If you’ve eaten a Big Mac, you might be wondering what exactly goes in that burger. Well, the following video takes a look at the real cost of a Big Mac burger, from the health factors to economic contributions. One thing is for sure: there’s more to a Big Mac than beef patties, a few condiments, and two buns.WATCH VIDEO @ http://youtu.be/wp6YrHzcwhAVideo TranscriptHealth: DLocally: (D+)A Big Mac burger contains 540 calories, 29 grams of fat, and 1,040 milligrams of sodium. This burger will fulfill 28% of your daily recommended calories, 45% of total fat, and 43% of sodium. If you added a Big Mac to your daily diet for a year, you’d take in an additional 197,100 calories–or 56 pounds of body weight.Globally: (D-)900 Million Big Macs are sold every year, that’s 2.5 million Big Macs a day. McDonalds has changed the way not only Americans but the whole world eats. The World Health Organization predicts by 2015 more than 700 million people in the world will be obese.Environment: DLocally: (D-)McDonalds uses frozen meat patties. These patties don’t come from your nearby, local cattle farmer. Each patty contains meat from up to 1,000 different cows from 5 different countries.Globally: (D+)On their own, Americans consume 5.5 million cattle in McDonalds burgers per year. One cow expels 26-53 gallons of methane per day – about the same amount as a car.Economy: B+Locally: (B+)550 million Big Macs are sold in over 12,000 US locations every year – that’s an average of over $150,000 for each local economy. Even in the midst of a recession – McDonalds added 60,000 jobs in America in 2011. And reports show – 1 in 8 Americans have worked flipping Big Macs at some point.Globally: (A-)The Big Mac is sold in 36 countries worldwide, from Argentina to Serbia. The Economist even devised a Big Mac Index to measure a country’s purchasing power based on the price of their Big Macs.Final Grade: D+Read Full Article @ http://www.insurancequotes.org/hidden-cost-big-mac/

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  • How many beings on Planet Earth consume THE BIG MAC ... well now you know better
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