Linda DillonSai Baba's Gift of Transmutation and Transformation"I am Sai Baba, greetings. I teach you this before we go forward tocontinue our journeys on the other planes. We have learned thisbefore, and I refresh your memory."For each of you is known in Altazerra, Lemuria, throughout thegalaxies, but you have need of it here. You will call upon the sourcewithin you, and speak my name that I will join you in joyful serviceand laughter. You will place that which you wish to gain - it need notbe analyzed, for this is foolish –and you place it within your hands,much like the gifts from your Mother, Mary. You will feel the weightincrease as the matter and anti-matter build. You will look at it andsee it, not a vision but as an actuality. You will do this until thereis form. Do no re-begin the exercise each day for this would take tomuch time.Take several minutes of you day for creation and with the third eye,visualize into reality. Then return each the next day and continue.When you practice always beginning, you create beginnings. So, buildupon that which you do. Think of it as a piece of clay that you aremolding into a sculpture. Allow your mind to wander, please. It is notas yet instantaneous for you, but it shall be, in your time andspace." …"The gift of the creation has always been part of the abilities of thehumankind, as witnessed in the birth of a child, the viewing of abeautiful piece of art, the reading of a good book or the observationof a great city. What the human race has created has sometimes comefrom the purity of Love and sometimes from the erratic and destructiveenergy of chaos. Creation has always been part of our skill set,albeit, often misunderstood. The process of creation isoftenmisperceived or ignored, as demonstrated by people's vociferousupset and denial when they create obstacles in their lives. The sameis true when you create and bring in wonderful things into you life.You claim it is luck, good fortune, good karma or payback. Seldom doyou stop to acknowledge your powerful creation skills.One of the gifts of the 13th Octave is the ability to transmutematter, in essence, to create something with form, weight and densityout of thin air. Why is this gift so important for accessing theUniversal Internet and anchoring the 13th Octave? When an ability isyearned for by an entire soul-group, then it is a clear indicationfrom the universe that there is change in the air and our beings, ourway of doing things are about to change. One example of this is thetrend for many to bypass the offerings of traditional religions andplay directly with God. The spiritual systems of man are no longerhorizontal, but vertical; no longer requiring an intermediary ortranslator. The old forms for participation are falling by the waysideand a new different approach of learning and mastering in terms ofcreation are available. You are all being invited and coached inlearning these new techniques, even those individuals who weren'tconcerned or excited about the prospect.They have come to join with you, to honor you and to teach you the wayof new forms of being. The telepathic communication is minor. It istime for all of us to teach you the art of transmutation. We havespoken of this before. But, there is a need to have this gift ready,present and practiced to all. No only those within this room, but allwho walk the Earth. The key to transmutation is the Love. It is thespark that will give the energy to change all. Understand that matteris an illusion and it the form you choose. You have each chosenwisely, as teacher and messenger to many. Honor thyself and go forwardwith our love, our blessings and our unending support. Go in peace."….Lord KuthumiAcceptance and anchoring of this gift is essential is for anchoringthe new way of existence. It requires surrender. It requires releaseof all previously held notions of how things work. It requires thatyou acknowledge you participation within the creation process. YourAscended Masters, your sacred circle of 13 wishes you to stand backand allow the universal energies to work through you in order that youunderstand all creation is possible.How to:This is a two-step process. The first of which is clearing. In orderto access the gift, you need to clear. You have been given a host ofclearing techniques through the gifts and materials of the 13thOctave. The essential element in clearing is to anchor in your heartcenter, feel the emotion that blocks; acknowledge it without trying toanalyze it or enter your mental body. Allow it to pass through yourheart where it is transmuted by the Love, and then allow it to exit.One of the most effective methods is a sound through your (throatchakra/center for change). The sound contains all cellular memory ofthe emotion and allows all aspects of it to be completely released tothe universe. It is re-absorbed into the Light and made useful again.The sound is not a chant, tone or anything other than the gut non-rehearsed vibration that comes out of the mouth. Do this clearingexercise until a sense of calm comes over you (usually about 20-30minutes). Stop and then re-anchor in your heart and go about your day.Repeat this exercise daily until the emotion that is blocking you issimply no longer present. If you have a tendency to reclaim old stuff,make sure that you fill the empty space with your soul color orwhatever color comes to you at the moment. Then go to the secondemotion and the next block. The fact that you need to be clear tocomplete transmutation does not mean, "don't begin again." Both ofthese processes work in tandem and anchor by degree.The second part of the exercise is the creation of activity. As withall sacred ceremony, begin with a prayer or invocation, especially toSai Baba who is the overseer of this process. Anchor in your heart.Place you hands together and rest them in your lap similar to aBuddhist monk. Make sure your hands are not closed or joined tightlytogether. Visualize placing the object or situation you wish to createwithin the cup of your hands. Feel your hands become heavy with theweight you are calling from the universe to merge into the energywithin your hands. Feel it getting heavier until you would think itwas assuming material form. Look at it. See it. Sense it growing. Dothis for about 15-20 minutes. Don't push your tolerance level. Thenstop. Thank Sai Baba and continue your day.Return the next day and resume the same exercise with the same objectand build the energy. The most important aspect of this phase is tonot judge the creation. Do not make it a mental process. What I'vediscovered through my work with 13ers who are seriously pursuing thisexercise is that we have not yet progressed to the point where theobjects are simply materializing in the hands. In most cases, thedesired item is too big. How this energy is manifesting itself is theobject or situation is presented to you in several days aftercompletion in the most easy and unusual circumstances. This processrequires patience, compassion and perseverance. It is guaranteed tobring up all outstanding issues for clearing, which achieves exactlywhat the Masters wish to accomplish – to have you surrender.

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