This weekend felt extremely intense to me!
At times I felt waves that made me feel totally disjointed from myself - vibrations of a high magnitude - like an Inner Earthquake of sorts.
Things are getting very intense for us all!
A lot of duality being played out too ~ I've observed a lot happening on the forums, and we are all going through our own unique changes.
I wanted to pass long this video from "Rion" of Orion... it's a very good message concerning the "duality" games we are currently engaged in.
Clearing negative thought patterns from our consciousness, and staying vigilant in our Ascension trip... :-)
Forgiving, Appreciating, and Loving....
Enjoy... :)
Thank you for sharing
Love ♥ Light
Thanks for your support:) I appreciate everyone on their path, and the great works that they do:)
Greetings Rion :) Didn't realize you had a profile here ~ very cool :)

As you can see your video helped people on a very profound level ~ Keep the good energies flowing, totally support what you're doing ~ and am thankful you are creating them!
Happy V-day! :-)
Hips, knees, neck and lower back are all know symptoms to me and mine however they have eased loads for me but had problems in them all bar the elbows and that's where my partner had them. See if they settle if not research Orgonite as this has helped ease them no end :)
Sue, Sorry to hear you lost your footing! I've actually felt a little off balance at times too, and I think it's good to move a little slower, and carefully, just to make sure these things don't happen. We are going through some intense "adjustment" phases right now, so all the issues with our structure seem to make sense to me too.
On the Full Moon, my entire spine felt out of whack for about 12 hours. I had to lay flat on my back without a pillow just to be able to sleep. This past full moon was so intense, the "energies that BE" are certainly kicking it up a notch.
Glad you enjoyed the video Sue, we are truly living in amazing times.
Take it slow, and keep yourself centered!!! :)
I've walked this path too. I have watched this video several was such a confirmation of all that I have been working on within my core. His spirit literally came through the screen for me...I'm going to save it so that when those lower vibrations start in...well...for me there is NOOOOOO going back...I've worked to hard. I find the miracle in all the sycronicities(sp?) and affirmations almost instantly. affirms the truth. The channelings have made a difference...even in the discernment...because it DOES resonate deep within my being...It is awesome. Blessings in Light and Love, Reane
Very cute! gotta love this new generation they are a breath of fresh air.
It's not crazy at all Unklight!
What is being said here hits on a very deep level and I can definitely relate to it. It hit me on a deep level too :)
It reminds me that we have so many beings rooting for us and cheering us on ~ :-)
Glad you liked it! <3
GO TEAM LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!