Hello, This is my first post here and I wanted to share the experience that led me to this site. I've had the occasional "experience" before, but wasn't ever positive that whatever happened wasn't a dream. So here goes... Here is my journal entry from 3/26
First experience in a long time. Asked for help raising my energy vibration so that I could ascend to my light body when it was the right time. Later I felt something slide in between my husband and I in bed. I thought something like "hello" in a welcoming type way, but was a bit nervous. I felt this bubble go around me and a very strong laser like electric shock go up my spine and up around my head to my third eye. I was an intense feeling and hurt just a bit. I was afraid but tried to stay calm. It went on for a pretty long time. Felt like 20 minutes or so. I felt something pick me up and rotate me in mid-air and was thinking in my head "don't take me, don't take me". I felt myself put back into bed and the bubble melted away. I jumped up and said to husband "DID YOU FEEL THAT?" He was wide awake and said he had felt me come back with a wave of energy through the bed. He didn't feel the experience I had, but had been awake with his eyes closed and saw a female floating in the air with her hair floating around. There was a blue light surrounding her.
He said something like "you have progressed well" -- as in I dealt with my fear well. He felt like it wasn't him saying this but something else in his head. This is not a normal experience for him.
We went outside because he had a feeling like we could meet them outside. Nothing showed up but a car did pass. We said something like I think they would show up, who would be looking right now. He heard something say "you'd be surprised how many are looking." -- again in his head.
Since this experience, I have been having very strong energy vibrations throughout my body. I am definitley feeling something but don't have the words to describe it. I am looking to hear everyone's thoughts about this. What was this? Am I crazy? Has anyone else felt this type of thing happen?
This is my first post ever - please be gentle. :)
Hi Dark Rae,
Thanks for your reply. I had wondered about the possibility of it being a guide type of situation as well. May I ask what your experiences were that led you here? You're right, it definitely is "paranormal" down here. lol :)
Thanks for your reply and reassurance Alexis.
What an amazing bunch of experiences you have had, I would love to hear more! :)
Welcome Tardismomma :) So nice for you have such wonderful and enlightening experience, and to have your husbands support and understanding is such a gift. Of course you aren't crazy, but you already knew that lol, didn't you? You are on a journey like the rest of us but you have chosen to do it with "eyes open" and your guides and etheric friends are helping.
It all hits us in different ways, this ascension business and all that comes with it. Gosh all morning today my face has been sooooo itchy, it's really getting on my nerves... it feels like static electricity is running all over my head lol... and it tickles my face and makes me want to scratch... feels like something is drifting across my face like hair, except I'm in a pony tail today ...strange days indeed.
Nice again to meet you, I look forward to hearing your comments... you will find alot of great information here in the archives once you look around a bit. And please pay no attention to some of our more "fringe" members, we all mean well, we are just so different and lightworkers are notorious for being eccentric...
Hi 1HappyKelly,
Thank you for your reply. The itchy face has to be frustrating, must be getting you ready for bigger and better things!
I have definitely been feeling some odd sensations since my experience as well. I have felt strong vibrations in my heart center and sometimes a random feeling of bliss will come over me. :)
Are there any particular threads that you would recommend from the archives?
That is a good question, there have been great discussions but it depends on what interests you. Basically anything that BenArion posts is good information, like the videos and such. I'm into research but I use this site to connect with others of my kind who are into this sort of thing. I was very lonely for long stretches because I too, knew something wasn't right in the world... I don't share the common values that are important where I come from, like having the right house and car, being the right size and looking a certain way... "success means being the one with the most money", you know, that kind of thing. And I'm an extrovert, so you'll see me alot lol.
Best wishes to you, I hope you enjoy yourself here, if there is anything else I can do, please let me know :)
Welcome to the "Party" Tardismomma.....you're at the right place at the right time.
Lol....No , no.... you're NOT going crazy..... you're awakening...... but i believe you "know" you know this already..... for this is WHY you are here..... nes pas?....
You have a very strong aura.... a very "gentle" one..... makes me feel good.....( I'm an empath ) Emotions run through me as air does through ones lungs......based upon 'viewing" your picture here..... you're future looks amazing.
As for me.... for the past 3 months now, everyday.... ALL DAY, i have ringing in my ears..... i'm used to it now.....but still......f**king annouyiing at times.......lol.....( i blame H.A.A.R.P. ).......
Well.....if and when you can..... if you "really" want to see what going on around the world as far as UFO's go......check out my video page....... i spend 4-6 hours per day scouring the globe for what i see EVERYDAY in the sky.... i try my best to poste them asap as the "dark cable" has thier tentacles everywhere..... but then again....... so do i.......lol......
Let fear NEVER be the issue...... and let your LOVE guide you..... ALWAYS.
Thanks for your message. I actually watch your videos regularly. My husband and I love the one you did on 3/31. I didn't really think I was crazy, but you know how the doubter doubts. After a few days have passed you start to question if what happened to you was real. :)