Judy Note: What we think we know as of 12:01 am EST the morning of Mon. March 15:

Mon. 16 March would be the Perfect Storm that covered the world. It was rumored that Mass Arrests would begin in earnest, while on Sunday the Quantum Financial System had been fully installed in China and European Banks and was headed for US banks – with 800#s expected to soon follow. Also on Sunday evening Dow Futures closed in the red, again, 23,185 points, and imploding so fast that there was talk that the Market would not open on Monday – though what might open on Monday was the only event that could save the world’s monetary system: a Global Currency Reset.

Because of their failing economy caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic the Chinese filed a lawsuit in the World Court against President Trump for not releasing the RV. The Court then ordered the RV get started by Sun. 15 March. Trump was one step ahead. It was rumored that on Fri. 13 March as Trump declared that the USA was in a State of Emergency, he had met conditions of that lawsuit and the green light was flipped on for the RV.

That same Fri. 13 March State of Emergency Declaration was also a soft way of saying that the US was in Medical Martial Law. They’ve been planning on this for a long time and apparently were now using that Corona Virus Pandemic to cover security for the RV and Mass Arrests.

All this was going on while in reality, the Mass Arrests had already begun. On Sun. 15 March Daniel Robert Dowell reported on Facebook: “Tom Hanks was arrested 48 hours ago (Fri. 13 March) for pedophilia. He was being kept in a hotel room in Australia, refusing to fly back to the USA. This morning Sun. 15 March at 4:30 am Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was served a criminal indictment by the US for corporate and financial cries. Media owners were instructed to brainwash everyone that Trudeau and his wife have the Corona Virus and that they won’t be leaving their house for a while. The next celebrity arrests will be Celine Dion, Madonna, Charles Barkley and Kevin Spacey. All will claim Corona Virus infections. Italy’s airports have been completely shut down as over 80 Vatican and financial officials have been served indictments for financial crime, pedophilia, child trafficking and sex abuse. United Arab Emirates have completed Mass Arrests of their own Royal Family and affiliates.”

See an article I wrote way back on Wed. 1 Aug. 2018 “Hanks, Streep, Spielberg, Lucus, Nicolson, Spacey Accused of Child Sex Trafficking Parties While Trump Cleans the Swamp”: http://beforeitsnews.com/v3/celebrities/2018/2475443.html

On that same Fri. 13 March State of Emergency, the US Borders were sealed and a Flight Ban became effective. By Sun. 15 March the CDC was urging to scrap all mass gatherings in the US for eight weeks. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-15/cdc-says-gatherings-over-50-people-should-be-delayed-eight-weeks – in fulfillment of requirements of the Chinese Elders and World Court in order for the RV to happen.

The Cabal had to be arrested for the GCR to take place. The next day of Sat. 14 March began the Congressional break, opening the way for a Perfect Storm of arrests connected to the unsealing of high level indictments over FISA Abuse. Those Mass Arrests were expected to continue over the next two weeks.

Amid that Coronavirus outbreak the Fed launched a massive monetary stimulus campaign to calm the failing Markets by injecting $1.5 trillion into the money supply and slashing rates– that evidently didn’t work as it only weakened the dollar. By close Sun. evening 15 March the Dow Jones Industrial average futures was in the red, again, 23,185 points, and so as to calm investors jitters, not expected to even open on Mon. 16 Marchhttps://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/15/traders-await-futures-open-after-fed-cuts-rates-launches-easing-program.html

The only path forward for the world’s failing monetary system was to wipe out national debts and return to the Gold Standard: a Global Currency Reset. It’s Time. Actually, it’s about time. https://banned.video/watch?id=5e6e55ba1f624b00cdde60bf

We would have until Tues. 31 March to exchange at the Contract Rates and redeem Zim, after which the bonds could no longer be redeemed unless you had made special arrangements prior.

The next day on Wed. 1 April the general public would be able to exchange foreign currencies at banks at the new international rates as shown on the Forex. It was also rumored that on or right after April 10 something big was going to happen. It was advised to have a couple of weeks’ supply of food on hand just in case.


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  • Operation March Madness is active.....ARRESTS IN PROGRESS [while everyone looks for the woowooes from Wuhan.]

    • https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1239997820242923521
    • great Drekx, but when can we see some results? :)

      • By Christmas....? The standard officer response....Warfare is never straight forward...keep alert.

  • I'm both skeptical and curious about what the leaders of EU countries are planning to do. 

    I've already read some questionable statements that repeat MSM propaganda. 

    Not buying anything so far, but I keep on watching the show. 

    • My reference to the show was made just before Trump declared national emergency. It's like a fencing match between Earth Alliance and Dark Cabal...Moves and countermoves, info and disinfo. Fog of war to fool the enemy, both sides. Parry, parry, touche.....vice versa....

  • Quarantined Politicians and Celebrities

    This link should work. Finding news sites free of MSM propaganda is another story :)

    • Thanks friend. Yes, actors playing roles in shows and the advance billing.

  • The sealed indictments stands at around 158,000, today. MSM is desperate to focus 100% attention on the nothingberger virus pandemic [year of the Chinese bat eaters,] while constantly attacking Lighted governments for not being draconian enough...

    However, the Light strikes the dark with zero fanfare. MSM Corvid 19 panic wall to wall, while Greece builds a wall on their Turkish border, Germany puts up border controls, Shengan becomes irrelevant, Chinese supply chains dubious, Euro in doubt and US takes out General Mashhadani.....


    • nobody cares about the EU, they are fighting for their relevance, the EU-States are making decisions without the EU

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