Ring of Fire Eclipse Is Active By Melanie Beckler
Something that has become abundantly clear to me, is that change happens in an instant.
And yet, there can be a whole process leading up to that moment of shift.
True transformation is something that becomes most profound when cultivated over time.
Because of this, of the best ways to support spiritual growth, expansion and transformation is with consistent meditation and spiritual practice.
Along with this, there are time periods with special energetic characteristics that support growth and transformation.
These unique and powerful points in time, or "time windows" create openings to deepen spiritual connection, accelerate transformation and support making a quantum leap or powerful paradigm shift.
The Annular "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse October 14th is one of these powerful time windows for accelerated transformation.
During the Eclipse there will be an alignment of the Sun and Moon. But since the Moon is smaller than the Sun, the Sun appears as a bright ring around the dark moon ... Hence the name "Ring of Fire".
The light of the sun and the dark of the moon merge.
This creates an opportunity for integrating the shadow. For alchemizing your light and your darkness into love of the Divine Heart.
This energy creates an impulse to bring greater harmony into your life.
With awareness, intention and focus, this Eclipse energy can support you in making strides towards aligning your personality self with Soul Truth.
Embodying the Fullness, Light and Brilliance of your Soul.
I just released a brand new video with more about this powerful Solar Eclipse Energy and how to make the most of it for you here:
Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse New Moon Oct 14th - 5 Things you Need To Know >>
With love and bright blessings,
P.S. I will be releasing a new session to listen to amidst the Eclipse energy ...
I'll be in touch with more about that here soon.
Until then, here is an Eclipse Meditation from a couple years back channeled with Archangel Michael, Metatron, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, and Haniel connect to support you in releasing all that no longer serves and reconnecting with the core truth of you and your inner Divine Presence.
Click Here to Listen now or download:
Video - Energy Reset & Reset Into Higher Light
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