
  • And the PUPPET Obomba:

  • This one is interesting

  • This is some info of how the reverse speach works - interview with Oates

  • No wonder you can't hear us when we talk with you, Andronover.....

  • Well then Daniel , you trust the "British Institute of psychology" .- says a lot...

    I feel sorry for you and your tribe Brothers.

    You have Check mated yourself indeed.

  • Daniel, if you give Andronover any really valuable spiritual insights for him to research, he will dismiss them exactly like a baby throws a toy out of its pram... and yet, he will reprimand you for not doing any research yourself, it's typical behaviour from those who think they can school you but don't have the education or the experience to do it, moreso because they won't look any deeper and assume that the data they deliver will be sufficient enough for them to be seen as "in the know", when really, it dosen't show them in a good light, rather, they are in the dark. Some people in here always want to be seen as wise and "enlightened", it's a daily fight for them to keep holding up their own, they play the one-upmanship card so that their fragile ego dosen't get hurt because that's the level they operate on, and then there are those who are more in tune and who couldn't give a fück one way or the other.

    • And yadda yadda as usual Luke...

  • Daniel , why don´t you research a little before you open your mouth.

    Would you stand infront of David Oates and call him an untrained idiot?

    Would you?

    I don´t know why I even put energy on this  , when the only thing I see is the "blind leading the blind" on this forum.

    Here you have some info of the one you call untrained idiot :

     "in 1984 that he first heard about backward messages in rock and roll, and a new hobby was born – playing tapes backwards. He rapidly became obsessed with this new hobby and by 1987, he had developed his theory of Reverse Speech.

    Since that time, David has had an active career now spanning 32 years, furthering the field of Reverse Speech as his full time occupation. He has developed new theories, and designed therapeutic and training techniques. He has published several books on Reverse Speech, including “Beyond Backward Masking”, “Voices From The Unconscious” and “Its Only A Metaphor”, and numerous tapes and training manuals. Overcoming his speech stutter, he has lectured around the world to crowds of thousands, and trained hundreds of students. He has also instigated some of the first mainstream studies and presented Reverse Speech on 1000s of radio shows, including his own show, “The David John Oates Reverse Speech Show” that ran successfully for 3 years syndicated coast to coast in the United States"

  • Indeed... it says great deal about the poster. 

    • Yes.. this reverse speech post is pure garbage, like something a 15 year old teenage stoner dirtbag spends his time looking at on Youtube with his equally stoned friends sitting on a couch in the basement....

      @Andronover.. Hey dude... wow man.. have you listened to Led Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven backwards? .. seriously dude, its freaking awesom man.. they sold their souls to the Devil...... !!

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