pdf