Respect Pt. 2
The last piece I wrote was about respect, though it was mostly about what respect is not. I'd like tofocus more on what respect is in this piece.
Real respect is sharing Love and Truth freely with everything. It's treating each Human Being like theDivine Being they are. When another speaks to you, do you reallylisten to what they have to say? Do you treat what they are sayinglike it's God speaking to you? That's true respect, it's treating allbeings equally. It's giving the same Love to each being regardless oftheir position in the illusionary world. Do you treat the dirtyrugged homeless man begging for your change with the same respect asa lovely member of the opposite sex? If you don't, there's somethings about respect you still don't understand.
And respect doesn't just stop at your fellow human beings. Real respect is Love for Everything in Creation.Hugged a tree lately? Do you say hello in the morning to the birds aswell as your fellow humans? Do the stones, the grass, the dirt,receive you Love as well? Or are they mostly just ignored? Thedeepest respect possible is Love Unconditional, and does that Lovesee anybody or anything as less deserving than anything else?
There's another respect that people seem to forget about, and that's self respect. Do you see yourself asEqual to everyone? Do you see yourself as deserving of Love asEveryone Is, as God Is? Do you cling to guilt and fear, that's wheredisrespect of self lies (in both senses of the word lie). Do you lieto yourself? Do you ignore any part of yourself? Are there any partsof yourself you don't Love? If there are, you don't respect yourselffully. Unconditional Acceptance of the All of Who You Are isUnconditional Love, Unconditional Respect, of Self. Once you findthis within, then and only then can you have true respect foreverything else. If you can't find respect within, you don't have anyreal respect to share with others.
Will, Mother & Father God
I can say that I Truly KNOW that no one is any better or any less than I am, and that I am no better or any less than another. Any other view comes from the "altered ego", the word ego meaning Self. Are we coming from the Higher Self (ego) or the Lower Self (ego)?
Very wise words, Will. Thank you for giving us all something to contemplate.