As an Empath in this life time. I think we have rights. I think we should be allowed to see what kind of emotions we are collecting around us. Note, that sometimes when we are out in public, we have what is called the fall off emotions. Pick up the emotions really fast, and then they fall off of us. However though, I think that when we have those emotions that cling onto our energy system. We then have the right to do some scanning abilities, and see where that emotion is coming from.
I'm not saying that we should judge this person right away after finding out where this emotion had come from, but don't you think that as an Empath we have a right to know what kind of frequency we would be picking up on real heavily, and why it had stayed with us for a really long time. These are some pondering questions, because I know it is really hard in the 3D to stay above the emotions we collect, because we aren't always paying attention in our daily lives.
I do think though, we have a right to know where that emotion was coming from, and then we can decide later for ourselves, whether or not to just let be. I think this comes with being very thankful that we have our own lives, and that we can thank the experience for seeing what it really was.
I don't think any of us here on Planet Earth realize the kind of emotions we collect on a daily basis.
Can you imagine when we aren't aware in the 3D, that we are Empaths, and the kind of frequencies that channel right through our system or the kind of emotions that run through us, that aren't of our own.
What are some of your thoughts on this.
Bless the Nite,