Dear chelas,

Come now friends, we are striving towards a unified humanity, yet I see many western politicians, within the British establishment, in resistance to our goal...A humanity at peace with itself, as one...

For example, the current Tory (capitalist stooge) British Foreign minister, still stubbornly seeks to place Russia in a bad light, in spite of Russia's grand achievements in Syria, celebrated by a music concert in Palmyra, Syria...of which Hammond considers to be in "bad taste."

Now, let us review our histories, Mr Hammond.....?? Let us observe the so called "big three" relationships of WW2....?

Now, surely the most dullard of modern Tory politicians, will know that history is indeed to be observed in it's actuality...??? In it's akashic accuracy...??? In it's complete meaning...??

How can Russia be viewed as an enemy, within the context you propose...??? Your context seems to be based on economy and rivalry, yet short on essential diplomatic and more importantly, a sober military history...

How did Winston Churchill view the Russian bear...??? I would say with much more wisdom than does the modern Tory party of Great Britain....The people of the UK do not feel anger towards Russia...Indeed, we love them, as comrades and fellow Europeans.....Though they be slandered and hated, mostly by the elites or Europe and America.....Those financial elites of a less than noble morality, in the main....

Now our fellow, dear Winston Churchill, garnered respect for Russia and it's leader at that time, Joseph Stalin.....and indeed, so too did US President, Roosevelt.....One of the best of American politicians I would say...

We had the Big Three conferences, of Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam...The USA, British Empire and Soviet Union...Who made the world order we know today........One based upon what later became the UN....One of some semblance of international order.....

So what if this order is challenged by evil forces, as seems the case in 2016...???

Well, we have a solution.......It is planned for...It involves Russia, as an essential part of that solution.....

So I call upon all US and UK politicians to remember Winston Churchill's stance, with the former USSR....How he learned to respect Stalin, in spite of his differences, politically...How they got together, to defeat that greater menace, that was Nazi Germany....

I do not forget, because, in my past life, I WAS THERE IN THE MIDST OF IT ALL......I know....

Thank you, historical "Big Three"..........I salute you all.....

Much love and salutations...

Colonel Drekx Omega, Cmdr, GFL Ground Crew, East Anglia Sector, England, United Kingdom

Image result for Drekx Omega

P.S.    Oh Russian friends and comrades, congratulations on your magnificent 2016 Victory Day celebrations.....I so look forward to that wonderful time, when my Sirian Star nation may likewise put on a flight pass, of similar gravitas.... Officially, rather than in secret....Awesome work..

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  • Russians celebrate the Victory Day parade in Moscow, 1945-2024...And this was a victory over fascism, remember, which we in the west should also mark, in similar ways.... "Экипаж - Одна Семья"

    PEACE WITH RUSSIA....Our allies......Not enemies.....👏😁

    However, in the "west," as they call it, our elites would prefer to promote satanic sex acts, on the so-called, "Eurovision song contest"...Rather than military precision and something more worth celebrating, such as victory over the Nazis...
  • The Canadian parliament applauds an old Ukrainian Nazi, demonstrating how absolutely stupid, the Trudeau regime actually is....
    And of course, this nation also supports the current Nazi regime in Kiev...The Russians beat Nazis last time and will beat them again....

    The speaker is out......And what an insult to Canadian jews.....And blaming Russia (as usual,) will not deflect attention from Trudeau's idiocy.
  • You do realize that the Soviet Russia was like 10 times worse than anything the Nazis did lol Just WHAT IS THIS.

    And I'm actually half Russian, but I'd never say that Russia is some ideal place lol KEEP STICKING YOUR HEAD UP RUSSIAS BEHIND, you CRETINS lol
    • I would say that if the Soviet Union was so bad and I agree, it was highly tyrannical, unlike the Russian Federation, which is orthodox Christian, why does the Canadian political establishment seek to emulate the former, rather than the latter...?? Why is the outspoken Canadian clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson, being persecuted by Canada, in a way that reminds the world, of the manner in which Soviet writers, such as Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, were persecuted...during the 1970s...??

      I would suggest to you that you have fallen for western propaganda, as you assume that Russia is still the USSR and that the west is "free."

      Maybe better not to throw stones in glass houses..? LOL
  • The irrational dark cabal are losing Ukrainian forces and resources, in overwhelming numbers and that has been confirmed from space-based surveillance, with an update on the sheer numbers of dead and wounded, by Colonel MacGregor, a former US tank commander...RIP Ukraine...🪦
  • DONALD TRUMP junior & COLONEL DOUGLAS MACGREGOR on Ukraine Russia war PART 2
  • The MSM continue their absolute lies that Russia is losing and Ukraine is winning...HOWEVER, of course, the very opposite is true and the Ukrainians are desperate for more military aid and unfortunately, receiving Storm Shadow missiles from my own country, the UK...A foreign policy I do not support....

    Recently, the Russians launched several Kinzhal (кинжал) hypersonic missiles against Kiev, knocking out arms dumps, etc...The west sends in the ordinance, Russia blows it up....Pointless of the west to continue this....

    The MSM would have us think that Ukraine had won, or is winning, BUT, why else would the Kiev government need to desperately force and abduct civilians, off the streets, to "join up...?"

    "Most of them are dead!"- Ukraine's army DECIMATED says Col. MacGregor."

    "Colonel Douglas MacGregor reveals the devastating truth about Ukraine's standing army, they've been obliterated. President Zelensky this weekend said there are long lines at Ukraine's recruitment centers but there is no evidence of that. Russia continues to decimate air defense across Ukraine ahead of a June offensive. "
  • We all want peace in Ukraine and will secure it with a Russian victory.....The Russians themselves want peace, but were attacked by the deep state nazi minions, following the colour revolution coup of 2014, under the directions of Victoria Nuland...Sometimes it is necessary to be militarily strong and competent, to attain a peace.....Russia is winning and will win.....And then peace....But first the monster must be slain...
  • Ukrainian losses in men and aircraft, infrastructure and weaponry, are absolutely colossal and totally unreported in the main stream western media, of course...
    Russia is taking her time...There is no hurry, as the missiles destroy a variety of military targets....Russia is not even fully mobilised....She does not need to be, to win and winning Russia is, and has been, all along.....The Ukrainian fanatics are being driven to their deaths by the homicidal Zelensky and his dark cabal masters in Washington....
    For a military situations update, see this video from the well informed, Colonel MacGregor...

    "Colonel Douglas MacGregor sits down with Redacted Host Clayton Morris to talk about the impending collapse of western hegemony. The west continues to push for a direct confrontation with the Russia and China while U.S. can't even produce ammunition. "
  • As a former US Army Tank Commander, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, considers the pincer tactics of the Russian winter offensive, to be imminent, based upon the dark new moon, (late Jan-7th Feb) as well as the hardened frozen ground, which is ideal for tanks and heavy vehicles, in the south and north of Ukraine...

    NATO has requested tanks from member nations, for Kiev, but sending German Leopards, American Abrams, British Challengers, et al, is too late to save the Kiev Nazis...
    The British have even complained about advanced Challenger tank technology, falling into Russian hands...Personally, I think we should keep our tanks here...

    Basically, Russia is about to strike a decisive blow and the "west" will lose Ukraine
    and rightly so....
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