Don't talk about bamas donations list, especially from 2008-he received laundered money from foreign sources. Using the IRS to scare donors from giving money to Romney-even if you want commie bama to win this is an unprecedented mis-use of authority.
Commie bama campaign is deperate-but don't fret too much. Even wikileaks found that the dems stole electoral votes from Penn and Ohio in 2008-look it up-they could do it again and then we're stuck again with commie bama who has used and misused executive orders more than all of US pres' combined! F-ing dictator!!!
Political speech to me can mean attacks at liberty-leftist-orproponents of liberty-center, center right-I will never shut my mouth when I see liberty attacked in any way-it's a spiritual thing for me-freedom, individuality, liberty
I take it you prefer N-ational P-ropaganda R-adio news and C-ommunist N-ews N-etwork
..or they could create a life where there is no need for any charities at all... to having charities, is an insult to the Human Being in this Earth, specially in the so called "1st world countries" in 2012AD...
yeah same fo