blessings all that. I see the world being exploited and the people in power are still holding a tight grip on our freedoms.
When are we gonna take back our right to live in a clean world and implement a healthy world.
Money cars and clothes seem to be the driving force of society. I am growing impatient with this whole E.T. scenario
I hear the Earth crying out for help but no one is showing up yet. The capatalist industrial machine is really pissing me off these days. Any suggestions on what needs to happen here? We keep going to our jobs. We keep on just surviving. Maybe we should all write letters to the U.N. or our senators or anyone who may listen. I would like to hear your concrete plans of action here. Staying in the love vibration is good and all but I really feel like we need to do more than just raise the energies spiritually. Arrrrgh. The whole situation is frustrating. The money is what talks and not enough money is flowing into social awakening and health programs. I will keep doing whatever i can. Bless you all
1) Love is stronger than death
2) hope is possitive
3) faith will never fail
4) humanity is showing signs of desiring change, and just becouse powers that are almost gone, fight tooth and nail to deceive humanity, its a smoke screen on their part. If my ultra conservative family is waking up, I feel the rest of humanity is as well.
..u are saying it nice... but writing letters to any senators, or any UN wont do any good... because the UN and the senators are the ones who make the laws we have....
... as far as action goes the only thing we can do for now, is to stop as much as we can to support their system, and inform more people....
..,the new Zeitgeist film is coming out in 3 weeks,,, and i havent seen anything better so far for a concrete plan of action we need to make,,,