REPORT REGARDING A POSSIBLE COLLISION BETWEEN THE CIVILIZATION OF THE Spacepeople (The Galactic Federation) AND TRADITIONAL CHRISTIANITY.This conflict has existed several hundred years, and is caused by some Christians claiming to have, through certain dogmas, the monopoly to the Truth. On the other hand the Spacepeople have indirectly tried to inform the people of the Earth of things that they ought to know. This knowledge is for the caretakers of the Christian Religion, weighing very heavily on their chests. As a weapon the priests invented the concepts of the Devil and Hell and promoted themselves to judges in such a way that in the middle ages many were burned at the stake or in other ways relieved of their lives because what they were teaching was undermining the dogmas and thus indirectly the power of the priesthood. We are now in a period when the civilization of the Earth will consciously be confronted with the civilization of the Spacepeople. Before Christianity arrived, the same problems existed with the Jewish religion. For that reason Christ was incarnated from a higher civilization, to teach Cosmic Laws. However, some Christians have made the Christ into an idol and dictator, as they mean that all who do not "believe" the dogmas will be judged by God into perdition irrespective of what they have done and not done (Karma), unless they are approved by Christ beforehand. Along with the Christianity, the problem also exists with Islam and several other religions. In the civilization of the Spacepeople the same religious definitions do not exist as they do here. First of all God has no Gender. For many the God concept is an abstract concept, the form of a formless light being constituting an intelligence. On some other planets there is no God concept, as such, at all, but that God expresses Himself through the nature, including the humans. Religion in parts of this civilization is somewhat like Buddhism. In the Spacepeoples civilization reincarnation is a scientific truth. It is the same way with the soul developing from a lower to a higher level of comprehension through incarnation in different beings. The secondary truth is not constant, but develops along with the development of the universe and the beings comprehension level. Death is only looked upon as a transition from one existence to another. For some planets the concept of death does not exist at all, in as much as the civilization being conscious on several energy levels. The Spacepeople have been observing life on Earth since it was formed. They have therefor knowledge of the total development on this planet. They have in certain periods visited the planet, and these visits one can find traces of in the cave paintings etc. The Spacepeoples civilization exists in a space/time coordinate system having more than 4 dimensions. This means that the scope of their work also contains those countries that the Earth people call the hereafter, the eternal hunting-grounds or the kingdom of death. The Spacepeople are now trying to make the Earth people understand the laws of the power of creation in the thoughts and other things and what kind of monstrosities that are created on other planes by humanities subconsciousness tied down by the heavy religious inheritance. These monstrosities try to maintain the religiously motivated fear, as the fear itself is their sustenance. The Spacepeople have also contributed with understanding thoughts for higher knowledge of nature, also technical. This has resulted in a flowering of certain methods for the healing of illnesses (branches of the alternative medicine), built on a base of natural science which is thousands and in certain instances millions of years ahead of the academically worlds understanding of physics on Earth. This is one form of development help given by the Spacepeople to the Civilization on Earth. This is by several Christian groups looked upon as the work of the Devil and magic, that they see as their task to fight. In the middle ages they did this by burning people at the stake, also Spacepeople. Some Christians also hold the opinion that acupuncture needles work as aerials, receiving signals from the Devil, so that the patient loses his faith. Several thousand years ago acupuncture was given by the Spacepeople (The Pleiades) to the civilization in China as a method to balance the etheric body of the humans. Many Christians consider the teachings about the chakra system to be from the Devil. These are certain energy centers in the human body, which amongst other things are used for communication within the humans interdimensional structure. Other Christians believe that meditation is dangerous, because it may bring one in contact with demons and devilish beings or work to diminish the idea that Christ is the only way to happiness. Some Christians believe that the civilization of the Spacepeople consist of demons having the task of luring the humans away from the Christ. Others again consider the Spacepeople as gods, because they think that the Spacepeople were not included in the fall of man. Some Christians have invented the expression antichrist. Antichrist is here a person or institution/stateagency, which will incarnate on the Earth for later to entice the humans away from the Christ. The concept is used both on institutions and persons, examples are the Pope and the Catholic direction of faith. This is utilized by the Protestants, contrarily it could happen that the concept was used by the Pope of Martin Luther and the Protestants. The emperor Nero had this designation and today it is the European Union that gets it. This designation is also used on that which is called the New Age Movement, and on the civilization of the Spacepeople. There is a pattern in that the designation is used on all new creativity in the community. What we in particular are having in view here are new overnational combinations or unions which are created by several countries joining together to make up an even greater community. It is here quite clear what kind of problems the Spacepeople will face as they have to make known their existence for the whole of humanity. Several religions also deny that there is life on other planets, because this deprives the Earthpeople the place of being the only thinking creature in the Universe. This is a concept that certain religions are dependent on to make their dogmas believable. The Galactic council has therefore temporarily stipulated that a massive appearance on the Earth arena now, could lead to millions of people having great agony of the soul when these religious dogmas are splintered. The Spacepeople could also be designated as the Devils representatives in an attempt by the religious leaders to maintain their power. This could have lead to that a stream of negative thoughts and feelings being sent toward the visitors, so that they would encounter problems because of the negative energy this would have caused. The Spacepeople therefore, utilize a policy of a gradual contact increase with the civilization on Earth. This is especially valid on the mental level, where ordinary humans telepathic abilities are subconscious. The Spacepeople are continuously sending a stream of telepathic information, so that this will enter the consciousness from inside and in this manner brake down the dogmas that are hindering the development. This will be experienced as that the person is beginning to think for himself and suddenly gets other ideas that he/she will investigate. He/she will then begin to search for literature for delving further into, and suddenly one realizes that the old dogmas were not right after all. This method is not always possible with people who are nailed down in religious organizations such as Jehovah's Witnesses, the Pentecostalites etc. When the Galactic Council consider that enough humans are enlightened, there will be made a decision about official contact. The existence of the spacepeople will then be proclaimed. and proven through the mass media. At that moment, those desperately hanging on to their religious dogmas will get problems. The following dogmas will make problems for Christianity: 1. The concept of the existence of the Devil. 2. The concept that the human is a sinner at birth and that Christ was born to remove this sin. 3. The prevailing idea about the fall of man. 4. The idea of womans subservience. 5. The idea of God as a man. 6. The idea of Antichrist and the kingdom of the Beast, and the lake of fire and the everlasting torment. 7. The ritual of Communion. 8. The idea that Christ is the only son of God. 9. The idea of the Divine Trinity. 10. The idea of the last day. 11. The idea that the dead will be awakened on this day and that their knuckles, which are in the Earth again shall be clothed in flesh. (What about those who are cremated?) 12. The churches rejection of the teaching about reincarnation and the principle of karma, and several other things that are not listed here. Comments: 1. The existence of the Devil. Many Christians use the Devil as an excuse to suppress other beings by saying that these are under the influence of the Devil, even if they do that which is good. This because their ideas may go against some central dogmas. The Devil is used by the religious leaders as a threat so that they can rule the people. With regards to destructive forces, they do exist. (read about the C component) 3. The fall of man. A long time ago the Earth was used as a place of deportation for dissidents from other civilizations. This is the origin of the myth of the fall of man. 6. The everlasting torment does not exist in as much as the soul is under development at all times. With the perdition is meant the total destruction of the planet Earth with all its life-forms due to the Earth peoples ignorance. The Antichrist is persons or statesystems that cultivate power and money. The beast from the ocean with the many heads are the atomic submarines with their many warheads. 7. The ritual of communion. In this ritual one says that one is eating a symbolic biscuit representing the body of Jesus and drink wine symbolizing his blood. This may be an inheritance from a primitive culture where they believed that eating the body of someone just deceased would make them partake of the qualities this person had before passing away. (Ritual cannibalism) Through this ritual the Christians hope to receive their immortality. The fact is that through the ritual of communion Jesus would personally symbolize the brotherhood between himself and the disciples and that this was a personal act between him and the disciples, which later has come into being an official act to gain for one self certain qualities without having to develop oneself to gain these. 10. The last day. Many Christians believe that at death they lose their consciousness, for again being awakened on the last day, then to be judged. Evaluation is done individually right after death. After the evaluation the person remains for a while in a higher dimension. Here he may amongst other things plan his next life. The following theses must be rewritten. Today it reads: "I am the Truth, the Way and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. The new text: I represent the Truth, the Way and the Life. Humans may come to higher insight through me. The profession of faith must be changed, reading today: I believe in Jesus Christ Gods only begotten son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born by the Virgin Mary, scourged under Pontius Pilatus, crucified, died and was buried, went to the land of the dead, rose from the dead on the third day, ascended to heaven and is sitting at God the Almighty's right hand, shall from there return again to judge the living and the dead. The new text: I believe in Jesus Christ, God's messenger, who was implanted in the Virgin Mary, scourged under Pontius Pilatus, crucified, dead and buried. Went out of his body. Temporarily rematerialized on the physical plane through his etheric body on the third day. Was lifted off the ground by anti gravitation. Is now somewhere in the Universe according to his karma and developmentplan. Let his words be a guide for humanity so that they can cleansen humans of negative karma and make it possible for them to join the universal community. It is clear that the Christ possessed exceptional qualities with regards to healing. He also controlled the creative aspect of his thoughts so that he could transcend the laws of nature. Amongst other things, he could fly. It is nearly certain the star of Bethlehem was what today is called a UFO, in as much as it moved under intelligent control. It is therefore likely that the spacepeople have had a hand in the game here. It is possible that the embryo of Christ was developed on another planet. This was then flown to the Earth on a spaceship where it was then artificially implanted in the uterus of the Virgin Mary. The implantation could have been done with a needle into her stomach while she was under "electronic" anesthetic. The person in question gets a thing on, like a headphone, whereupon he loses consciousness. It can also be done by wireless. The embryo could also have been teleported into the uterus through hyper space. This teleportation can be done directly from other planets, or from a spacecraft. After official contact has been established the Spacepeople will probably inform humanity about this. They will then document the whole thing with video material from the time of Jesus. In as much as the Spacepeople do not want to be looked upon as gods, this could be hard to digest for many Christian congregations. The Spacepeople do not want to be worshipped as gods, but want a cooperation on a practical and theoretical level. The angels are beings belonging in a higher civilization on a higher life plane, on and outside the Earth. The 10 commandments are rules that humanity ought to follow to develop the civilization to a higher level. The Christ incarnated to teach humanity the law of universal love. At the time just before his incarnation the God concept was dictatorial. God was a strict dictator who destroyed all that did not suit him. The Christ gave the teaching, you shall love your neighbor as yourself, and you will be judged by the same measure with which you judge others. According to these rules, God could not be bad, because then he would brake his own rules. He also gave a message that God had an unlimited love for humanity. To judge other people and beings as the Devils servants because they did not accept Christ as the highest authority (dictator), is therefore a braking of the laws that Christ gave himself. This part of Christianity must therefore be removed. The word Christianity must be altered to the teachings of Christ, in as much as there is no talk about judgment. The religion must be rephrased so that it only focuses on Gods universal love, and the Christ as a bringer of this without prejudice of peoples view on life. If this is not done, and the religion only focuses on commandeering, punishment, fear and the devil it will not survive as a teaching in the future. It will certainly not endure the meeting with the galactic civilization, which is based on the principle of universal love. The body of the Christ must under all circumstances have been genetically manipulated so that the Earthly civilizations religious heritage, amongst other things, had been removed from the genetic code, as not to be a subconscious hindrance for his work. Should the here mentioned assumptions be correct, it could possibly lead to great problems for several Christian groups when the Spacepeople take official contact with the people of the Earth. The spacepeople will then probably tell about Christ and his work, documented with extensive video material, also from the time of the Christ. It is therefore important that there is an alternative teaching available, when this happens, which can replace the religious picture which many Christians have held until then. If it becomes clear that the body of Christ was manipulated to make it advanced enough for his highly evolved soul, this will become a problem for more Christian groups. The alternative teaching may then guide the Christians into a universal concept of God independent of form and civil status. This is absolutely necessary. When Earth gets official contact with the Spacepeople, it will be clear that there are beings who with their will alone can do whatever they like with the physical matter and that these have natural abilities to do that which Christ did materially (heal, fly and walk on the water etc.) There are also beings without a physical form, who can take on the form that they desire. There are sexless beings, and possibly beings with more sexes than 2. There are also bodiless light beings. These beings have no material body such as is described on Earth, but a body built up by lightenergy. The diversity between the different living beings is enormous as seen through present Earthly standards. It may here be mentioned that the angels are beings from a higher civilization and natureplane on and outside the Earth. It can also be mentioned that the ocean on Earth is an intelligent being that is not understood by the science of Earth. The ocean can communicate with the help of wavepatterns, lightconditions, weather and telepathy. The ocean also communicates with other cosmic beings. It is this being that maintains the meteorological and climatically balance on Earth amongst other things. The ocean has a better memory than the humans. It is possible to communicate with it on a telepathic UTL frequency by using low information compression speed with sinusoidal coding. It will then be able to tell you about civilizations on Earth all long since dead with the help pictures etc. The Christian God concept must be able to stand this and quite a bit more. The God concept must therefore be elevated to a much higher lever, where it is not dependent on form or relationship. When it comes to salvation and supernatural help through calling on the Christ, this may be explained in different ways. Christ may today be on a higher plane of life. He will then be able to receive the prayer as a telepathic call. He can then help the person with the creative power of his thought. Another being on a higher plane of life may receive the prayer and respond to it. The Christians have established a channel for mental communication, which is filtered through the persons concept of the Christ. The person can therefore communicate with a great number of beings, also Spacepeople, but he will perceive all communication as coming from the same being, namely the Christ. This is often utilized by higher civilizations to implant spiritual knowledge in the Christians. This must, however, be done in an extremely careful manner, because if the person receives information which he interprets as contrary to the central dogmas of his church, he will shut off all communication, as the information in that case will be seen as messages from the Devil. If one will learn mental communication on a higher level, one cannot have these limitations. The call that several Christians receive to go to help people in remote areas are often telepathic messages from groups within the Spacepeople, working in connection with development projects for the people of the Earth. It may also be advice directly from God. In as much as the Christians have been indoctrinated with the teaching about love for your neighbor, they can be used in this work. It would be a pity if this work should stop due to special concepts regarding God, if the Spacepeople should reveal themselves as they really are and explain their concept of God for them. Christianity worked as was intended for about 300 years. After that the religion began to be corrupted by men with a lust for power, who changed the premises of the religion. The reason for introducing Christianity was among other things to make an end to the religious practice where the offering of humans was usual. The religion managed to fulfill this. The Christianity was further corrupted and several of the missionaries lusted for power, which again contributed to the razing of other civilizations on Earth. The situation was now out of control. It was therefore decided to increase the technological and natural science level on Earth to such a degree that people should realize the weakness of the religious dogmas. This was only partly successful in as much as it resulted in a terror regimen from the church to maintain their power. In this manner many were burned at the stake, which has resulted in a terrible karma for the Earth civilization and the church. Those who rejected the Christian dogmas due to the natural science, rejected also the God concept, and that was absolutely not the idea. This resulted in a narrow-minded materialism, which was hampering the development. As viewed from the galactic civilizations, the Earth development was stuck. The development otherwise in the universe is such that the Earth now constitutes a braking block in the galactic development phase. The technological development and the powerfocused dogmabelief, has made it so that the Earth now is considered to constitute a danger for other planets in the galaxy. The low frequency level of Humpnap working through special laws of nature so that the civilization of at least 2 other planets are hindered in their development. If there for instance should break out atomic war on Earth, this could cause a disturbance of the balance in the galactic body, so that in the worst case over a hundred other planets could be drawn into the backwash through unforeseen nova activities and suchlike phenomena. It is difficult to explain how such a small planet as Earth can disturb such a great body as the Milkyway galaxy. One can compare it with the working of homeopathy, where a small diluted quantity can influence a greater quantity with the same frequency pictures as those contained in the first small quantity. This has made it possible for the Spacepeople to work in quite a different manner than earlier. They have built underground bases to watch over the military technology. It is said that direct action has been taken against tests with atomic weapons, with such a great explosive force that they could have devastated the whole planet had they been tested. Action is taken mentally in such a way and with a power that has not earlier been used on the people of the planet. Action has also been taken directly to increase the engonic frequency of humpnap. This activity has now brought fruits in the form of the disarmament of the atomic weapons etc. Had it not been for the fear and prejudice of the Christian and Muslim communities with others, the planet would today have official contact with the galactic civilization. Seen from the viewpoint of the Spacepeople the situation with regards to the religious dogmas is despairing. A spreading of Pope based dogma beliefs are expected in the earlier Soviet Union and also a Muslim dogma belief. There is also a possibility of a spreading pope based dogma belief in EU. Something must therefore be done to hinder this. Strong telepathic methods are being used, but against one who is completely locked into his dogmas, such strong telepathy must be used that it is possible that he may temporarily lose his mind. This is considered disadvantageous and a too great disturbance in the peace of the private life. It is therefore not done. The practice of teaching through telepathic information to the subconscious mind is therefore maintained. The practice of taking peoples astral body to be taught while asleep will be intensified. The practice of taking people consciously out of their bodies to be taught will be considered for expansion. The plan for heightening the planetary frequency will be maintained, as this will increase peoples mental capabilities and thereby also increasing the capability of seeing through the prejudices. If it once again should come so far that they burn people at the stake with blessing of the authorities due to religious dogmas, an invasion of he Earth would be recommended. This could be done so that only those responsible for the stake burning would notice it. These would then probably be kidnapped so that they could be taught. With regards to the 10 commandments, these were given in a different time. They can therefore be interpreted. The commandment: you shall not commit adultery, I interpret as you shall not lay down with someone else without the consent of your spouse and you shall not buy sexual intercourse with money. If you are unmarried the rule is valid if the other partner is married. between two unmarried people the rule is not valid in as much as it is the marriage that binds one in fidelity. If the woman gets a child, the child must of course be guaranteed 2 parents, so that the child locks the partnership. Abortion is not accepted in the galactic community as a child limiting device. The rule is valid irrespective when it comes to paid sex. The rule is valid only for sexual intercourse, not for massage etc. We will try to take the organization Jehovah's Witnesses under special treatment. It is a certainty the soul of the Christ was very highly developed. This is valid even if his body was manipulated. The energy from which he received his power has a silverwhite color and is called the Christ Energy. Some are of the opinion that his task also had to do with increasing the planetary frequency. Some frequency increase should have taken place in as much as some of his blood ran from the cross down on the ground. If this is true, he must have had an extraterrestrial physical body with a higher frequency than average in his blood. Some Christians expect that Christ shall return as head of a great invasion army. He shall then judge the living and the dead according to the dogmas. With regards to the dead, the dogma is wrong, in as much as they are personally judged according to their actions on Earth (karma) shortly after they have passed away, whereupon new plans are laid based on this and the person reincarnates in a suitable body in a suitable plane in nature on a suitable planet. Regarding the theses that he shall come down from the heavens with a great army which will kill all those who do not stay with the right teaching. I believe this is a reflection of the wishes of the middleages priesthood. They wished that this should happen because they saw themselves as those just who should be saved, whereupon they would receive unlimited power. The Christ was antimilitaristic in his doing, so I doubt very much that he would join such a venture.. If there should be military intervention on Earth from space to "clean up" , I am convinced that the power of the church would be one of the first things to be dealt with. After the Earth has got a civilized contact with the Spacepeople and possibly become a part of the galactic civilization, it is possible that the Christ again would visit the Earth in the form he now has. It could possibly be as a woman. I believe however, that the Christ can appear in the form that he chooses, as seen from the Earth's physical plane.

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  • I can see it Ravinder. I have read this post some 2-3 yr ago, on The great Norwegian galactic base. It was there i find Ashtar command to.

  • It's very odd all I did was remove the dotted line after the first line heading and that seemed to have fixed the problem.....sorry about that and next time I will know better
  • GFL believe in universal Peace, Love and Light among all races of Galaxy( that would include all animals upon particular planet and Universe )

    Christianity teaches prophets(middle~man),fearful and judgmental "god", no respect to humans who don't worship christian god, no respect to nature and Mother Earth, greed , hypocritical behaviour, competition, and the all that in return for  believe in some demigod in heaven, .............

    yes , I see massive collision of's my report.8113955500?profile=original

    • Ravinder, I had to click my compatibility view button next to my address bar to view it. And just to see if that was it I clicked it again and the report disappeared.


      So you know Brother

      Love and Light

      • I opened report on my computer no problem however on iPad and iPhone only first line appears....essey commented so he must have got the report on his computer..Randude
  • Ravinder where is the report? Am I missing something here?


    Love and Light

    • Please try now Randude as it was a slight technical problem....I can view it on my iPad no problem
  • Very interesting knowledge about the Spacepeople and Galactic Civilization

This reply was deleted.

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