Red Bull Drink = Slow Death?

Red Bull Drink = Slow Death?From Helmi10-12-9 & Denmark have banned it from the country...RED BULL - slow death ...Do NOT drink this drink anymore!Pay everything...As a public health safety, please pass on this email to all the contacts in your address book especially those with teenage children.This drink is SOLD in all the supermarkets IN OUR country and our children ARE CONSUMING IT ON A TRIAL BASIS. IT can be FATAL.RED BULL was created to stimulate the brains in people who are subjected to great physical force and in stress coma and never to be consumed like an innocent drink or soda pop.RED BULL IS the energizer DRINK that is commercialized world-wide with its slogan: "It increases endurance, awakens the concentration capacity and the speed of reaction, offers more energy and improves the mood. All this can be found in a can of RED BULL, the power drink of the millennium."RED BULL has managed to arrive in almost 100 countries worldwide. The RED BULL logo is targeted at young people and sportsmen, two attractive segments that have been captivated by the stimulus that the drink provides.It was created by Dietrich Mateschitz, an industrialist of Austrian origin who discovered the drink by chance. It happened during a business trip to Hong Kong , when he was working at a factory that manufactured toothbrushes.The liquid, based on a formula that contained caffeine and taurine, caused a rage in that country. Imagine the grand success of this drink in Europe where the product still did not exist, besides it was a superb opportunity to become an entrepreneur.BUT THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS DRINK IS ANOTHER THINGFRANCE and DENMARK have just prohibited it as a cocktail of death, due to its vitamin components mixed with GLUCURONOLACTONE ' - a highly-dangerous chemical, which was developed by the United States Department of Defense during the sixties to stimulate the moral of the troops based in VIETNAM, which acted like a hallucinogenic drug that calmed the stress of the war.But their effects in the organism were so devastating, that it was discontinued, because of the high index of cases of migraines, cerebral tumors and diseases of the liver that was evident in the soldiers who consumed it.And in spite of it, in the can of RED BULL you can still find as one of its components: GLUCURONOLACTONE, categorized medically as a stimulant. But what it does not say on the can of RED BULL are the consequences of its consumption, and that has forced a series of WARNINGS...1. It is dangerous to take it if you do not engage in physical exercise afterwards, since its energizing function accelerates the heart rate and can cause a sudden attack.2. You run the risk of undergoing a cerebral hemorrhage, because RED BULL contains components that dilute the blood so that the heart utilizes less energy to pump the blood, and thus be able to deliver physical force with less effort being exerted.3. It is prohibited to mix RED BULL with alcohol, because the mixture turns the drink into a " Deadly Bomb " that attacks the liver directly, causing the affected area never to regenerate anymore.4. One of the main components of RED BULL is the B12 vitamin, used in medicine to recover patients who are in a coma ; from here the hypertension and the state of excitement which is experienced after taking it, as if you were in a drunken state.5. The regular consumption of RED BULL triggers off symptoms in the form of a series of irreversible nervous and neuronal diseases.CONCLUSION: It is a drink that should be prohibited in the entire world as when it is mixed with alcohol it creates a TIME BOMB for the human body, mainly between innocent adolescents and adults with little experience. Forward this mail to Everyone and Let them know about this..Helmi@Coolfishermann

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  • Thanks for posting this... It happens that i drink it... I Will not do it again!
    But you know what's the problem? That in Discos, most of the people drink Vodka-Red Bull!!!
    I Must spread the word.
  • MSL78,
    Good on ya, mate!!!
  • I still say the article is false, or at least majorly misleading. The reasons Red Bull was banned where it was, was due to the caffeine only. What people also don't realize is that the knock off drinks have more of the bad as well as a huge amount of HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) instead of glucose or another form of sugar. I am on the verge of immune to many narcotics and alcohol (in moderate doses / drinks) actually perks me up if I'm down or tired. Almost anything can be over used (and a lot is, to be sure) but Red Bull is as it's advertised and the cans have warnings on them as well. DON'T OVER USE. Personally, I have had 1 or 2 cans a day and gone weeks with out any. It does help and for me, the main perk seems to be the B vitamins because a (multi) B vitamin and a glass or bottle of water perk me up about the same. (I'm also highly tolerant of caffeine.) Don't ban Red Bull (while you CAN dump many of the fake knock off's) but do be sure no child of yours is drinking it like soda pop. :-)
  • I was addicted to RedBull once, i remember scrounging up the last of my change to go buy one multiple times, i had to have one, it was a bad time and i remember my thoughts were out of balance and weird. Very weird and addicting drink. I was also on a medication called addorall which was very bad for my health and my psyche, even though it was part of my journey and i learned a lot about myself during these experiences. I don't use either anymore and my head is in a much more sane place. Its all in the mind. I also remember one time i was in Argentina with my buddy and we took addoral and went out for the evening, i kept on ordering rebull and vodka all night long, the bars in the U.S. close at 2 am but since the clubs and bars don't close until the next morning in Argentina i lost track of time and realized i had been drinking rebull and vodka non stop for 11 hours straight. My buddy was telling me we should probably go and i said why man! were just getting started, he said "dude!, its 8:30 am" I probably could have died since i was non stop dancing as well. It was a great time though.
  • I used to drink Red bull with Vodka...Nothing happened....exept a litlle buzz
    shows that 99% is what is posted above is not true. it too high in sugar and caffeine, but the rest of it is not a problem IF NOT over used. Too much coffee will get you too. :-)

    • Of Course we 're talking about Abuses of it, and overuses... the problem is that if you keep it on the market, you never know how many pieces are bought, and what use the people do of it... so you cant risk that there are people who dont know and drink like 5-6 per day... after a week? they blow up!
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