In case you need to remember why we're here going through this seemingly endless nightmare, here's some older info from Sheldan Nidle's website:
All About Starseeds
Starseed Mission
Because their task is the most difficult one to perform in a very dense dimension such as ours, starseeds were hand-picked from our galaxy and beyond. Few beings would volunteer to do such work at the risk of forgetting who they are and losing their connection with their divine Higher Selves.
Although starseeds make up a very small percentage of Earth's population, their mission is great and varied. Primarily, they must go through this physical life and attempt to remember who they are. When they make that connection, they are drawn to go through a transformational process to become whole, centered and connected with their Higher Selves. Once starseeds realize who they are, they can begin to help enlightened Earth souls to anchor light to Mother Earth.
Starseeds are also here in this Divine Intervention from higher dimensions down to our physical world. This planet cannot survive without the Divine Intervention decreed by our Creator. Starseeds provide the missing link in closing the loop between the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Hierarchies, the Elohim and the Time Lords who work in concert to help our planet. Starseeds are awakened and ready to anchor light, perform rituals, meditate and focus energetically upon situations that need to be changed for the good of all.
Bil El Masri
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Hey Katjami, Sorry to hear that. Just being curious though. If your Twin Flame is Kuthimi then who is Jesus on here lol
Bless the Nite,'
Reply by 1HappyKelly on January 10, 2012 at 11:31pm
I can respond, April is trying to invoke paranoia because Drekx and Ara said they went to Lucis Trust, which is supposedly "dark", lol.
This poor thread has seen enough darkness, let's not feed those who take us from the Light and positive fellowship we have for each other.
Each to their own, but rumor mongering and gossip is not of the Light.
Hehehehehe yeah I'm lying once again.
Bless the Nite,
There is no proof of this Katajami, I'm sorry to tell you that so many people could easily say right now that they have had contact with this kind of energy, and you could easily follow them in there foot prints of this, and later on you could on another site and read about how many Starseeds out there feel connected to the Rainbow Bridge, because it has to do with our Chakra System.
Rituals don't help with things like the Rainbow Bridge, Katjami, you are giving away your power way to easily in all of this, and allowing someone to tell who your Twin Flame is, rather then finding out on your own'
This is the sort of thing where people don't take the time to read things, and know that this sort of thing has been out there for a long time, and so many Starseed Sites will tell you that so and so has the power to bring you to these things
When in reality we have the power already to find the answers within
I have read somethings on her group, and half is believable and half isn't. Half of what she says is all articles of what someone else has written over time
Take a really good look at the things she says on here, and notice how often she will have a link to the article where she had found it on.
They aren't of her own Katjami, there just articles she is finding on here, to waste time in telling you guys how important she is, so she doesn't have to answer things about your personal experiences
If she is this enlightened, then why can't she even take the time out, and answer questions to her devoted friends on here that she has had for months on end
I may sound harsh on her right now, but the reality is, I did read some of her stuff, and sadly they are mainly articles she has found on the internet
Bless the Nite,
Working together is good for somethings, but as far as Spirituality goes, I think that I have come to understand that this path is only meant for us, and for us to work on only. I don't think that anyone really wants to work together in sense of Spirituality, it's all built for personal gain, and anyone that tells you that it isn't is lying, because this our Path, and our Path only.
Yeah I think that Anja had it right the first time around, when she had said there is no team in working on Spirituality, because this choice is always our own in the first place.
Even right now when talking about things like the Solar Flares and stuff like that, that is going for your own personal gain, because it is gathering members around you as a person, for having this kind of info, but in reality there are so many more people that will have this information, without articles hoovering around them
There is no US in Spirituality, its all about who we are coming in our own Journey.
When I had made the article about Awakening Moments, and had members talking about there own Awakening, you would be shocked to hear how many people are wanting to talk about there own personal experiences rather then talking about doing this whole thing together
It had really opened up some doorways to know that this wasn't the only site on the Net, that people are drawn to, but each one of them had a story to tell, about there own Awakening moments, and you aren't the only one that has had there moments Kelly
There are many many more who had awakened before you did, and are ready to talk about it.
This isn't about working together.
Anyone that says it is are only kidding themselves lol
When it comes to humanity things, working at a distances works better then working in a group in a physical matter, bringing in people within a group leads to fighting and more fighting, because so many different Views on stuff
Bless the Nite,
There was nothing negative, and speaking about working together Kelly, In case you haven't notice, there are so many of your friends that were close to you at one time, that haven't been real happy about the fact there stuff is being pushed to the side lines
Who exactly is in charge in working together on this site? Who makes the choices on here that people who don't share the same view points as you do, will get shoved to the background
You talk about working together as a Team on here. Is it not working together, when it is all about one person on here, because they agree with everything that the articles have been saying and what the owner of the site has to say as well
Who Kelly, Is in charge with working together as a team on here?
You just said don't talk with me unless I have some thing positive to say.
You say that we are all working as a Team though when it comes to Spirituality things
What about your friends, like Kelly Ann, Greg, James Ryan? What happened with them when they decided that they don't agree with everything you have to put on here?
IS that really working as a team when it comes to Spirituality things?
You also say you do rituals, and other things like that, so who Kelly is it actually benefiting on this site here alone? Your friends that you had before on here, aren't following this act of Ritual things anymore, so exactly is this benefiting?
Bless the Nite,
April i had visited the Buddhist monastery - they perform rituals every single day - the monks call it - discipline, shamans perform rituals, reiki masters perform rituals, people who work with crystals perform rituals and so on .... as to friends, i have friends that i know for 16 years, do you know on how many things that we disagree .... so i don't understand what are you trying to get from your persistence to make 'people' feel small ...
Ara, that was for Kelly to answer on, not anyone else. This doesn't have to do with the fact that there are this that or the other thing
It was meant to ask a simple question, and why things are the way they are on here, when you are talking about working together as a Team
It has been said so often on here, but how many are actually doing that on here? How many are pulling things together even though they have there disagreements on stuff.
This again was meant for Kelly to answer, because she says that she wants everyone working together, but yet she doesn't even care to ask people like Kelly Ann and Greg as to why they aren't to happy with her
her most devoted followers on here, and they aren't happy with the things she is doing on here, or how she is going about it. She couldn't even answer any of the questions that have been asked, but yet she is talking about working together as a Team
Yet people who were the most supportive friends on here, she can't even support them now, because they don't agree with her
I don't care about the Monks, or what they do with there rituals, or anything like that right now.
There are some answers that haven't even been answered, and if you are going to ramble on and on about that sort of thing, please by all means do a separate posting on it
I'm tired, and not in the mood of doing a dance of article things, that has nothing to do with direct answers
Bless the Nite,
ok April, not to disrespect anybody here, i do remember Kellys and Gregs replies to Anja and SC don't you .... nobody put those comments for them .... they wrote them on the own .... so now their perception changed .... it's their choice .... the rest is history .... and one more thing 1HappyKelly doesn't need to answer to you or any body else that's between Her and God, you are not a priest and i don't think anybody on this site need to confess well certainly not to you ....
I'm sorry for using the word follower then, more like supporter if anything at all.
Glad to hear that you had found yourself more in all of this
Bless the Nite,
Ara, This wasn't meant for you, I told you that already. You are getting all worked up over nothing, because this isn't about you. I know that you say you support everyone on here, and there views on stuff, but you are getting all worked over nothing.
In fact I had never said you had went to that school either, that you have supported on here. That was Happy Kelly that had said you did
LoL, I never said that I was a priest Ara, you are taking this way to personal here.
If you read my comment to Happy Kelly, there was nothing in there that she couldn't answer on her own. She is aa and andey andy adult. At least I think she is lol.
She talks about working as a Team on here. I said that there is no working as a team when it comes to Spirituality
I said that everyone is working on there own path like Anja had mentioned on here one time
She is right, we are all working on our Path, where is there a Team in any of this Ara?
This wasn't meant for you Ara.
Bless the Nite,