The idea of Sacred Space has been one of the foundations of Native American philosophy throughout time.  We see all life-forms as having their own Medicine Wheel or life-cycles.  Each life-form from a Stone Person to a Cloud Person to a Standing Person (tree) has a space that deserves respect.  Every Creature-being has its own territory and respects the territory of other animals.  Two-leggeds also have a personal space that, if respected, becomes Sacred Space.

Nature teaches us how to know ourselves in the purest way possible.  If we listen and watch, every lesson of human living is given by the animals, the changes in the Wind, Father Sky, Mother Earth, and All our Relations.  each aspect of our world has its own space in which to create.  If that space is respected by others, growth continues in harmony.

For instance, in the forest each Standing Person is naturally seeded by the Wind.  Many trees may grow close together until one among them becomes stronger and needs more room.  The others will naturally respect the space of the one who has the best chance of maturing and seeding others of its kind.  The weakest ones sometimes uproot and use their bodies to fertilize the stronger one.  When these Standing People were smaller, they served each other as protection, and later they served the whole Tree Tribe by allowing the stronger one to survive.  This is an act of selfless Love.  The spirit of every Standing Person who contributed to the survival of the strong one is still alive in the forest even though the trunk, branches and roots may have changed form.  The decay of the body in service has allowed that Standing Person's spirit to grow and evolve.

Other Creature-beings also respect Sacred Space by marking the area of their territory with their urine.  They will not cross another animal's border unless they are looking for food when it is scarce.  If food is plentiful, even a Two-legged can mark a campsite with urine and have the marked area respected.  There is no reason for an animal to invade another's space unless that Creature-being is hunting or is physically attacked.

In Humankind, Sacred Space extends to our habitat, belongings and feelings as well as our bodies.  We Two-leggeds may feel invaded if our car or home is broken into,  We certainly feel invaded if violence is done to our bodies, but we don't need to feel mauled if someone else has different beliefs or ideas.  If another person states her point of view and our internal knowing says, "This idea does not feel like it fits into my personal knowing," there is never any need to defend our personal right to be.

The concept of Sacred Space is more than a belief in the Native American way of thinking.  From the earliest Life-lessons, Indian children are taught to listen and respect the words of others, especially their Elders.  These children are taught the value of their possessions and no one touches their things without permission.  Consequently, through example, children do not touch the belongings of others without consent.  Adults allow the children the right to have their own ideas, their own possessions, their own play and work areas, as well as their own rights and respect.  Just because a child is not fully developed does not mean that their Sacred Space should not be respected.  If a child learns the ideas of Sacred Space through example, that child will always respect the ideas, belongings, homes and bodies of others.

This practice of teaching respect gives humans the understanding of how other Life-forms have their own Sacred Space and individual mission to accomplish in this Earth Walk.  A Traditional Medicine Person would never cross a forest without asking permission from the Chief Standing Person (tree) or the Creature-beings that lived there.  A Tobacco offering would be made and if the request was denied, the decision would be honored by the Indian seeking permission to enter.

How conceited is it for a Two-legged to believe that humans are the only creatures Great Mystery created with their Sacred Space attached?  Is it possible that the Heyokah, or Trickster, part of Great Mystery has played a cosmic joke on everyone?  Is it only the Two-leggeds who don't understand Sacred Space?  Are all of our plant, animal, stone, cloud and natural element counterparts here to serve as Guardians for us until we wake up?  Sometimes it seems so.  If we could laugh at the joke without crying, we might make some progress in the areas of self-respect and the respect of others.

Defining our boundaries is important.  For instance, if we have a house guest and we don't give the ground rules we expect to be maintained in our home, we will certainly be angry if unspoken rules are broken.  The anger is usually at ourselves for not discussing the ground rules in the beginning.

The damage done to a child when his or her Sacred Space is invaded at an early age may require a lifelong healing process.  This damage can be created through physical or emotional abuse, the destruction of belongings, the refusal to allow the child an opinion, favoritism of one child over another by parents, not honoring the child's freedom of choice when selecting clothing or toys, neglect or constant Mother-smothering.  These instances teach a child, through example, that nobody is to be respected and in turn that child may become self-destructive.  When a child believes that his or her space, belongings and persona are not held in high regard by others, he or she often carries that legacy of abuse into future Life situations.

Many times Indian children will be encouraged to find their favorite place to be by themselves.  This is a lesson in choosing for oneself as well as a way to teach the child to enjoy the company of Self.  Of course, the child will also be in the company of nature's creatures and will find a connection to the Earth Mother through making a shelter or playhouse.  Children grow when they are allowed to use their own creativity, imagination, intuition and self-reliance.  This special place is not visited by the parents without an invitation from the child.  All materials the child needs are provided along with answers to the child's questions regarding the use of these materials.  The child is urged to use her or his own talent to complete the Sacred Space.  It is very important for the parents to praise a job well-done and not to criticize the child's efforts.

One of the most important elements in instilling the understanding of Sacred Space is to allow children to develop the talents they have through posing questions that will allow them to think for themselves.  If Indian children act silly or can't get an answer for themselves, their Grandparents may just ignore them and speak as if the child is not present.  For instance, one Grandparent may say, "I wonder why Blue Heron wants to be so silly?  He must not want to hear his own answers."  Then the other Grandparent may reply, "No, I think he got stung by Bumble Bee and is buzzing around his own head."  The child may be sitting two feet in front of the Grandparents, and being treated as if he is not there, gets his attention.  This may go on for days until the child works out his own answer to the question posed.  When the child uses his thinking process and finds the answer, he is rewarded through becoming visible again.  The child feels a sense of accomplishment and worthiness.  The lesson further instills respect for the Grandparents and the value of their wisdom.

Every inch of our Earth Mother is the home of one Life-form or another.  We are guests in another's space when we leave our own.  We share air, food, soil, water and sunlight with ALL living things.  We only one Mother earth and by her grace we are given the guardianship of our Sacred Spaces during our Earth Walk.  We must clean our personal Sacred Spaces in order to learn respect for others.  The time is NOW and the power is in understanding the validity of each Life-form's right to Life.

Sacred Space insists on respect for the possessions, ideas, homes and persons of others.  This also applies to demanding it for the Self.  Mark your territory.  Respect yourself so that others will see that reflection in themselves and in how they deal with you.  Be willing to say no.

Sacred Space means that you consider your body, feelings and possessions sacred and will not allow others to abuse them.  Only invite those who have earned the right into your Sacred Space.  You are the one who sets up how other people treat you through how you treat yourself.

In all cases the respect you show yourself and other Life-forms determines how you relate to the Planetary Family.  If you allow others to be destructive in your sacred Space, on some level you don't have the guts to be disliked.  It is not important to be liked by others, but it is important to be able to Live with yourself.  Happiness begins within.

I don't remember where I found this several years ago, but, I Love the message it contains and wanted to share it with you.  I trust it will have the positive effect on you that it has on me.

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  • Thank you both for your responses.

    Yes, Peekay, me too. Having had at least one native incarnation, and having Cherokee genetics in this Life experience, I have a great affinity for the wisdom contained in the oral traditions of the Amerindians. Not that their Lifestyles were ideal....they had their challenges just as we do......just of a different ilk. What I Love about their Lifestyles is that they Lived so close to and had such a keen appreciation for the Earth Mother and Nature and honored that. I Truly believe they felt a great oneness with this planet and each other. I feel it's a vital ingredient on this plane that we respect the earth and each other. Is not respect a great portion of Love?
  • True.
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