You who play in the physical arena are in the times prophesied by many an en-Light-ened wayshower from times past. This is not a time to be feared, but rather, a time to look forward to, with the anticipation and eagerness of a small child awaiting Christmas morning.
Knowledge is only as powerful as is its holder's willingness to act upon it and use it in a reasonable manner. You can know truth, and hold it in a coveted manner, without any immediate consequence to yourself. However, as time passes by, you will become very uncomfortable as you see all of the people you could have helped if you had just stepped forward and shared what you know.
So, what are these thought projections? Your thoughts are as tangible as is the fruit which grows on trees or the air you breathe. They are electromagnetic, bi-polar, pulse-wave emanations. They can become quite visible in what you ones call etheric space (some call this hyper-space). Your thoughts are capable of interacting with the physical environment in very direct and noticeable manners. Just the act of observing (focusing attention upon) a situation both adds energy to it and (thus) modifies what you are observing.
When you are thinking thoughts which resonate with the core (non-physical) essence of your being - with your Higher Self - you are literally unstoppable! By contrast, when you dwell on those thoughts which cause you great inner frustration or turmoil, thus lowering your frequency, you will head down a path of diminishing returns. And if such thoughts become a habit, you will begin to diminish in both physical strength and mental clarity.
Read the entire message here (page 13):