Republic Military Movement & GCR Intel Update by Yose
Each should use their own discernment about this, but I've listened to several currency types over the last few years, and I feel Yosef has a very balanced view of all of this. The "military presences" being created would also align with what David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford (et al.) have mentioned.
As to what to do with this in ones own life, that is up to each one to decide.
My view of ALL of this currency reset-revaluation is that it is to be used for the benefit of humanity. Period. (and yes, I am part of humanity as well).
The transcript of this message is in the video notes.
goldenmind i hear you but thats not what i am doing. If it is with negativity only the eye that read it is the one whom has the responsibility to uplift their hearts mind emotions and intentions, each is responsible to believe in themselves for this prosperity and abundance to happen, not my fault should they choose to decline in the thought of higher understanding the planet is still a free will decision making effort. The choice is in their hearts to make a conciencious effort to expand in the idea of a world free of debt and enslavement.