I think I will post this after my last post, it explains a lot and may raise the vibrations instead of inadvertently lowering them.
We are getting very close to the event for which you, the Light-workers, have been hoping and praying. It seems to many of you that the waiting has been interminable, even though you know that time and your experience of it are illusory. But, as you have discovered, even though it is illusory, the illusion is a tough and frequently very unforgiving environment. However, you have continued to hold the intent to awaken despite your anxieties and doubts, and as a result the Light you bear has brightened enormously and is helping others, as you demonstrate peace, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance, mainly unhampered by self-righteous discrimination or judgment.
It is difficult, because you are subject to all the same emotions that everyone else within the illusion has to deal with, and while you do have the advantage of knowing what is going on, and why, you still undergo those experiences and feel motivated to react. But you are more frequently allowing those emotions to flow through you without reacting, and that intensifies the divine Love field so that it induces in all of humanity a strengthening awareness that to react to emotions is a choice that you make. And many are now choosing peace instead of reaction.
All on Earth are intuitively realizing that the emotional issues flooding into their awareness – unexpectedly and often unsought – need to be released. At first there may be a strong desire not to let them go without first forcefully expressing them because they seem so justifiable; but quietly, underneath that feeling, their intuitive realization is gently persuading them that to let them go will bring a satisfying resolution and a sense of peace. And, as everyone wants peace, they will mostly respond very positively to that persuasion.
Full article: http://2012indyinfo.com/2012/08/08/reacting-to-emotions-is-a-choice-you-make-johnsmallmans-blog/
emotions do need to be released & transmuted ;)