Hackable bio-robot chip to program and/or kill you if you get out of line is in Law for all Americans no later then March 2013. It was put into law through Obamacare. The operation of mass arrests spoken of by Drake, Fulford, Wilcock, and others has failed to stop Obama, and doesn't seem to be yielding any results.

Make no mistake, this is the final line in the sand against tyranny. If people let them do this to us, that will be the end of freedom for everyone, if not eternal damnation. This is a literal attempt at the Bibles mark of the beast, which was the cross, the image of paul the antichrist, wherein no one can buy or sell understanding of the Bible without his image. There is an actual expectation for priests to paint a cross on their forehead on ash wednesday, march 1st, also called mark of the beast day.

Therefore, to whoever would believe in the inevitability of this abomination, or would get one himself, you should be warned about us spiritual types. Although we strive to be holy, there are those who know the true and secret name of God and have used it to put a curse on RFID and everyone who supports it or gets it, using everything from basic inverted pentagrams to voodoo. We are tired of living in depraved slavery because the stupid people will tolerate anything. The line has been drawn in the sand, and if comes down that we have to get it or die, people who won't get it are going to kill people who do and steal their food, water, clothing, and whatever else they can no longer buy until they are put out of their misery.

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  •     Please allow to me to ask one question.  If this is a so called "Mark of the Beast", then why don't they simply physically force  it on people rather than making it an option?   The "Mark" if you read the sacred scriptures is not a physical tattoo, it is a spiritual one:

     A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.

        There is "worship" of the "image" involved here - not just accepting a physical tattoo (although there are aspects of RFID chips that I can't go into here, it is an extremely UNUSUAL device. It is alien technology).  In other words, those who have accepted the mark will have already beforehand forfeited their eternal selfhood and given themselves over to be slaves of the system.  This is why you already see (and have seen) all this labeling of products, skin tattoos, subliminal advertising, media exploitation, etc.  People are waiting in anticipation for their salvation through a materialistic, scientifically oriented, socialistic and soulless society.   You simply need to be yourself, regain your selfhood.  THIS is where the battle lies. Not to give into a need for an "image" handed to you by the elite who wish only to vampire your energy, and far more.  You are fed images on a daily basis, if that helps.  

         I've heard from some christian friends (I do not label myself a "christian")-  that the mark has no effect on those who are spiritually alive.  I don't know how this is, but this is what I heard.  It will be interesting to see what happens with this Chip business.  

    “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.


        I don't know if folks are aware, but the Book of Revelations (not to mention the entire Bible) was not written by "Christian(s)", it was written by the priests of the secret societies of the time, although I do not believe they were doing this for nefarious purposes (you cannot hide the truth).  They viewed events in the future and wrote down what they saw.  The "Bible" was a codified collection of books selected by the "Spiritually enlightened" of the time - at the Council of Nicea thanks to Emperor Constantine.  They selected what they believed the common person could digest and understand, although this too was affected by the dark forces in some ways.  

         Also something else important - The angels surrounding the throne of God say something.  What?

    "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty -  "Holy, Holy, Holy, in Hebrew/Kabbalah expression is 666.  They are telling you and themselves who is the ruler of this world.  What did Jesus say?  "Satan is the God of this World".  Think about it. This is where the "Mystery" in "Mystery Babylon" comes from.  I know this is extremely heavy stuff, but I feel it's very important.  People are trapped into a cunning matrix devised to test the human soul.  How far will you go before you decide you've had enough and find ways to regain your selfhood (get saved).  One more thing: the power the elite possess is a spiritual power stemming from their own FALSE enlightenment.  It is a Satanic/Ahramanic power that maintains the darkness in this world.  You are only more powerful when you can access your connection to the Divine Creator.  

          All is redeemable.   Those trapped and enamored by the darkness may have a greater purpose in our soul development.  Everything is askew and awry in our world due to the spiritual powers losing/forfeiting their original place, thereby creating an atmosphere appropriate for evil to grow and thrive.  The minds of the priesthood are affected and infected by fear,  I don't believe they anticipated this happening, and falsely believe that they will "help" mankind, like the blind leading the blind.   If you paid careful and close attention to many of the happenings in the world today, you would see a constant counterplay between the forces of light and darkness, and man sandwiched between, not knowing what to believe.  Beware the Chip though, that's what I heard.  It is not what it appears to be. 

       To the poster:   I don't know why you would curse the chip if it is already an abomination.  Sounds like confusion. 

  • um no, mythbuster was told not to reveal how to electronically make all rfid useless, but i figured it out by nuking it with electro magnetic energy to erase it from continuous use, anyhow the higher realm energy is coming and it will render it all useless anyway. but if you want it to be gone micro wave it with short impulse burst of high energy particle beams you can do this with an electric cord near the rfid chip if you have one near you or in you.

    You can do it with a sign wave too by reversing it's energy in the opposite of it's impulse energy thereby neutralizing it into submission.

    •      I wonder if you are simply wrong.  The purpose of the chip is to "seal" certain ones who wish themselves to be slaves, this is it's purpose.   It closes off all of your spiritual senses, also possessing the ability to "change" your thoughts as you think them ( you must do research to uncover this ).  Remember your favorite matrix movie?  Humanity has no idea of what real evil is.  You are about to witness real evil.  Simple common sense will tell you this anyway.   The RFID chip that is coming is not anything that you can manipulate, I know about these things.  It is of silicon origin, alien engineered, we are carbon based.  When it is inserted in your skin, it sends tiny tentacles similar to plastic that weave throughout your nervous system.  You cannot remove it, nor can you "turn it off".  

          I for one do not believe this device can be tampered with.  

           p.s. One other aspect to consider.  It links you in to the large computer system named - of all  things - "The Beast" in Brussels, Belgium. Yes, the elite possess more technology and electronic wizardry than you or I imagine.   This is far more complicated than you imagine.  You will also be LEGALLY owned by the entity who runs the system.  Get ready for a cosmic sized surprise..  If I was Satan, I would love this thing to death, and I would do all I could BEFOREHAND to make sure everyone will "need" it.

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