Judy Note: The World Court ordered the reset to begin on Tues. 3 March, which it evidently did and some Sovereign groups were said to have been paid out. Sources agreed that liquidity would likely happen sometime between now and Tues. 10 March. Redemption Center staff were looking for a very long next week.
Okie: The RV has started for some groups and private individuals. This was our last weekend. The RV would be within the first few days of this coming week.
Sat. midnight 14 March was the deadline to redeem Zim/exchange currencies at Contract Rates – a date that could likely be extended.
Mon. 16 March was the deadline for the general public to exchange currencies at banks at the new international rates – a date that could also be extended.
Mon. 30 March the Gold Standard was expected to be announced.
It was my understanding that if you had circumstances preventing you from exchanging within the time period provided, you would be all right as long as you called within that period to set your appointment for a later date.
Judy Note: According to Fox News today at 3pm EST President Trump has scheduled a Press Conference where he was expected to declare the nation in a State of Emergency because of the Corona Virus epidemic. We’re talking Medical Martial Law here.
Tomorrow on Sat. 14 March Trump had another Press Conference scheduled to make more important announcements. Would that one cover a return to the Gold Standard? Closing the Stock Market? A new Tax System? Closing the Federal Reserve? There were so many topics to choose from, though recently prominent bankers have discussed that the world’s banks were making a transition to a gold-backed system.
Liquidity for the RV was expected to start today Fri. 13 March, with notification to the Internet Group Tier4b of how to set appointments to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim Bonds at Contract Rates no later than Sun. 15 March. We would have around ten days or so to obtain the Contract Rates and then, along with the General Public, could exchange foreign currencies at banks at the new international rates as shown on the Forex. Zim could no longer be redeemed after Wed. 1 April.
Dinar sanctions have been lifted and the new Dinar Rate should start floating on the Forex today Fri. 13 March, a float that would not affect the higher Contract Rates.
The Corona Virus COVID-19 pandemic disease was widely believed by the world’s top scientists to have originated in China from bat-to-human transmission. Yet there was a US government alert published five-years ago on 21 December 2015 titled “A SARS-Like Cluster Of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Shows Potential For Human Emergence” wherein an elite team of American doctor-scientists beyond described how they had created a new Corona virus exactly like COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic was interrelated with the global stock market crashes and global oil war—as when combined, shows them all being the end game result of the globalist-socialist war against President Trump to prevent his reelection.
Trump was being supported by Saudi Crown Prince bin Salmon whose all-out oil war could destroy his kingdom, as well as his brash move now being warned could sink the entire world economy.
On Thurs. 12 March the Dow plunged 10% amid Oil War and Corona virus fears for its worst day since the 1987 Market crash. Since last week the ups and downs of the Market was being manipulated to destroy the Federal Reserve and transition the world economy to a gold-backed system.
The Coronal Virus scare was combining with the Oil War to cause world economic chaos and has put the US and other nations under Medical Martial Law, though was paving the way for a NESARA/ GESARA announcement – that may come to a head in April, May or June.
A temporary base camp has been set up by the US military in international waters off the coast of Alaska just below the North Pole named Ice Camp Seadragon. Before two Tu-142 Bear patrol aircraft were chased off by American and Canadian fighter aircraft, they documented US Army troops building what looked like a massive concentration camp able to hold up to 10,000 people.
There were over 160,000 sealed indictments filed in US federal courts against global and political elites, 1,613 have been acted upon and upwards of 500,000 arrests made worldwide. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5y...
Since Fri. 6 March there has been 2,200 or more arrests of global and political elites in various countries, mainly Democrats in the US and in the Cartels worldwide. https://twitter.com/breaking911/status/1237819010542178304?s=21&...
The Deep State operated a $150 billion year Child Sex Trafficking Network. Over 800,000 children in the US and 8,000,000 globally went missing annually. That network was centered at the Vatican, where 66 priests were arrested by Interpol last week.
There were now 37,000 more US troops in Europe on top of the 320,000 troops already there. U.S. troops were sent to Europe for a NATO exercise, though may be engaging in arrests of Deep State assets in Switzerland, Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam and London.
An Excellent Summary of Today’s Important Happenings via Dr Kia Pruitt:
Years ago we were told that there would be an event that would quarantine America and possibly the planet in order to make global mass arrests. We were encouraged to stock up on food, water and supplies. We were also instructed to remain calm. Martial law may be implemented to keep people off the street while these arrests occur. Schools would be closed, flights grounded, airports closed, etc.
Because the people were being arrested for participating in corruption and worldwide pedophilia and human trafficking, crimes against humanity, TREASON, murder, rape etc is massive and affects every aspect of society. This includes Hollywood entertainers, NBA and NFL athletes and staff, politicians, pastors, banking CEOs, corporate heads, school officials, coaches and educators. Some of your doctors, lawyers, judges, college professors, school teachers, police officers and chiefs, firemen, business owners, airport workers, pilots, bankers, priests, everyday people are currently being arrested for their crimes against humanity.
A lot of them were involved in nefarious behaviors and secret societies, so the masses have not been privy to their wrong doings, ritualistic abuse, child sex trafficking, child hunting parties, ritualistic murders, drug trafficking, involvement in underground activities in the Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.S.), etc.
This was why some of us reported on a notable resignation list for two years. Many people were on that list under the guise of resignation. We also reported on military tribunals which began January, 2019. Some of us watched military tribunals take place on c-vine dot come. The corruption was huge.
POTUS asked that people not be in crowds. One reason other than catching the virus was because Deep State New World Order corrupt leaders could attempt to retaliate, since they knew that we have been involved in a covert operation against them. Be safe.
The planet was being cleansed. The Corona virus was a "cover "
While it was true that Deep State global New World Order elites created the virus and attempted to infect the masses, Trump and the global Alliance co-opted the operation and used it as a cover to arrest global elites, including the POPE and the UN-royal family, politicians and Hollywood elites. The mainstream media would announce that folks came down with the virus. Actually, they've been arrested. Some have been at Gitmo for a while, actually. At some point an announcement would be made
Remain calm and be stocked up. Those people who don't have food and supplies will have an opportunity to get it from neighbors or the military because troops will likely be on the ground to 1) make arrest and 2) keep everyone calm. A curfew may be implemented.
We were instructed also that new monetary policies and our new gold-backed system will be implemented and trillions injected into the economy, AFTER the global mass arrests. Otherwise, these nefarious beings would have once again, stolen our wealth and re-empowered themselves.
Soon, the Republic, our lawful government, will be restored under Constitutional Law. Be encouraged. Things are finally getting better for humanity.
What an exciting time to be alive. Soon, we will enjoy the benefits of NESARA-GESARA and our sovereignty and finally enjoy planetary peace and prosperity. Be well.
RV/Intelligence Alert: "Full-Scale" -- March 12, 2020
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
The Deep State Cabal (DSC) is shrinking and being defeated rapidly.
12,001 resignations have occurred since December 26, 2017
An NSA source claims that the President has ordered a full-scale investigation of all communications.
The Federal Court recently ordered the deposition of Hillary Clinton on her missing emails and Benghazi attack records.
The DSC are becoming reckless in their remarks which signifies their desperation in maintaining control.
More people are now waking up to the reality of DSC corruption.
‘I have the memo that shows Hunter Biden was engaged in a 14.6 million dollar MONEY LAUNDERING scheme. The prosecutor got that 3 days before he was fired. The prosecutor has been POISONED... He was POISONED with MERCURY. Never even covered in the American press.’ @RudyGiuliani
According to sources, the Earth Alliance is using the global outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) to discretely transition the global economy into adopting a new monetary system.
Meanwhile, here are preventive measures you can take against 2019-nCoV:
"From member of the Stanford hospital board. This is their feedback for now on Corona virus: The new Coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days. How can one know if he/she is infected? By the time they have fever and/or cough and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% Fibrosis and it's too late. Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or tightness, etc., it proves there is no Fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicates no infection. In critical time, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air. Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases: Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and into the lungs. That's very dangerous. Please send and share this with family and friends. Take care everyone and may the world recover from this Coronavirus soon."
Also, Chlorine Dioxide solutions and products can be used.
Other claims suggest that the Earth Alliance is also using Defender-Europe 20 as a cover to deploy Special Forces to neutralize DSC assets in Europe.
The currency redemption event remains to be seen but those in the loop expect it to begin at any moment.
The Beginnings of the Major Changes
Judy Note: Sources have confirmed a 100% liquidity start for all Tiers on late afternoon EST Mon. 9 March, with a release of funds some time that evening to Tues. morning 10 March – done by both China and President Trump to be in conformity to a World Court lawsuit. The World Court had ordered the reset to begin on Tues. 3 March, which evidently it did.
On Thurs. March 5 Dubi 1 & 2 had fully distributed monies to pay out all accounts in Tier 1-4.
By Fri. March 6 at 9am EST the Department of Defense and US Treasury had signed off on a shotgun start for 100% liquidity access to all tiers 1-4, with rates locked in on Sun. night 8 March. The US Treasury began releasing liquidity with 100% access to funds across 20 payouts and levels.
Since Fri. March 6 there had been 2,200 or more arrests of GCR obstructionists in various countries, mainly Democrats in the US. Their Cabal fiat dollar economic system was going down. Economists were calling for Quantitative Easing; an OPEC Oil War was propping up the Petro Dollar, while the Feds propped up the Market and cut interest rates – all that didn’t work because it shorted the Petro Dollar and further added to today’s Mon. 9 March Market Crash.
On Mon. 9 March the Dow opened down over 1,100 points in the red and continued downward to over 1,700 at this writing. While Asia Markets imploded, an Oil Price War among Middle East OPEC nations curtailed oil exports, initially propped up the Petrodollar, but added to Market volatility already brought about by fears of the ongoing Coronavirus spread – a Perfect Storm for a Global Currency Reset.
Sat. midnight 14 March was the deadline to redeem Zim/exchange currencies at Contract Rates – a date that could likely be extended. Mon. 16 March was the deadline for the general public to exchange currencies at banks at the new international rates – a date that could also be extended. The Gold Standard was expected to be announced on Mon. 30 March.
you're welcome amparo, let us hope that it will change someday, blessings