Richard Boylan & Star Nations

Ok, Richard Boylan’s got my attention now. With such an extraordinary amount and quality of ufo sightings, his Star Nations group seems to be the only ones stepping up and claiming responsibility for them. I’m impressed with that.

I think of so many channeled entities who have talked endlessly for years about direct contact and still, not even one of them has outright claimed a hand in any of these sightings. And while the whole Project Bluebeam may have at one time been a viable black-ops plan, I find it hard to believe that they’re capable of producing mass sightings like this on world-wide basis. It may be possible, but more than anything, it doesn’t feel true to me.

Granted there’s a portion of sightings that may not be legitimate or even of extraterrestrial origin. But there are a lot of valid sightings happening worldwide, and ignoring them with the belief that there are no changes happening seems to be nothing but a state of Denial. I think this recent incident at the missile launch facility at Warren AFB in Wyoming is just one more confirmation that galactic contact is definitely accelerating and they’re showing their stuff – they mean Peace, and weapons will be neutralized.

Fulham’s prediction coming true about Oct. 13 almost seemed like a fluke considering the other info from the Transcendors. They’re going to show up now and then wait 5 years until they start doing anything? Makes no sense to me -- don’t see any logic or higher intelligence, or compassion, for what’s happening here and now in this reality.

While I’m not saying that the Star Nations claiming responsibility makes Boylan’s info completely valid, I do think that there’s more than coincidence happening here and it's interesting to consider the correlations. I also like his concept of checking the energy signature. For those who might be interested, here are the latest couple of posts from Boylan’s website:

P.S. Welcome back Peekay

Oct. 26: major news media, including CBS News, reported that 50 intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles became non-operational at Warren Air Force Base, WY's missile launch control center.
That news story grabbed my attention when I saw it. Story at:
I did an energy signature reading on elements of that story. That "anomaly" Tuesday at the Warren Air Force Base Missile Launch Center, WY was not an equipment failure in the sense of a mere break-down on its own of poorly-constructed electronics gear. Rather it was a Star Nations action, designed to rattle the U.S. Administration's "sabers", so to speak.
Star Nations is sending a loud and clear message to the U.S. Administration, particularly to the military officers within NSC and the White House (and Pentagon) who are a major blocking force to prevent the President's okaying NSC Sr. Dir. Samantha Power to contact Star Nations' official representative and begin consultations on ending the UFO Cover-Up.

Let's see if yesterday's action by Star Nations gets those generals and admirals off their stuck position, and to stop opposing the ending of the UFO Cover-Up.
My close associate, a Star Person Incarnate Human, points out that yesterday's action by Star Nations also lets the Cabal know that their "superweapons" will not be able to stop Star Visitor craft from showing up in upcoming further displays-of-presence to help hasten the end of the UFO Cover-Up.
- Dr. Richard Boylan, Councillor of/for Earth

Oct. 25: daylight video shot yesterday of at least two very distinct and very large starcraft hovering low and stationary, briefly disappearing and reappearing for two hours over the Queensboro (59th Street) Bridge, (a bridge spanning the East River and connecting Queens, Long Island with mid-town Manhattan, New York City. and and also:
That daytime display-of-presence was Day Two of Star Nations' Series of Displays, part of their campaign to get the U.S. Government to end the UFO Cover-Up and work with Star Nations to explain to the people six decades of Star Visitors outreach to Humans which has been covered up.
The woman in the video said this: "Crazy UFOs above the Queensboro bridge. I live on Flushing and Bushwick [Williamsburg district, Brooklyn], they were there for about two hours total. They were proportionally much bigger than planes; there were some flying by in the area and they were far smaller."

Since the starcraft were hovering over an area which is near La Guardia Airport, when she says that the starcraft were bigger than planes flying by, those starcraft must have been large indeed. [The relatively-small Boeing 737 passenger jet is 100 feet (30.5 m) long.]
Two hours of repeated starcraft hoverings over a busy bridge near Manhattan is quite a display-of-presence.
I did a reading of the energy signature of that pair of starcraft. The energy reading indicates that they are genuine.

There was indeed an outstanding sighting of starcraft flotilla the night of Oct. 23-24, (7:00 pm, EDT), at the intersection of Rte. 7 & Rte. 41 near the Pennsylvania-Delaware border (Kaolin, PA).
Looks like Star Nations couldn't wait for Oct. 24 daytime to get started with their mass displays-of-presence.
I checked the energy signature of those sky objects and they are Star Nations craft, not Cabal antigravity craft.
I quick-counted 6 reports of groups of crafts sighted the night of Oct. 23-24 alone, plus additional single-craft sightings, and sightings a day or so before the night of Oct. 23-24, from observations reported into the MUFON organization, and other cases gathered by the UFO Examiner publication[]. That UFO Examiner report follows.
"An Avondale, PA, witness traveling north along Route 41 reports "more than 100" red-orange lights traveling at high speed on October 23, 2010, in MUFON Case # 26082.

A California wedding photographer reports capturing two groups of UFOs "in a huge circle that were glowing in the mid afternoon" on September 4, 2010, in MUFON Case # 26079. The video clip uploaded does not appear to be working as this UFO Traffic Report is being created.

A Texas witness describes two "stars" that should not have been there on October 23, 2010, in MUFON Case # 26077. The two lights eventually faded until they could no longer be seen.

A witness from Hawaii - where we don't get too many reports from - describes a large, blue sphere on October 23, 2010, moving overhead in MUFON Case # 26076. As the object moved away, it turned red, and then disappeared - as though someone turned the light off.

A group of New Jersey witnesses driving along the Garden State Highway near the "exit to Paterson" watched "four, round, white lights" that were "pretty huge in size" on October 23, 2010, in MUFON Case # 26074. "These lights would get spread apart from each other and then cluster back together. We drove for around 5 to 6 miles and they were above our car all this time playing in the sky in the same way, spreading apart and then clustering back together. This lasted for almost 15 to 20 minutes until they started fading away." The reporting witness uploaded three images - nothing really there in the first two; maybe some discussion on the third - but it's pretty bad as well.

A New Jersey witness reports two star-like objects in the sky where stars should not have been that moved information on October 23, 2010, in MUFON Case # 26073. A short time after being spotted, the objects disappeared.

Two Arizona witnesses report watching "two orbs revolving around each other" on October 23, 2010, in MUFON Case # 26072. The objects were moving "too fast to be balloons on a still night." The objects did not emit light, but reflected light from below.

A Missouri witness reports an orange globe "on fire" as it passed overhead on October 22, 2010, in MUFON Case # 26069.

A Washington, Iowa, witness reports a star-like object that quickly faded on October 21, 2010, in MUFON Case # 26068.

A group of four Massachusetts witnesses watched three lights "in a perfect line" with a bright light to the left flashing red; and a bright light to the right flashing blue on October 21, 2010, in MUFON Case # 26067. "All lights were a perfect distance from one another."

[end of MUFON & UFO Examiner reports.]

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  • "Happy Halloween!"
    • And Spooks to you my friend ;)

  • Thanks for the great links. I am not sure what my opinion of Richard Boylan is quite yet though. Something does not quite resonate with me about him and his claims. Something about him creeps me out, just can't pinpoint what it is yet. But I will doing so reading up for sure. Guess I need to find out more about Star Nations, first on my agenda. Thanks again for this post. Illuminating.
    • You’re most welcome, Marique. Since I’m really keen on the next phase, communication, this has got my attention. It does take a certain courage to claim to be in contact with beings who are manipulating the control of our weapons. Well, since many of us seem to be getting communications in our dreams, soon enough this communication will manifest in physical reality, in a way that's indisputable to our five senses.
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