It is not the responsibility of any other to answer such questions for anyone. We EACH must learn to go within and make our OWN connections---and learn to trust our own Guidance. This endeavor is fundamental to our forward progress in the physical at this time!
Our planet and all experiencing upon her, are in the midst of transformation. We each had a great desire to be a part of this transformation cycle---for as many reasons as there are individual Souled Beings incarnate. There shall continue to be ever-increasing opportunities made available to each of us as this planetary experience unfolds. It is up to US to do that which we will do, from moment to moment, with these opportunities and possibilities which present themselves in our current Life experience.
If we wait for another to tell us what it is that we are to be doing or when to be doing a thing, then we shall either be waiting a long time or we will be listening to someone or something other than the Source of Truth. It is not to say that an off-planet Source will not offer instructions from time to time. It IS to say that the instructions or guidance will come from WITHIN us. Supporting "clues" may come from many outside directions---from the offhand comment of a friend we bump into at the supermarket, to the fortune-cookie-paper that flutters into our hand seemingly from "nowhere"---but such will be made to enter our experience IN SUPPORT OF and INNER communication, not in place of it.
We each would be wise to spend at least a few minutes each day holding the desire within our Hearts to connect with our Guides. Some think of these Guides as their Guardian Angels. They will assist us in many ways as well as help us to cultivate our direct connection to Creator.
We need to learn to PERCEIVE (listen) to the impulses sent our way. We each have a direct, two-way communication connection with Creator Source. We need to learn to recognize and use this God-given right!
Many are simply afraid of the responsibility associated with following nudges that "somehow" come from their own MIND or THOUGHTS. Perhaps this is one of the reasons we have come into the physical at this time---so that we can expand our awarenesses and thus learn to CONSCIOUSLY connect in the physical to the Infinite Potential of Creation. As children we are taught to "depend" upon our parents for our sustenance, but, when do we become so-called adults and take responsibility for our own welfare?
We are all explorers who have a desire to explore our own Inner potential in a highly-focused and condensed manner. The physical environment that we have chosen facilitates this desire.
We each in-joy the challenge of solving conflicts (contradictory NRG flows) within for each solution brings us greater awareness of Who We Are and how to use more fully and more responsibly the Infinite Resources of Creation.
None of us want another to tell us how to Live our Lives. However, many of us would gladly allow an inspired message to dictate to us what we should do or when we should do a thing---UNLESS, of course, that inspired message comes from OUR OWN hand, for then we would be inclined to simply dismiss it as invalid or somehow delusional. (We don't trust ourselves!)
Unless and until we learn to connect for ourselves, WITHIN, we will never be satisfied with what we are doing, or where we are doing it, or with whom we are doing whatever it is that we are doing. The strength (and thus satisfaction of our convictions)----whether they are in response to "seemingly" trivial matters like clothing choices, or serious ones like adopting a child---stem from our level of certainty, and that certainty derives from the strength of our connection within to Source.
We need to discern for ourselves that which WE hold as Truth. And, in like manner, learn to discern for ourselves the signals of our own Inner Guidance. Despite the constant bombardments to the contrary, especially from so-called "religious" leaders, we need NO guru, avatar, or anything other than OUR OWN inner connection to Source. How much more simple could it be?
We are each magnificent, individual, experiencing fragments of Infinite Light-Energy Source! Within each fragment lies the potential of infinite NRG flow and creation. We are each exploring, from our own unique point of view, the Infinite potential of OUR Being. So why would we allow another to tell us how to do that which can only be uniquely done by each of us individually?
We EACH have a contribution to make that comes from our uniqueness as an individual. No other can tap the Universal Source in quite the same way as we can, as a unique individual and uniquely gifted fragment of Creator.
We need to learn to recognize, accept and appreciate our OWN uniqueness of Being. It would be wise to learn to connect for ourselves individually; learn to listen with the Heart and discern with the mind.
This is not a new message, but as we each grow along the Spiritual path, often there is not review of past lessons or insights. We would each be wise to review that which has been offered before on this same subject.
As we each grow, there becomes greater and greater ability to see and appreciate the multi-dimensional levels of these messages. Consider them as tools. It is up to us to recognize the various uses of each and that each of us will apply and use these tools in our own individualistically unique ways.
If another gets a different meaning from the same message and shares their interpretation with you, BE RESPECTFUL, for though it may be different from your own, it may be quite a valid perception.
Many of us are realizing a shift in perception at this time, and that our inner desires for understanding are welling up within. This is as it should be, for the emotional desire (the call) compels the answer. The answers are rarely what we thing they "should" be, and that is why the confusion, for we already had the answers or they were exactly what we "thought" they should be, then we would not have the questions in the first place. This is how True growth occurs.
We "should" allow for the unfolding in the physical of OUR answers. The more focused our desires, the quicker they will manifest for us. Monitor closely that which you spend time "fixated upon. Many are addicted to their "vidiot" boxes, religiously focused upon brutal "sporting" events or sudsy soap operas or empty so-called news programs, yet will spend a few infrequent moments in a conscious effort to connect within to Higher Source.
As the planetary transition underway at this time becomes more and more real, and begins to more fully impact our day-to-day reality, we will be thankful that we have prepared and developed our own inner communication and intuition, for it will be very likely that reliable "external" avenues of communication will be cut off, such as the internet and viable alternative news sources.
These are Truly magnificent times in which to be experiencing. The potential for inner growth is nearly overwhelming. We need to get centered and stay centered within and call upon the Lighted Brotherhood for assistance, protection and guidance.
By connecting within, we will begin to sense the excitement and newness associated with each of our Life's challenges that will bring to us the insights and wisdom that we are desiring. No one else will do it for each of us---NOR SHOULD THEY!
No matter what we may think is our lack of growth and mastery this day, we can turn around our Lives and create a better way for ourselves, both individually and as a collective. Our past and present hardships are exactly perfect FOR US in order to bring about our current level of awareness and desire for change. Let's be thankful for our challenges thus far, and be thankful when we have managed to pull ourselves through by going within and tapping the great Inner Strength always there, simply awaiting our call.
Allow those who might ridicule you to go their own way and find their own Truth. You nor I can "save" another. And, beyond offering a helping hand, we can do no more, otherwise we will short-circuit their growth and cause them to be dependent upon us, and they will only serve to pull you down and distract and slow our own journey.
It is not wise to hold the hands of those who make excuses for not having enough resources or ability or creativity to pull themselves out of whatever situation they claim to be trapped in. This only "feeds" their self-pitying attitudes and, indeed, weakens their sense of responsibility.
There is not one Lighted entity of Creator Source alive on our planet who could not have their lives overflowing with abundance at this time. Rather, it is due to past fears, beliefs and habits of though that ones disconnect from The Abundance (not only material abundance) and, thus, lack results.
We must learn to connect and STAY connected and turn our Lives around and stop making excuses for our choices and decisions. And STOP waiting for another to do it for us! It cannot be done! If ones are relying upon another, then we need to look closely at what is the exchange in the relationship. Is there giving and re-giving or is there just taking? Are we in the position of the parasite living off another's ability to connect, instead of simply connecting ourselves?
We have now entered a time that there will be very little tolerance for this sort of behavior. We are NOW entering into a time when ones are able to "tune-in" to NRG vibrations and monitor more fully that which people emanate to the world in the form of thought and emotion (clairsentience). As this happens, ones will find it quite difficult to maintain any form of facade around any Lightworker, Starseed, etc. in the physical. Manipulations and excuses will no longer work and ones will HAVE to face their RESPONSIBILITY for their own condition. None of us is helpless, nor without ability to go within and connect. What do we have to lose? Our conditioning, our weaknesses, our self-pitying attitudes?
This message is offered with Great Love and desire that we each and everyone of us will take the OPPORTUNITY to learn to connect CONSCIOUSLY with the Higher Energies.
I also hear you about having no direction. I start to do something (a new project) and totally lose interest in it. My strongest feeling right now is that I am waiting for something, waiting, waiting, waiting, but for what I know not. Just gonna have to trust my-Self, I guess.
I loved what you said here, which sums up what it's all about: "None of us is helpless, nor without ability to go within and connect. What do we have to lose? Our conditioning, our weaknesses, our self-pitying attitudes?"
Absolutely brilliant, Little Feather!... And what made it more special was that it came straight from your Heart.
So, I encourage each individual to find their own path and find whatever works for them. There is no right/wrong.....only what works, so, drop the fear of the unknown and find what works for you. I have been told by our Elder Brother, Sananda, that "the unknown is so much better than the known". And, I fully believe that.....that's why I keep searching, like a Spiritual Detective, for the unknown.