Ruth and the Master of Light


                                             FEBRUARY, 2010



                 Wow, what a month!  The Earth has been on a rampage;Haiti in a terrible situation, and “hundred year” storms raging acrossthe Southwest.  We, here in Central Arizona, were snowed in for thefirst time in years – road closures all over the place, our cars unableto get out and, worst of all, no electricity for almost three days.  Ittakes such an experience to realize how much we rely upon power in thiscountry.  Fortunately, we have a gas stove in our basement apt., and afireplace on the main floor, though no fan to spread the heat.  Spentmost of the time bundled up, keeping candles lit, and reading bylantern light.  No computer, battery radio (where are the batteries?),no oven, etc., etc.  Good to be back on line again (10/24).   Husbandand son Dan shoveled the cars out and made paths through the snow toget around..  Scrambling to find more candles.  Lantern oil unavailableat the stores.  The best part was sharing with grandson and his familywho live next door the meals and the dark evenings; the kids loved it! They built an igloo yet!  Of course, many of you are, have been, orwill be, in the same situation and much worse!  Take care of yourselvesand be careful!   At least it does give us some thinking time, awayfrom the TV, and an opportunity  to practice some patience withourselves and the world around us.  Perhaps by Valentine’s Day, theatmosphere will grant us some nice days, hopefully, all over theworld.     


                                  Masters, no questions this time.  Up to you to tell us what we need to know at this time. 



     MASTERS:    “It must seem to all of you that the planet isundergoing a tremendous spurt of tragedies, and so it is.  The quakesin Haiti are evidence of plates in the Caribbean doing a dance of theirown, causing untold hardship and agony for so many.  Unfortunately,this will last for a few more weeks, before this system settles down. That means, also, that other parts of this island and surroundingislands will also experience quakes, some very large, but most rathermild.  The plate movement in the Pacific continues as the Earth is atits most pliable orientation in those locations.  Quakes, tsunamis andvolcanic eruptions will be in the news in the coming month or so, alongwith rises in sea levels that are forcing population movement to otherislands or higher ground.   The storm systems that have been movingacross the U.S. from West to East are but a sample of the change in aircurrents that will become normal in the years to come.  Against all ofthe predictions of the desert areas of the U.S. becoming aridwastelands, they will actually start to become alive with more frequentrainy periods and higher humidity.  On the Eastern Coastal areas, drierconditions will come into place as the great storms from the Atlanticsettle down into more frequent but calmer winds and rains.  Yes, thissounds like a fairy tale to soothe your current problems, but will comeabout very gradually over the years leading up to the 1012 cyclicchange. 

           Earthquakes that are shaking the westerncoasts of the North American Continent will continue for a long time,as the great plates continue to slide under this continent.  There willbe an upliftment of this entire part of the continent as a result,tilting the Eastern part to dip lower into the Atlantic. Not to worrynow, though, that will happen very gradually over the next 100 years. Earth is a planet that is still forming and very affected by thefrequencies and forces that surround it in your solar system.  If ahuman being could live for 200 or 300 years, he/she would see veryclearly the changes occurring during that time. 


     Europe and Asia are both under siege from all of these shifts inthe Earth’s crust and are losing their very necessary glaciers as watersources as they are melting much faster than predicted.  Flooding insome places and drier conditions in others are upsetting the way oflife in many countries.   The possibility of Holland losing theirhard-fought-for land is becoming a real worry there, and even theEnglish isles are beginning to realize the rising sea will cause someadjustments having to be made in the big cities and little towns.  Wehave been speaking about all of this for many years through these pagesthat Ruth has provided for us, and there should be no real surprises ona large scale.   


      This coming month ofFebruary will be one to remember, as weather fronts continue to hit allparts of the planet without prior histories of such happenings.  Ourreaders include many from all over the world and we know they areanxious to understand what they are in for also.  What we can say hereis that there is reason to take stock of your of food and fuel suppliesfor the next few months, as weather conditions will vary to theextreme.  In some places water will become a problem as shifting of thecrust will cause water flows to be disturbed or changed drastically. In the northern parts of the globe, temperatures will also varydrastically, dipping far below what has been considered normal.  Keepwarm clothes on hand, even during the warm cycles.  Southern parts ofthe globe will find themselves in abnormally hot temperatures, as theatmosphere draws down frequencies that bring air currents intoconfusion.  Water will be a problem for inland areas.   We are nottrying to scare you, but you need to be prepared.   


     Humanity is also going through a tremendous change in their ownmental and physical beings as the high frequencies that are causing theworld to draw near the cyclic alignment affect every cell in yourbodies.  Emotions run hot and heavy as communities struggle to keepafloat financially;  crime seems to be everywhere as people topple offtheir fence tops to do things they never would have done in yearspast.  On the brighter side, there is primarily, and most importantly,a wonderful shift in consciousness that is bringing people tounderstand what life is all about, within themselves and the universe. The old tent revivals with the shouting and stomping is revealed as anattempt to reach a spiritual focus, but taking away from the individualtheir own inner feelings and knowledge.  Religions have always beenneeded to find some kind of focus on the good in people, but some havedrifted into commercial and overly-financially-based businesses.  Keepwhat is comfortable to you from those teachings – they are part of youfrom your childhood in many instances.   But, today, the way has beencleared to find and understand the immensity that is the universal lifeand energy in all things.   No longer is “God” pictured as an old,bearded man on a throne.  Instead the energy (and we use that wordbecause there are too many complexities that are involved within it touse here)  is understood to be what everything is made of – planets,stars, human beings, animals, sea life all plants, the air, the rain,furniture, electronics, the ground you walk upon.  This is allcontained in the mind of the Creator and given with love to allcreation.   How to explain what “Creator” means?   Humanity will haveto progress  in the next five hundred years before you could possiblyunderstand that word.  Human beings are extremely complicated sentientbeings that have within them genes and cells that cannot beartificially fabricated , no matter how hard your scientists try. Simply because these cells and genes are being re-formed minute byminute as the frequencies of this world are changing minute by minute. There is no such thing as “status quo”.  All is in constant movementand transition that is speeding up now.   Gardeners, look carefully atthe new plants as they come up this year; you will see differences andvariations that were not there before, as they go through mutationsthat are necessary to compliment the new frequencies around them.   Newspecies of animals and sea life are already being discovered, and willcontinue to be so.    New species of humans?   No, but the risingintelligence levels will bring the world to a much better sense ofinner knowledge, wisdom, and confidence in the coming years.   Youryounger children are already showing these new levels, and sometimesare being “treated” for their anomalies. 


     You are living in a new world in the making, make no bones about it. Many people are living much longer lives now as they intuit that thereis too much of interest to let go!  Many others are leaving theirbodies because of the intense conditions and, of course, because of theearth movements that are raging all over the world.  It is verydifficult to realize the agony of millions of people who have beencaught in natural disasters, leaving them without food, water, orshelter from either the raging Sun or intense cold.  Why must theysuffer so?   You have been taught that each Soul has a reason forincarnating into matter in order to experience life in all its states. Is it really possible that so many people have intended to go throughsuch horrible lifetimes to achieve the knowledge of bodily pain andmisery?   You may not want to accept this, but yes, it is.   There issuch a thing as mass movement of souls to achieve goals that you canhave no understanding of.   The other side of such happenings is tomake those who survive reach their own goals of reaching intothemselves to find their inner strengths and the knowledge of beingable to communicate with the Higher Intelligence that exists all aroundthem in order to make their world a better place.   This is what it allcomes down to. 


      For now, it is time totake notice of your surroundings and the way you live.  A clear minddemands a dwelling kept clean and neat.  Acquiring “things” has becomea national pastime, making a lot of millionaires very happy (at yourexpense).   We know you are trying to make sense of all the confusionthat exists right now and you need to think clearly.   We would suggestthat you make time to go through your belongings and weed out what hasbeen accumulated (in case you might need it some day) and make somerealistic decisions about keeping them.  Television programs have beenfeaturing people whose homes are piled with “things” to a point ofbeing health hazards, etc.  Remember, the more you have and acquire,the more you are responsible for.  Un-needed belongings act as ananchor, dragging you down.  Check out that closet you can’t stand tolook into, or the boxes in the attic that are moldering away.   Dearhearts, we encourage you to dispose of or share what you no longer needin order to give your spirits a lift you have not felt in a long time. The new world that is forming needs space, space in your minds andemotions to form new ways and feelings.   Ignore the ads for thegadgets and fancies that will only end up being stuffed in a drawerwhen the newness wears off.  Give your mind room to bring into beingnew concepts of living that will benefit you and your families now andin the years to come.   You are the creators on this planet – go toit!”




                                                  This article seems to me to be timely!


                                                          PERSONAL ENERGIES


               “Uniting energies of one person to another is the way tocreate power.  This is not new, of course, prayer groups have beendoing this for hundreds of years.  The results of such concentrated,united communication with the Higher Forces in your universe is alwaysmost obvious.  At a time when there is so much destruction, hatred, andcruelty in your world, every enlightened individual has theresponsibility to join with others to create strong energies of Love,which is the only force that will bring humanity to the point of livingpeacefully together.  All the rockets and explosives in the world willnot create one loving condition.


      We seeso many people starting to be aware of the fact that they are somethingmore than flesh and blood, that something else is happening withintheir minds and feelings.  For some, this is a little frightening orthey feel their families and friends would think they are going nuts,so they keep that knowledge to themselves.  This is not the time to hugnew revelations to yourself – it is a time to find another seekingperson, to share the awareness and the experiences, to study thescriptures, without religious blinders, for there is so much in yourBible and in all religious writings that contain universal truth whenreligious man-made distortions are disregarded.  When people talk toeach other, they look into each other’s eyes (if you can get them totake their sun glasses off!) - this is an energy contact.  It is evenbetter to hold hands, for then the energy flow between people “evensout” the flows in each of them.  If one person is in a state ofdespondency, the energy of the other will bring that person back toreality, without diminishing the stronger energy of the giver.  Yoursociety today, unfortunately, because of sexual overtones, frowns uponhand-holding between people.  What nonsense!  Hands are conduits ofenergy from the universe and when they are joined with other hands, thejoined life force creates that sense of belonging, of Love, that flowsthroughout all creation.    Many groups make circles and join hands. Only they can tell you how united this makes them feel – how connected,not just to each other, but to all things.  Today the high frequenciesthat are surrounding your planet and flowing into your bodies can bequite uncomfortable at times, causing mysterious reactions, along withsome aches and pains.  This can all be eased as the connection withother people, physically, equalizes the enigmatic occurrences. Massaging each other, laying hands on each other, even just touching insmall ways, is like turning on a switch and lighting up the darkplaces.  Human energy is created by the Life Force itself that fuelsall life and your planet.  Understanding the power of your own energyis the secret of a healthy, long life.  The medical profession isfinally understanding the connection between mind and the physicalbody, but many are still protesting this knowledge, for, after all,that will enable people to heal themselves!


     The “art” of healing is called many things, but it was, and alwayswill be, a channeling of energy from the universal life force throughthe mind and body of the healer to the person being healed.  Christianhealing has always emphasized that healing comes from God, and they areright.  If a person were to heal another with their own personalenergy, they will fall down senseless.  There must be the realizationof the tremendous force of energy that is utilized for physical andmental healing – it cannot be done without drawing in the power that isnecessary.  Even when a large prayer group prays for a healing, theirown energies must be combined with spiritual power in order for thathealing to be accomplished.  By doing so, the healer relinquisheshis/her own concepts of what the person to be healed needs, for thatwould limit the scope of the healing and perhaps direct itincorrectly.  Healing energy (creative energy) spreads through a bodycompletely, with the body itself directing it where it is needed.


     Healing someone’s thought patterns and/or a disturbed mind, is evenmore complicated and must not be directed.  Many people are now prayingfor the deliverance of leaders who are hell-bent on destroying anythingthat does not meet with their concepts of what should be.  Their mentalconfusion is often wrapped up in religious dogmas and cultural conceptsof long standing.  Pray for them, indeed, but don’t tell God to keepthem from doing something or changing their minds.  Place nolimitations, no directions, no concepts of your own into the prayers toconfuse the issue in request for energy healing for such leaders. Instead, direct your prayers for layers of healing energy to overlaythe problem areas – ask that the spiritual guidance of wayward personsbecomes stronger and that their own conscience becomes clearer in itsintentions.  In other words, let the Creator take care of what needs tobe done.  All that you need do is furnish the loving energy from yourown consciousness to start the process and keep it going!  Thoughtprecedes action, in all ways!


      Send yourhealing energies to all those who are suffering so much from theignorance and cruelty of humanity and the effects of a world stretchingand complaining in its transition to a new cycle of being.  Theenergies you send will help them in ways you cannot imagine, bringingstrength and love to those who have hurt others and who have beenhurt.  Start the spiral of directed energy and it will automatically bedrawn to those who are in need of it.  This is your Gift, and yourspiritual responsibility.


                                                                        God Bless You All!






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     Still accepting requests for personal spiritual readings.  If youwish, you may gift a friend or loved one with a reading .  However,that person must ask his or her own questions.  Your Spiritual Teachersand Guides are contacted for this purpose.  Please e-mail me forinformation as how to obtain a reading.








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                                                                                                       Ruth Ryden

                                                                                                  2806 N. Apple Lane

                                                                                                Payson, Arizona  85541-7328


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