To make it short:
It makes no sense fighting thoughts and thinking or trying to direct them in certain directions.
It is an illusion that YOU think - instead, something is thinking making you believe you are thinking.
Brain research has revealed that in recent years. Read for instance Gerhard Roth, a leading guy in this field.
Anyway, the case of thinking is not simply solved by strong will or fighting or special meditation.
It needs another approach - recognizing thinking as a process different from real truth.
Recognizing means understanding and starting to look through the process.
Thinking truth is always different from real truth.
Truth is happening of what happens hic et nunc (here and now), it is the revelation of that what happens. Truth is life encountering happening.
And thinking is something different, it is a brain activity, a mental construct, a systemic set theorizing a possible truth encounter - but it is not the real encounter.
By recognizing thinking in such way thinking is no enemy anymore, nor an obstacle hiding a truth - it is rather a tool, a horse for riding which is sometimes very wild.
And by recognizing thinking in such way you can start seeing the truth behind thinking - even while thoughts run through your head you can`t stop nor direct, you can remember they are no truth.
Truth never hurts and never has problems - it is always your thoughts.
And it is also truth, that there is no problem ever in the here and now - only in your thoughts.
Here is a word of an old greek philosopher 2000 years ago, Epiktet:
Not the things actually worry humans, but its view (that is thinking) of the things...
xíngbùgēngmíng, zuòbùgǎixìng
I am who I am (and I'm not ashamed) / fig. to be proud of one's name and stand by one's actions
Why is everyone here speaking Russian.
..maybe because its easier than.. Chinese??
"Not the things actually worry humans, but its view (that is thinking) of the things..."
..this is a very thoughtful thing to say... if u think about it... ;)
Especially for you:
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