The way it should not be; 'At end of the Civil War the federal jurisdiction question was muddied substantially by the adoption of the 14th Amendment'
Former Republican presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul says secession is happening and it’s “good news.” Paul later predicted the states would stop listening to federal laws.
“I would like to start off by talking about the subject and the subject is secession and, uh, nullification, the breaking up of government, and the good news is it’s gonna happen. It’s happening,” Paul, the father of potential Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul, told a gathering at the libertarian Mises Institute in late January. The event Paul was speaking at was titled “Breaking Away: The Case for Secession.”
Paul said secession would not be legislated by Congress, but would be de facto, predicting “when conditions break down…there’s gonna be an alternative.”
“And it’s not gonna be because there will be enough people in the U.S. Congress to legislate it. It won’t happen. It will be de facto. You know, you’ll have a gold standard when the paper standard fails, and we’re getting awfully close to that. And people will have to resort to taking care of themselves. So when conditions break down, you know, there’s gonna be an alternative. And I think that’s what we’re witnessing.”
Later, Paul said the Federal Reserve would end and the states would stop listening to federal laws they didn’t agree with.
“The Fed is gonna end. There is going to be a de facto secession movement going on. The states are going to refuse to listen to some of the laws. We’ve seen tremendous success already with states saying to the federal government, ‘We’re not gonna listen to you anymore about the drug laws.’ And they’re getting out of it, and I think the American people are waking up to that, and as far as I’m concerned, the more the merrier.”
PET ROCK: the states have to give up Federal money first in order to secede. This will bring the standard of living down in many states that need Federal money, and this includes the health care industry. Nevertheless, the pain will be worth it due to the rewards that freedom from tyranny will demonstrate. As much as I like my lifestyle, I do understand that the current way I live (ALONG WITH THE LIFESTYLES OF LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE) will suffer horrifically if secession takes place, as it will require state legislatures to just say no to Federal money that will be needed by hospitals. There is no such thing as a free triple bypass with placement of stents, or a free liver transplant.
how about modifying howm uch the feds can intrude on our lives through the states and still pay fed taxes?
That would be great, but you still have to address the state's unnecessary addiction to Federal money first. This is because money is how the Federal government enforces it's bullsh!t upon the states. The rule of law is now based on who has the best pension and what one has to do in order to obtain such a pension, and not what is best for the citizens that pay our taxes.